Cary Elwes Talks The Historical Sweetwater, Potential Saw Return & More

Cary Elwes Talks The Historical Sweetwater, Potential Saw Return & More

Where baseball had Jackie Robinson, the NBA had Nat “Sweetwater” Clifton, whose story is finally being explored in Sweetwater. The sports biopic explores the story of the Harlem Globetrotter who would become the first African-American to sign a contract with the pro basketball league for the New York Knickerbockers, though faced plenty of hardship along the way.

Everett Osborne leads the ensemble cast of Sweetwater alongside Jeremy Piven, Cary Elwes, Kevin Pollak, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Ri’chard, Gary Clark Jr., Jim Meskimen, and Eric Roberts. Exploring both Sweetwater’s direct story, and the impact he had on those around him, the film is an emotionally resonant adaptation of a living legend’s life.

Ahead of the film’s release, Screen Rant spoke exclusively with star Cary Elwes to discuss Sweetwater, his learning of the film’s true story, his potential Saw franchise return, working with Zack Snyder on Rebel Moon, and more.

Cary Elwes on Sweetwater, Saw Return & Rebel Moon

Cary Elwes Talks The Historical Sweetwater, Potential Saw Return & More

Screen Rant: I am very excited to talk with you about Sweetwater, I watched it earlier this morning and it was just such a beautiful film. What about it really sparked your interest to want to be a part of it?

Cary Elwes: Well, if you look at the body of my work, Grant, I kind of gravitate towards historical subject matters. History was the the only subject I was any good at in school, but if the film, if the project, has any social or cultural or historical redeeming value to it, those are the projects I obviously gravitate towards. This one seemed to check all those boxes.

It was a story I didn’t know. I had no idea about Sweetwater; I didn’t know who Ned Irish was; didn’t know that Sweetwater changed basketball. I didn’t know any of these things, which is a shame, really. So, I’m grateful that I get a chance to be a part of a project that helps enlightened people.

I definitely didn’t know as much about Sweetwater’s story as I learned from the film.

Cary Elwes: What did you know? I’m curious, as a Brit, you’re an American growing up here, learning about sports, what did you know about Sweetwater?

Richard Dreyfuss, Cary Elwes and Everett Osborne in Sweetwater

How much research did you find you had to do to understand the overall story, as well as Ned? Or was most of it in Martin’s script?

Cary Elwes: Martin did a terrific job with the script, he had this project for 28 years, which gives you a glimpse of the passion of this man. Martin was actually instrumental in helping Sweetwater enter the Hall of Fame. I was able to find a lot of interviews with Ned and with his contemporaries, and friends, and a few detractors, to create an overall image of the guy that really fascinated me, you know, because he was definitely a conflicted individual.

I think the first thing that I recognized about Ned was that the color that really interested him was green. He was all about filling the Garden, whether it was a rodeo or dog show, wrestling or boxing, it didn’t matter to him as long as the revenue was coming in.

He thought that the Globetrotters were just a bunch of circus performers, he didn’t see anything to it, and it wasn’t until Lapchick really spent time persuading Irish, and that Irish got to meet Sweetwater and watch him play, [did he] seriously realize that this guy really was an extraordinary basketball player, and had the opportunity to change the game as we know it. I think Irish realized that he could be remembered for something more than just being the owner of the Garden and the Knicks, he could actually help be a part of history. I think that was an important decision for him, and one that he didn’t take lightly. Obviously, he had a journey to go before he got there.

I love the way that this film chronicles that journey, so with all of that research that you did, what was one of the most interesting bits you learned that you then brought to your performance?

Cary Elwes: That’s a good question. Grant, I felt like between his detractors and supporters that he was a very forthright guy, very straightforward. He had a very tough exterior, but he was a big softie at heart, so he used, obviously, those qualities to his advantage when he needed to. He was somebody who really loved the game, but didn’t understand his place in history until Nat “Sweetwater” Clifton entered his life and, like I said, these guys were operating out of fear. This was a time in segregation, in the ’40s and ’50s, where people were operating out of fear. For Ned, it was a fear of the bottom line, and fear of possibly becoming a figure of ridicule.

But then, he realized that this Man had the potential of changing the sport as we know it. There’s not a single statue of this guy, or a plaque anywhere other than the Hall of Fame, and I find that remarkable, I really do. This guy changed the sport as we know it. I had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and I asked him, “What does Sweetwater mean to you?,” and he said, “Cary, there would be no Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, or Michael Jordan, or Magic Johnson, we would wouldn’t exist without this man, so we have a lot to be respectful for.” The fact that it took 28 years to make this movie, it can tell you right now how complicated it is to just get these people to be recognized, even on film, it’s extraordinary.

Jeremy Piven, Cary Elwes and Everett Osborne in Sweetwater

You mentioned Ned’s relationship with Lapchick in the film, and the dynamic that you and Jeremy have throughout the film is a delight to watch, what was it like building that rapport and that dynamic with him?

Cary Elwes: Yeah, you look at Lapchick’s character, he also has conflicts, I think that you have to create conflict with character, because that’s who we are as human beings. We are trapped by our conflicts and by our dreams and desires, but it’s the conflicts that really define who we are, unfortunately, and so when you make the right decision in life, and you realize that history is upon you, and you have to make the right move.

These people understood the ramifications of that, and maybe it took them longer to get there, because of the time that they were living in, but at least they made the right decision in the end, and I’m grateful for them. I think we can all be grateful for them, because they changed basketball as we know it. Now, we look at professional sports, and we can’t imagine these sports without people of color, so [it was a] crazy time, but thank God smarter brains prevail.

I couldn’t agree more, and I love the way that Everett brings Sweetwater to life in the film.

Cary Elwes: Yeah, he’s a wonderful guy, not just a wonderful actor, but a wonderful human being. We were so lucky to get him, because without Everett, there would be no movie. You talk about finding an actor who can perform, but also play basketball. Everett, this guy could play professional if he felt like it, honestly, I’m not kidding, This guy’s an extraordinary athlete, but also to be able to bring the humanity to this role, and the pressure on him to do all of that, he delivered. I can tell you, I can count on one hand the times he missed the basket while we ere shooting. He made literally hundreds, so all the reactions of all of us on camera watching them were real. [Chuckles] This guy was extraordinary, so we were very lucky to have him, and he stepped up to the plate, and delivered in ways that we could only hope for.

Cary Elwes reaches for a phone in Saw

I’m a big horror genre fan, and I love the Saw franchise. We have the next film coming up, and we learned that Amanda’s coming back for it. I know you can’t say whether or not you’re coming back for it, but I’m curious if you’ve ever thought about further exploring Lawrence’s story in that franchise in the future?

Cary Elwes: I have no comment one way or the other about that franchise, I really can’t speak to it. I’m happy for for the filmmakers that they continue to make money, and that it seems to be a financial bonus for them, I really can’t speak to it, because I’m not really involved anymore.

You have a number of exciting projects coming up, but one that’s really intrigued me is Rebel Moon, just for how expansive that cast is, which Zack Snyder always seems to have. What was your experience like working on that film? What can you tell me that won’t get you in trouble with Zack and Netflix?

Cary Elwes: I can’t tell you much, honestly, other than that it’s an epic film. I think that fans will just be so excited when they get a chance to see it. It’s a huge, huge movie, and Zack, as you know, knows how to do epic. So, it was a delightful experience, and I’m excited for the fans to see it. It’ll be out in Christmas, and it’s great fun.

About Sweetwater

Everett Osborne as Nat Sweetwater Clifton

In the late 1940s, the game of basketball is a whites-only game. But barnstorming around the country is a team of African-American players whose extraordinary talent and showmanship have made them renowned for almost two decades: The Harlem Globetrotters, including a 26-year-old named Nat “Sweetwater” Clifton (EVERETT OSBORNE), whose power forward skills dazzle audiences and opponents alike, inspiring sportscasters to create new terms like “dunk” for Sweetwater’s on-the-court accomplishments.

As Abe Saperstein (KEVIN POLLAK), the manager and promoter of the Trotters, works to get the team and Sweetwater the recognition they deserve, irrepressible New York Knicks Coach Joe Lapchick (JEREMY PIVEN) sees in Sweetwater the man who could integrate the game as “the Jackie Robinson of basketball.”

Check out our other Sweetwater interview with Everett Osborne as well.

Sweetwater hits theaters on April 14.