Captain Marvel Respects 1 X-Men Hero No-One Would Expect

Captain Marvel Respects 1 X-Men Hero No-One Would Expect

Warning: Spoilers for Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1!Though Captain Marvel rarely interacts with this particular member of the X-Men, but clearly, he left an impression on the Avengers’ leader. Truth be told, Carol’s commitments to the Avengers don’t usually offer her much time or opportunity to work face-to-face with the X-Men, unless it’s in conflict. However, one of her understated relationships with the X-Men comes from her bond with one of that team’s key figures: Wolverine.

Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1 by Anthony Oliveira, Eleonora Carlini, Ruth Redmond, and VC’s Ariana Maher shines a surprising light on their unexpected kinship.

Captain Marvel Respects 1 X-Men Hero No-One Would Expect

During the climactic final confrontation between herself and the Supreme Intelligence, in which she destroys it for good, Captain Marvel gives a special shoutout to everyone’s favorite 5’3 stack of adamantinum needles.

Captain Marvel Quotes Wolverine In “Assault On Eden”

panels from Captain Marvel Assault on Eden #1, carol paraphrases

On Unification Day, commemorating the day the Kree and the Skrulls societies merged, the Supreme Intelligence strikes and captures Kree hybrids, including Captain Marvel and Hulkling. While the latter and his husband rescue children taken in the attack, Carol goes straight to the source. Before blowing the Supreme Intelligence to smithereens, she takes time to quote an X-Man. The phrase that Carol utters – “I’m the best there is at what I do, ugly. But it isn’t always super nice.” – is a loose paraphrase of words that have become synonymous with another Marvel character: Logan, the X-Men’s iconic killing machine.

For some readers, seeing Captain Marvel reference Wolverine could come as a surprise, considering how rare it is for the two to be paired together. However, despite the fact that the two don’t often share the same panel, it’s established that Captain Marvel and Wolverine have something of an underscored friendship in Marvel lore. It isn’t mentioned often, but historically, the two worked together in the armed forces alongside Nick Fury, creating a bond from there. Although the two seldom share the same comic or page long enough to remind readers of their history, it makes sense for Carol to remember her friend’s favorite saying.

Carol Respects Wolverine Enough To Borrow His Catchphrase

Page one of Wolverine #1, by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller, containing the character's iconic

By the same sword, given the X-Men and Avengers more recent conflicts, some readers may assume that the leader of the Avengers may not respect any of the X-Men. There is certainly no love loss between Carol Danvers and the X-Men’s leader, given that Carol admitted recently she views Cyclops as the “Astonishingly Useless X-Man.” She may not respect all of the X-Men, but she respects Wolverine, which again, makes sense when readers remember Wolverine himself is a former Avenger. Captain Marvel’s quick quip is a fun reminder of her often-overlooked relationship with “the best there is” within the X-Men.

Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.