Captain America’s New Transparent Shield Has a Jaw-Dropping Extra Power

Captain America’s New Transparent Shield Has a Jaw-Dropping Extra Power

Warning: Contains spoilers for Captain America #7!Captain America’s shield is undoubtedly one of Marvel’s most iconic weapons. It has helped define Steve Rogers’ life for years, and now it might be the only thing capable of saving it. As he delves deeper into the world of Change Agents, he discovers that his newly transparent shield is more important than ever, and it may be the only thing that can protect him in the fight ahead.

Captain America #7 offers the best look yet at the “world” of Change Agents, and Steve is led into it by a mysterious woman called Lyra. They travel to the ruins of the “Pale City,” which was destroyed by Lyra’s brother. She warns Steve that a major nexus point in human history is coming and that her brother will continue his efforts to destroy humanity. Suddenly, Cap finds himself in his classic star-spangled costume, complete with a transparent shield.

Captain America’s New Transparent Shield Has a Jaw-Dropping Extra Power

As Lyra explains the war they are in, she tells Steve that his shield appears that way thanks to the energy absorbed from the demon Asmoday, whom Cap recently defeated. More importantly, Captain America can safely see her brother only if he looks through the crystal shield, making it essential for the upcoming battle.

Captain America’s New Shield Lets Him Look Death in the Eye

Captain America is armed with a transparent shield and prepares to face a battle with Death

Steve likens Lyra and her brother to “Life and Death,” meaning he is gearing up to face essentially the personification of Death. At any other time, a shield would likely not protect him from that, but his recent fight with Asmoday changed everything. Not only did Steve defeat the demon, but Asmoday was a close servant of Lyra’s brother, and all of that energy he left behind went into the weapon. It’s no longer simple vibranium. Instead, his shield gives him a window to see “more than any mortal can withstand.”

The full extent of the energy Asmoday released is unknown, and although Lyra mentions that the shield’s appearance in the regular world won’t change, there is at least some possibility it could grant Steve other powers as time goes on. Dr. Strange combined the shield with the Eye of Agamotto just before Cap’s recent battle with the Emissary, as well, so it has undergone multiple major brushes with magic recently. At the very least, it will show Cap what is ahead of him and give him a fighting chance to get back to the other Change Agents in time.

Captain America’s New Shield Will Save the Change Agents

Lyra tasks Steve Rogers with protecting the other Change Agents.

With Lyra setting Steve up to watch over the other Change Agents in her stead, surviving a single battle is only the beginning. Captain America is now tasked with protecting world-altering beings he is only beginning to understand. And even though his shield has been there through fights with cosmic-level threats and been used to save the world, now he needs a tool that transcends linear time and space. Only then can he fight on the level of the Change Agents and the powers that seek to end them. Captain America’s new shield means he’s ready to face Death itself and make it to the other side.

Captain America #7 is available now from Marvel Comics.

Captain America #7 (2024)

Steve Rogers stands on a theater stage surrounded by roses and flames.

  • Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
  • Artist: Carlos Magno
  • Colorist: Espen Grundetjern
  • Letterer: Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Taurin Clarke