Castlevania: 10 Most Powerful Characters In The Netflix Series

Castlevania: 10 Most Powerful Characters In The Netflix Series

Castlevania offers—to many video game fans—one of the best adaptations of a game franchise out there with compelling characters, gorgeous animation, and a story that blends various games together to create rich TV lore. Lasting 4 seasons, the action-horror series was able to bring in lots of elements within each episode that made it feel truly special.

It also introduced audiences to many characters from the iconic video game series as well as original cast members for the show that fans have enjoyed watching. And among the roster of vampires, humans, and monsters, just who was the strongest of them all?


Castlevania: 10 Most Powerful Characters In The Netflix Series

Introduced in the 4th season alongside Varney, Ratko leads an assault against the people who remain in Targoviste after Dracula attacked the city for killing his wife in the 1st season. While Varney aims to resurrect Dracula, Ratko is more interested in killing anyone who stands in his way so that the vampires can rule the land.

During this last season, Ratko battles Trevor Belmont and shows that despite his muscular size, he is just as swift as he is powerful. With his vampire abilities and sword fighting skills, Ratko just lost to Trevor after the sacrifice of Zamfir.


Magician from Castlevania

During Isaac’s journey to return to his master, Dracula, in the 3rd season, he encountered a place that was overtaken by an old and wicked magician who enslaved everyone to build himself a new city. While the character only appeared for 1 episode and had no dialogue, he did present a large obstacle for Isaac.

Using his magic to overtake the minds of the townspeople, he was able to manipulate all of their movements while hiding at the top of his tower. And he was even able to gather them together to create a gigantic orb of people that nearly stopped Isaac and his demons in their tracks.


Carmilla was revealed to be part of the Council of Sisters alongside 3 other female vampires including Morana, Lenore, and Striga. Acting as the military commander, the latter demonstrated just how strong she can be and why she commands their soldiers.

In the 4th season, she wears the intimidating Day Armour that allows her to fight in the daylight while being protected. She easily kills the humans that have attempted to attack her army’s base of operations and she is even able to wield a massive sword while also jumping in the air and throwing her foes like rag dolls.

Sypha Belnades

Trevor and Sypha say goodbye to Alucard in Castlevania

During Trevor’s journey in the 1st season, he meets and eventually teams up with Sypha Belnades, a sorcerer who served as part of a magicians group known as Speakers. Since their initial meeting, Trevor and Sypha would continue to have many adventures together while stopping the wicked creatures and humans that have plagued their land.

Unlike other magicians in the series, Sypha has the unique ability to control the elements to create a number of weapons and tools to aid her in combat. Not also has she used these to dismember a number of demons and vampires singlehandedly, but she was also able to help defeat Dracula alongside Trevor and Alucard in one of the best scenes in the series.


Isaac battles Carmilla in her castle

Throughout the 2nd and 3rd seasons, Carmilla proved to be a cunning and manipulative character who wanted to become a vampire ruler unlike any other. Accompanied by her Council of Sisters, she even came close to turning neighboring villages and towns into an endless food supply for them.

But after Isaac infiltrated her lair alongside his Night Creatures, audiences were treated to her true strength when they finally confronted her. Able to use her sword skills effectively and enhanced speed and strength, she was able to take down countless demons and nearly defeated Isaac by sacrificing herself to cause a massive explosion.


Alucard in Castlevania Season 4

Fans of the video game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on the PlayStation 1 finally saw the protagonist Alucard revealed at the end of the 1st season and became one of the main characters for the series. With emotional story arcs and opening himself to humans, he easily became one of the show’s best characters.

And he also proved to be one of the strongest characters in the series too. Not also did he defeat some strong soldiers in Dracula’s army, but he even showed to have unique abilities too like transforming himself into a wolf and using an enchanted sword. And with the show’s success, maybe it’s time for a remake of Symphony of the Night.

Trevor Belmont

Trevor battles the demonic Visitor

Trevor Belmont was the last living member of his family after they were wrongfully accused of black magic, despite protecting people from the creatures of the night. The show saw him slowly grow into the role of a responsible monster hunter while becoming a better person thanks to his newfound friends.

The beer-loving monster hunter stole the show on more than one occasion, having fought against powerful demons, cyclops’, and even Death itself. And while he may have used his quick wit and powerful tools he discovered across the series to do so, he has proven to be a worthy person to carry the Belmont legacy.


One of the two forge masters who served Dracula to cleanse the Earth from humanity, Isaac proved to be no pushover as the vampires serving his master questioned both of them. He easily killed the vampire Godbrand and has since then shown that he is just as handy to kill monsters as he is to create them.

Since Godbrand’s defeat, he has continued to show his power as he easily turned many of his opponents into his own personal soldiers who traveled across the world with him. And with his trusty dagger, he was able to defeat the likes of Carmilla and the Magician, he has demonstrated that he had one of the best character arcs in the show.


Trevor faces Death in his true form

The end of the 4th season revealed that Varney was actually the personification of Death, a towering being who eats the souls of the departed. Wanting to use the resurrection of Dracula to feed off his victims, this character planned to become the strongest creature in the world.

And if it wasn’t for Trevor’s weapons and his allies’ help, Death could have achieved its goal. Even in their state before being defeated, they are able to use a gigantic scythe, grow in size, and withstand magical attacks thrown against it. Death may have only appeared briefly, but the character’s influence and power of manipulation in the 4th season could be felt throughout that led to one of the best episodes by IMDb.


Ever since the 1st episode, Dracula showed exactly why he was the most powerful character in the entire show. After the brutal murder of his wife, he takes revenge against the city and the inhabitants responsible with demons, raining blood, and fire to intimidate and bring death to the human race.

And while he only lasted for 2 seasons, he showed off that he was no pushover in personal combat too. Despite being weakened by a lack of blood, he very nearly defeated Alucard, Trevor, and Sypha after they teleported his castle next to the old Belmont’s residence.