Chris Harrison & More Help Influencer With Bachelor-Style Dating For Brother

Instagram Influencer, Dani Austin Ramirez, took it upon herself to find a girlfriend for her older brother after he was stood up on a Zoom date. Over the course of one weekend, Dani re-created her own version of an entire season of The Bachelor, calling it “Match Maker.” In just a short amount of time, Dani managed to include every little detail mimicking the hit dating show, including the symbol of the show, a real red rose for each lucky lady. She even got help from some of the show’s alums, as well as Chris Harrison.

Dani Austin used her large Instagram following of 1.2 million followers to take on her own version of The Bachelor for her older brother Landon. Landon, who is 32 years old, was stood up on a Zoom date while visiting his sister in Texas. Dani took it upon herself to channel her inner Chris Harrison and find a girlfriend for her brother. After giving her followers a short bio of Landon, she encouraged those who were located in her area and interested to send in a short video describing themselves. After going through the numerous applications she received, Dani narrowed down Landon’s options to three lucky girls. She then took Landon shopping for new outfits for the three dates she had planned for him. After a crazy weekend, Landon made his decision on which girl he wanted to pursue a future with before flying her out to Nashville for a weekend with him where he lives. As Dani continued to joke that this was “the most exciting season” yet, many fans would most likely agree as they have expressed how boring Matt James is.

While Dani sprung her spontaneous idea on Landon with very little notice, the sibling duo had a lot of support in their corner. As Dani’s plan began to spread across social media, some people who are quite educated on The Bachelor’s style of dating chimed in on the fun. A few alums of the show actually sent Dani videos with words of support for Landon as he took on the role of Bachelor. Bachelorette Tayshia Adams sent over her kind words to Landon, as she has one the most recent (and successful) experiences with the dating format. Tayshia is supposedly friends with Dani and her husband Jordan. She encouraged Landon to be himself and “have a good time.” Landon also received words of encouragement from Connor Saeli who was on Hannah Brown’s season as well as Hannah Goodwin from Colton Underwood’s season.

While Landon may have needed support to get him through a crazy weekend of finding love, Dani also needed some kind words as the mastermind behind Match Maker. Dani not only came up with this idea, but she also planned out every date, bought Landon a new wardrobe, and even hosted each date for the recap videos posted on her Instagram. Essentially, she took the role of the host on the show, Chris Harrison. Who better to get advice from than Chris himself? Chris sent Dani and Landon a video assuring Landon that he is in good hands as Dani knows everything about the show. He also reminded Landon not to forget the most important thing, his rose.

Everyone agreed that Dani did such a good job with her Match Maker Instagram series, helping her brother find love. With Chris Harrison’s recent resignation from The Bachelor, Dani may want to consider applying to take over his spot. She’s definitely qualified for the role.