Chris Nolan Gets Quizzed About ‘Dark Knight Rises’ At The Oscars

Chris Nolan Gets Quizzed About ‘Dark Knight Rises’ At The Oscars

Inception writer/director Christopher Nolan was at the Oscars supporting his much-lauded science fiction opus, which was nominated for eight awards but ended up winning only four (although, it was one of the big winners on the night).

Talk obviously turned to Nolan’s next directorial effort, a little film called The Dark Knight Rises. The director remained tight-lipped about the project, however that won’t stop fans looking for hidden meanings within his limited comments.

When the British director was stopped on the red carpet by MTV, he was quizzed about the theme for the movie. The interviewer mentioned that the theme for Batman Begins was fear and that for The Dark Knight it was escalation, so what would the theme for The Dark Knight Rises be? Nolan was coy (or evasive) in his response:

“Wow! That’s a tricky one. I actually don’t have an answer for you today. I’m gonna have to really think about that.”

The interviewer then asked him why Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy were chosen for the roles of Selina Kyle and Bane. Again, Nolan didn’t give too much information away, but he did smirk when he said:

“Once you see the film in 2012 you will completely understand why they were the perfect choice for these characters.”

Nolan was finally asked if he would be willing to produce (not direct) another Batman film, with Christian Bale in the lead once he completes The Dark Knight Rises. Again the director gave away very little information when he said:

“Well, I’ll say this: We’re very much excited about really finishing a trilogy and giving a conclusion to our story. And that’s what we’re doing.”

So, what does all of this mean for fans of Batman‘s cinematic exploits? Well, in true Christopher Nolan style, it means everything and nothing. Possibly.

Like the characters in the director’s film The Prestige, Nolan is a master of misdirection. He keeps his cards (and plotlines) close to his chest, revealing what he wants, when he wants. For Nolan, not to know what the central theme of The Dark Knight Rises is, is just too silly to imagine. He has worked on the script and plotted the storyline for his trilogy for nearly a decade. To give it away before the film starts shooting (to an MTV reporter no less) would be unimaginable.

Chris Nolan Gets Quizzed About ‘Dark Knight Rises’ At The Oscars
‘The Dark Knight’ Certainly Pushed the Limit of PG-13…

The casting of Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy is also an important factor, something that Nolan knows. He has something special in store for the characters of Selina Kyle and Bane, something that hasn’t been seen in their previous screen incarnations. Remember how amazed audiences were when they saw Heath Ledger’s Joker? Think about that and then expect something along those lines.

As for Nolan leaving  Gotham for good once The Dark Knight Rises is done and dusted? I wouldn’t imagine that he’d sever ties with the Dark Knight totally. The Batman franchise has offered him the enviable position of being able to make any film he wants (see Inception) and even stepping back and producing the series like he is doing with Superman would keep Warner Bros. happy. It would also afford him the opportunity to keep making personal projects, no matter how big the budget.

There’s not much to go on, but just be willing to expect the unexpected from Christopher Nolan.

Keep reading Screen Rant for more information on The Dark Knight Rises.