Chinese Justice League Posters Include Superman

Chinese Justice League Posters Include Superman

A new batch of posters arrives for the Chinese release of Justice League, and it brings Superman into the mix with some stellar design work. Even before the final shot of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice teased the revival of Superman, few fans or moviegoers believed the DC titan to be truly gone. Sadly, the big moment of his death didn’t quite match the grandiosity of the event in the comics. Likewise, the hero’s resurrection is all but guaranteed to be reversed during Justice League. Still, Warner Bros. and DC have shown restraint in featuring Superman in marketing for the film.

While Superman hasn’t appeared in any of the trailers of promos so far — save a dream sequence featuring Clark Kent — he’s been all over ancillary marketing. We’ve seen him on a Justice League calendar, merch has popped up teasing Superman’s black suit from the comics, and a cameo from Superman even featured in the most recent trailer. Now, the Man of Steel has finally landed his own fantastic poster alongside the rest of the League.

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Warner Bros. (via CBR) released a new set of posters for Justice League to promote the Chinese release of the film. Hollywood has long gone out of the way to market directly to the growing moviegoing audience of China, so it’s no surprise the country received this set of images. What is strange, however, is that Superman is featured with the rest of the team. Check the posters out in the gallery below:

[vn_gallery name=”Chinese Justice League Posters” ]

Blending the kind of minimalism that’s popular in fan art for comic characters with some vivid brushstrokes, the various heroes are brought to life with some stunning color work. The one exception is Batman, who trades the pizazz for a reference to Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns cover. But along with Wonder Woman’s lasso, Flash’s lightning, Cyborg’s energy blast, and Aquaman’s waves, we see Superman stand tall in shades of red and blue.

The lack of Superman in marketing has mostly been to signal that Justice League will deal with the character’s absence in the world. After all, it’s his death that alters Batman’s outlook and causes him and Wonder Woman to assemble the team. Still, Warners and DC haven’t tried too hard to cover up the fact that Superman will return to play a role at some point in the movie. This poster, however, is the most blatant acknowledgement of that. And while it’s a curious move, it’s also hard to argue with it given how sensational these posters are. They may even signal the beginning of a new effort to push Superman to the forefront of marketing for Justice League.

Next: Justice League: Early Box Tracking Reportedly Looks Strong

Key Release Dates

  • Chinese Justice League Posters Include Superman

    Wonder Woman 2
    Release Date:


  • Aquaman
    Release Date:


  • Justice League
    Release Date:


  • Shazam!
    Release Date:
