Carnage vs. Knull Tests the King in Black’s Power Like Never Before

Carnage vs. Knull Tests the King in Black’s Power Like Never Before

Warning! Contains preview pages for Death of the Venomverse #5The ultimate battle of the symbiotes is about to go down as Carnage takes on Knull the King in Black. The Death of the Venomverse event has seen Carnage traveling through the multiverse, killing every version of Venom he can find and acquiring more and more power. Now he’s set his sights on the most powerful symbiote the Marvel Universe has ever faced.

Death of the Venomverse #5 by writer Cullen Bunn, penciler Gerardo Sandoval, inker Victor Olazaba, colorist Jim Campbell, letterer Clayton Cowles and cover artist Björn Barends concludes the event. A preview for the issue sees the heroic Venom variants recovering from their fight against Carnage in the last issue, where they threw everything they had at him. While at first it appeared that they were on the verge of winning, Carnage revealed that he was merely testing them before traveling to another world in the multiverse to take on Knull the King in Black.

Carnage vs. Knull Tests the King in Black’s Power Like Never Before

He arrives in the midst of Knull’s attack on Earth, and as the world’s heroes unite to stop the King in Black, they see Carnage join the fight. Believing that the enemy of their enemy is their friend, they are prepared to assist Carnage’s fight against Knull and deal with Carnage later. Little do they know that they are helping Carnage achieve a level of power that will make him truly unstoppable.

Carnage is a Greater Threat Than Knull

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The 2021 event King in Black featured one of the fiercest battles the heroes of the Marvel Universe have fought in some time. When Knull the King in Black, god of all symbiotes, arrives on Earth seeking to conquer, the world is overrun with symbiotes. Several heroes are turned, and the battle is very nearly lost. Eventually Eddie Brock is able to merge with the Enigma Force, the cosmic power revealed to be the opposite of the King in Black. This powered-up version of Venom then combines the Silver Surfer’s surfboard with Thor’s hammer to create the ultimate weapon to defeat the King in Black. Eddie then throws Knull into the sun and becomes the new King in Black.

It makes sense that the heroes of this new Earth would believe Knull poses a much greater threat than Carnage. However, little do they know that Carnage has been traveling the multiverse, collecting powers with the intent of killing all Venoms. The combined might of the strongest Venom variants have been unable to defeat him, and each time they try they lose more and more of their allies. By absorbing these enemies’ powers, Carnage has become immune to all normal weaknesses of symbiotes, including sound and fire. At the end of Death of the Venomverse #4, Carnage kills the Silver Surfer and acquires the Enigma Force before turning his attention to Knull.

With the powers of Knull, Carnage will be able to finally defeat Earth-616’s Eddie Brock and become a true god of all symbiotes. And with the heroes of this Earth believing that he’s fighting on their side, his victory is all the more assured. The multiverse’s Venoms are armed with nothing more than the determination to win, but that hardly seems like enough to stop Carnage from defeating Knull the King in Black and achieving the ultimate triumph.

Death of the Venomverse #5 is on sale September 27 from Marvel Comics.