Captain America’s Most Badass Line Shows He Has 0 Patience For These MCU Villains

Captain America’s Most Badass Line Shows He Has 0 Patience For These MCU Villains

As one of the Marvel universe’s most stalwart heroes, Captain America recognizes that there are times for fighting and there are times for peace. While usually keen to end a conflict without violence, there is one group of villains – perhaps his greatest enemies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – Cap has so little patience for that he won’t even give them the chance to surrender.

The Amazing Spider-Man #523– by J. Michael Straczynski, Mike Deodato Jr. and Joe Pimentel – sends the New Avengers to a Hydra base, seeking to help their teammate, Spider-Man, in a fight against a group of soldiers mimicking the powers and identities of the Avengers – including Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Man and Thor.

Captain America’s Most Badass Line Shows He Has 0 Patience For These MCU Villains

As Captain America stares down the Hydra soldiers, he states, “Good day, gentlemen. You have exactly three seconds to surrender” before adding “Unfortunately, it took five seconds for me to say that,” proving that he offers no quarter to Hydra.

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Captain America Officially Names the 1 MCU Villain He Truly Respects

Captain America’s appearance in “Spider-Boy #2” came alongside a cameo by one MCU villain, who Cap admitted he truly has a measure of respect for.

Captain America’s “5 Seconds” Quote Proves He Has 0 Time For Hydra

Captain America's shield cuts directly through his Hydra duplicate's inferior copy

Captain America’s interaction with the Hydra cell in Amazing Spider-Man #523 highlights how deeply he still hates the group. Initially, he doesn’t even want to believe Peter’s theory that Hydra has begun to gain more power, saying, “the idea of going up against the Hydra of old isn’t something I like to think about.” Discovering that they have indeed begun to reorganize is practically Cap’s worst nightmare. When he and the New Avengers charge in, Steve doesn’t even want to entertain a peaceful solution; instead, he cathartically shatters his impostor’s fake – and quite destructible – shield against his own.

Outside of Thanos, Hydra proved to be the MCU version of Captain America’s most formidable, and most personal foes. In every medium, they have perennially been among the most despicable adversaries Cap has faced; as an organization, they embody the opposite of everything the Star-Spangled Avenger stands for. In addition to his many virtuous qualities, the MCU Captain America also delivered some of Marvel’s most badass on-screen quotes, and his “five seconds” quote from Amazing Spider-Man #523 is on par with the best.

Hydra Isn’t Worth Even A Second Of Captain America’s Time

Amazing Spider-Man #523, Captain America has a flashback to Bucky's death as Spider-Man disarms a warhead

Later in the issue, Spider-Man’s attempt to take down the Hydra missile gives Captain America a flashback to a similar scene in his life – when Bucky Barnes seemingly died trying a similar feat. Though Captain America had many victories against Hydra during World War II, his role in the war ended with one of his greatest personal failures, as Hydra leader Red Skull ordered the missile launch that cost Bucky his life. Hydra’s return brought back painful memories of Bucky’s death for Cap, and he could not abide by their continued activity for even a moment.

Captain America may fight for peace, but even he can’t allow Hydra a peaceful surrender, as Amazing Spider-Man #523 made clear. His delivery of, “it took me five seconds to say that,” and his dismissal of any chance for the Hydra operative to surrender, is at once amusing and exhilarating, proving that Cap is one of Marvel’s most articulate, most intelligent characters on screen and on the page. As a representation of America’s core ideals and values, Captain America has precisely zero patience for fascists, and terrorists, in any time, place, or artistic medium.