Captain America is Creating An All-New Human Torch in the Most Badass Way Possible

Captain America is Creating An All-New Human Torch in the Most Badass Way Possible

Warning: contains potential spoilers for Ultimates #1!

In Marvel’s forthcoming Ultimates, Captain America is creating an all-new Human Torch in the most badass fashion possible. Just a few months into its existence, Marvel’s new Ultimate line has given fans exciting new takes on classic icons, including Captain America. In a trailer for Ultimates #1, Captain America plays a crucial role in bringing to life one of his oldest allies: the Human Torch.

Marvel unveiled the trailer Ultimates #1, written by Deniz Camp and drawn by Juan Frigeri, on their YouTube channel. At roughly the ten-second mark in the trailer, Captain America throws his shield–and a Molotov Cocktail. The Cocktail hits a shriveled and withered body. It catches on fire, and seemingly comes to life.

While Marvel did not reveal any more information on this new incarnation of the Human Torch, it has been revealed that the previous holders of the name, Johnny Storm and Jim Hammond, were deceased.

The Human Torch’s History Is Also Marvel’s History

The Human Torch Is an Important Link Between the Golden and Silver Age

The Human Torch occupies a unique position in Marvel history. There have been two versions, both of them vanguards of their respective ages. The first Human Torch is one of Marvel’s first characters, debuting in 1939’s Marvel Comics #1–the first Marvel comic. He would become one of the premiere characters of comics’ Golden Age. The next Human Torch, Johnny Storm, helped launch the modern Marvel universe during the Silver Age. The two have co-existed in the Marvel Universe for years, although Jim Hammond keeps a lower profile.

The Human Torch’s history is also warp and woof with Captain America’s. Cap debuted two years after the Golden Age Human Torch. Alongside Namor, Captain America and the Human Torch became Marvel’s Golden Age “Trinity.” The three of them fought the Axis Powers together in World War II as part of the superteam the Invaders. Both Captain America and the Human Torch also had sidekicks: Bucky and Toro, respectively. Captain America shared a good deal in common with Jim Hammond. While Captain America does not share as close a relationship with Johnny Storm, they still respect each other.

Captain America is Creating An All-New Human Torch in the Most Badass Way Possible


Human Torch’s Ultimate Upgrade Made Him 1 of Marvel’s Most Powerful Heroes

The Human Torch’s most powerful ability featured in Fantastic Four gave way for his ultimate upgrade, though it also came with a horrifying twist.

The New Ultimate Human Torch Can Keep His Marvel Tradition Alive

The Human Torch Could Be the Next Member of the Ultimates

Captain America is Creating An All-New Human Torch in the Most Badass Way Possible

Once again, the Human Torch is about to help inaugurate another era in comics, namely that of the new Ultimate Universe. Even though Hammond and Storm are dead, someone has claimed the mantle, thanks in part to Captain America. It is possible that the shriveled body Cap threw the Cocktail at was Hammond, or Johnny Storm. Something in the Molotov Cocktail could have brought the body back to life. Hammon’s version of the Human Torch caught flame when he was exposed to the air. Captain America and the Human Torch’s long and winding relationship has just gotten a cool new layer.

Source: Marvel

Ultimates #1 is on sale June 5 from Marvel Comics!

Ultimates #1 (2024)

Ultimates 1 COVER

  • Writer: Deniz Camp
  • Artist: Juan Frigeri
  • Cover Artist: Dike Ruan