“Captain Panther”: Black Panther Becomes Marvel’s New Super Soldier in Epic Cosplay

A dedicated fan has just debuted a new Marvel character, Captain Panther, in a jaw-dropping cosplay that skillfully combines the iconic forms of Black Panther and Captain America. Yet, this cosplayer isn’t the only one with the ingenious idea of merging Avengers members with Steve Rogers’ heroic persona. This could signal the beginning of an exciting new trend in cosplay and fanart.

Mike Washington has proudly unveiled his personally dubbed “Captain Panther” cosplay on both Reddit and Instagram, where fans have flocked to his comment sections to express their admiration for his unique portrayal.

In his posts, Washington credits BC Photography for their compositional work, which adds an atmospheric dimension to the photos, further enhancing the cosplay’s immersion in the Marvel universe. However, this cosplay extended beyond the digital realm, as Washington debuted his costume at New York Comic Con 2023. He has expressed his eagerness to showcase the costume at future conventions as well.

Cosplayer Combines Black Panther and Captain America to Create CAPTAIN PANTHER

Washington’s Captain Panther cosplay seamlessly blends unique elements from both Black Panther’s and Captain America’s character designs, while also incorporating a soldier-esque style as a tribute to Steve’s super soldier origins. The lower half of the suit showcases all-black combat pants, boots, and thigh holsters, while the upper suit gradually transitions into a design reminiscent of Captain America’s costume, complete with star-spangled shoulder pauldrons. Additionally, the cosplay prominently features Steve’s iconic shield. Incorporating elements from Black Panther, the cosplay includes T’Challa’s renowned panther mask and razor-sharp claws.

While Washington personally christened his cosplay as “Captain Panther,” admirers of his work offered their own suggestions on what this hybrid hero should be named. One commenter proposed, “I think Black America has a nice ring to it.” However, the most popular and upvoted suggestion on the post was “Captain Wakanda.Another fan recommended that Washington could contemplate painting the shield in “black and purple to make it more Wakandan.” The depth of thought and conversation surrounding Washington’s cosplay underscores how deeply it resonated with fellow fans.

Captain Wakanda and Captain Asgard: The Beginning of a New Marvel Cosplay/Fanart Trend

Washington isn’t the sole fan to merge a beloved Avenger with Captain America as of late. Digital artist Kode Abdo has crafted his own hybrid hero by blending the essences of Thor and Captain America to birth Captain Asgard. With these two creations, it seems that a cosplay/fanart trend could be emerging within the Marvel fandom, one that could yield more kickass creative adaptations akin to those of Washington and Abdo. Perhaps the next evolution involves merging the forms of Captain America, Thor, and Black Panther.