Chuck Norris: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Fight Scenes Of His Career, Ranked

Chuck Norris: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Fight Scenes Of His Career, Ranked

Despite having unofficially retired a couple of years ago, Chuck Norris still remains a popular action star thanks to the hundreds of memes about him that keep doing the rounds on the internet. The actor’s tough persona has made him a darling among movie fans, and eventually a pop culture fixation who saw a resurgence in the 2000’s.

Chuck Norris was inspired to pursue his craft by legendary actor Steve McQueen. The action star used to be a martial arts trainer for various celebrities, and that’s how he met McQueen. He took the actor’s advice seriously and the rest is simply history. Here are his most impressive and unimpressive fights from his memorable career.

BEST: J.J. McQuade Vs Rawley Wilkes (Lone Wolf McQuade)

Chuck Norris: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Fight Scenes Of His Career, Ranked

Before he was Walker Texas Ranger, Chuck Norris portrayed another Texas Ranger. Maybe this was even his inspiration for the iconic TV role. Chuck played the crime-fighting J.J McQuade in the 1983 film Lone Wolf McQuade.

The movie has one of his best fight scenes which involves him battling the gangster Rawley Wilkes. The scene plays off like that of a Spaghetti Western complete with Sergio Leone-esque music but instead of guns, the two men opt for kicks and punches. The choreography was done by Chuck’s brother Aaron.

WORST: Chuck Slaughter Vs Don Wong (Slaughter In San Francisco/ Yellow Faced Tiger)

In Slaughter In San Francisco (or Yellow Faced Tiger in China) Wong Tao is a police officer looking to revenge the death of his partner at the hands of notorious San Francisco drug dealer named (wait for it) Chuck Slaughter. The showdown between the two in the final moments has some amazing moments but it doesn’t quite excite.

At least Chuck Norris got to keep his first name here. His surname was probably picked to make him look more badass, but it didn’t quite work out. This was probably because he didn’t feel too comfortable in the villainous role. After all, he just fights better when he’s the protagonist.

BEST: Recruit Training (Delta Force 2)

chuck norris in Delta Force 2

During the height of Pablo Escobar’s reign, several action movies tried to ride in on the hype and have drug lords as the villains. Such was the case for Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection, where Major Scott McCoy leads a team of Deltas to Colombia to stop the flow of drugs to the US.

In one scene, Major Scott McCoy trains a team of Delta Force cadets on how to kick ass. The best thing about the training? He isn’t lenient at all. Using his finger, he signals them to approach him, one by one. By the end of it, they are all writhing in pain.

WORST: Jake Wilder Vs A Crowed (Top Dog)

Chuck Norris in Top Dog

This was the last Chuck Norris movie to be released theatrically. It was basically the nail in the coffin, thanks to the not-so-impressive fight scenes. In Top Dog, a cop named Jake Wilder (Chuck Norris) gets paired up with a police dog named Reno to fight crime because cute animal sidekicks were the norm in ’90s family movies.

In one scene, Jake faces off against a huge crowd inside a room. There are about 30 men in there and he manages to take them out all by himself. What’s sadder about the scene is that most of the goons just stand there waiting for their turn to get beaten and at no point do they assist each other. Maybe they were scared of Chuck Norris’ dog.

BEST: Col. James Braddock vs Colonel Yin (Missing In Action 2)

Chuck Norris in Missing In Action 2

It’s never a good idea to hold a skilled military man like Colonel James Braddock captive, and Colonel Yin found out the hard way. In this sequel to what is arguably Chuck Norris’ most famous movie, Braddock gets captured and locked up in a brutal camp in Vietnam where he is tortured and threatened.

He finally breaks free as expected and goes on to fight Colonel Yin inside a wooden shed. Despite having the advantage of being the only one with a gun, Braddock drops the weapon to ensure the fight is fair. Every kick serves as a form of punishment for everything that Yin did to him. That, and there’s plenty of strangling too.

WORST: Col. Scott McCoy vs Carlos (Delta Force 2)

For this movie, Chuck’s brother Aaron promoted himself and did the directing instead of just the fight choreography. The choreography was done by Rick Prieto, who also portrayed the henchman Carlos.

Rick has belts in the Tang Soo Do and Chun Kuk Do martial arts disciplines but he didn’t quite bring his best here. The fight scene includes the famous roundhouse kicks but is ruined by some basic one-liners as McCoy. The whole fight also seems pretty one-sided.

BEST: Walker Vs Lazurus (Walker Texas Ranger)

Ranger Walker normally made a meal out of his opponents but things were not so easy when he faced off against the assassin Lazarus (Roger Yuan). Walker Texas Ranger has numerous fight scenes over its 200 plus episodes but this one stood out for its difficulty.

Yuan showcased plenty of acrobatic skills that were almost a reference to The Matrix. He was too quick for Walker, though the law enforcement hero never lost his cool. But it wasn’t all about fists and kicks alone. Some guns were fired too, resulting in an incredible, all-in-one fight scene.

WORST: Sean Kane vs The Professor (An Eye For An Eye)

The movie is basically a remake of  Slaughter in San Francisco. Chuck Norris is now the vengeful cop looking to get payback for his partner’s death at the hands of ruthless drug lord portrayed by Christopher Lee.

He ends up fighting Lee’s henchman Prof. Toru Tanaka who has been able to beat up everyone so far due to his intimidating size. Kane manages to beat him but there’s nothing unique about it because ‘David Vs Goliath’ scenes have been seen so many times in action movies, and they’ve been done a lot better than this.

BEST: Colt Vs Tang Lu (Way Of The Dragon)

Bruce Lee Chuck Norris Way of the Dragon

Chuck Norris wasn’t as huge a star at this point. In fact, this was his on-screen debut but he ended up blessing audiences with one of the best fight scenes. The setting was a Colosseum in Rome, a nod to the gladiatorial battles of ancient times. Norris did very little talking and let his body do all the work.

Aside from being the one with Chuck Norris, this movie was also Bruce Lee’s directorial debut. He also starred in the lead role. The epic fight scene pits Bruce Lee’s character Tang Lung against the Chuck Norris character Colt. Both don’t hold back on their martial arts skills, throwing kicks like it’s a deathmatch.

WORST: Chuck Norris Vs Kelly Stone (Sidekicks)

Here’s a movie where Chuck Norris played himself. Sidekicks revolves around a boy named Barry who has dreams of being Chuck Norris’ sidekick. The question is, would he really need one?

Barry is also keen on learning martial arts so that he can defend himself against bullies who just so happen to be followers of the evil Kung Fu master Kelly Stone. He thus trains to take on his tormentors all at once. But then someone big shows up to be part of his team, and it’s none other than Chuck Norris himself. The fight scene between Kelly and Norris is all too comical to bring any excitement.

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