
After Deadpool: How R-Rated Superheroes Could Change The Game

After Deadpool: How R-Rated Superheroes Could Change The Game

Ask any movie industry fan or studio executive, and they’ll tell you the same thing: R-Rated movies almost always make ...

10 Underrated Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies

10 Underrated Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies

As superheroes continue to defeat the forces of evil – and their competition at the box office – more and ...

10 Movies Hidden in Popular TV Shows

10 Movies Hidden in Popular TV Shows

The days of television being seen as the smaller, cheaper version of films is long over, with some of the ...

10 Movies You Won’t Believe Are Based on REAL Stories

10 Movies You Won’t Believe Are Based on REAL Stories

When a story unfolds in the real world that seems like a movie come to life, Hollywood studios don’t waste ...

9 Incredibly Hard to Shoot Movie Scenes

9 Incredibly Hard to Shoot Movie Scenes

Hollywood blockbusters only succeed by raising the pace, scale or budget of the on-screen action. These days it’s safe to ...

10 Clues to Quentin Tarantino’s Shared Movie Universe

10 Clues to Quentin Tarantino’s Shared Movie Universe

Thanks to the massive success of The Avengers and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the franchise model of a “shared movie universe” ...

10 Hidden Adult Easter Eggs In Disney Movies

  Tangled In the last act of Tangled, Flynn is getting escorted to his execution when he sees a small ...

10 Terrible Movie Castings That Could Have Happened

10 Terrible Movie Castings That Could Have Happened

It’s no secret that making a film is tough work, and the director has a myriad of decisions he or ...

10 Movies That Stole Their Stories From Other Films

10 Movies That Stole Their Stories From Other Films

After so many years of telling stories on the big screen, it’s hard to find a narrative that is 100 ...

10 Hilarious Details Hidden in Popular Movies

10 Hilarious Details Hidden in Popular Movies

No matter how serious, every movie is made with the assumption that fans will be looking at the exact characters, ...

10 Most Hilarious Improvised TV Moments Of All Time

Friends Friends is one of the most iconic and beloved television shows of all time – and one of the ...

10 REAL Stories Behind Terrifying Horror Films

10 REAL Stories Behind Terrifying Horror Films

Moviegoers have always been captivated by what they don’t understand, and one of the biggest mysteries of human nature is a ...

10 Video Games We Want To See On Film

10 Video Games We Want To See On Film

There aren’t all that many good movies based on video games, but maybe that’s just because the right adaptation hasn’t ...

20 Hidden Mistakes In Kids Movies That You Never Noticed

You might think that taking actual people out of a movie means taking the mistakes and human error out with ...

10 Biggest Editing Mistakes in Movies

10 Biggest Editing Mistakes in Movies

We all know that mistakes happen. But when hundreds of millions of dollars are on the line, you would think ...

The Secret Family Relations Between Disney Princesses

The Secret Family Relations Between Disney Princesses

No movie universe has shaped young minds or found a place in kids’ hearts like the decades of Disney’s animated ...

20 Movie Scenes You Should NEVER Watch With Your Parents

  Sex scenes can be very awkward and not just for actors, but for the audience too. These pivotal moments ...

10 Amazing Superheroes Who Would Be Real Life Psychopaths

Have you ever thought what it would be like if some of your favourite superheroes really existed? Sure they may ...

10 Mind Blowing Fights in Superhero Movies

10 Mind Blowing Fights in Superhero Movies

The superhero genre has taken over the film industry in recent years, thanks in no small part to the spectacular ...

10 Amazing Scenes in Terrible Movies

10 Amazing Scenes in Terrible Movies

Nobody intentionally sets out to make a bad movie, but it invariably does happen from time to time. Whether it’s ...