Captain America Assembles A New Team To Take Down His Biggest Threat Ever

Captain America Assembles A New Team To Take Down His Biggest Threat Ever

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #7

In the face of his biggest threat ever, Captain America is gathering an elite team of allies he can trust to take down the Outer Circle, Marvel’s newest (and darkest) shadow organization. As seen in the latest issue of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty, Steve Rogers is pulling out the big guns after the major twist that was Bucky Barnes’ decision to become the New Revolution and join the Outer Circle’s ranks. However, because Bucky’s new role is about taking down his fellow leaders while playing by their rules, Captain America is preparing to give his best friend all the help he can get.

In the new Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #7 from Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Carmen Carnero, Steve is grappling with Bucky’s dark choice to join the Outer Circle in a bid to destroy them from within. With Namor convincing Captain America that Bucky thrives in the shadows, he recommends that Steve start looking for others who can effectively work in the shadows as well. As such, Captain America does just that, assembling some of the most effective agents and spies the Marvel Universe has to offer: Black Widow, Hawkeye, Nick Fury, Agent 13’s Sharon Carter, and Peggy Carter of the Daughters of Liberty. Cap’s also recruited Roger Aubrey, WWII’s original Destroyer (who helped Steve discover the Outer Circle’s existence in the first place).

Captain America Needs Agents and Allies He Can Trust

Captain America Assembles A New Team To Take Down His Biggest Threat Ever

Having assembled this elite team, Captain America wastes no time laying out the dire stakes to his allies, confirming just how much power the Outer Circle has, particularly its influence over every major organization they’ve ever fought against (or for). While it seems as though everyone is willing to help take the fight to the Outer Circle while the Winter Soldier fights form the inside, it’s abundantly clear that the odds are against them all.

Although Captain America’s impressive new team stands the best chance of breaking the Outer Circle and ending their century-long game of global manipulation, the issue does end with another big twist. Waking up in a Kansas field two days after the team agreed to come together and follow a lead connecting the Outer Circle to the science terrorists known as AIM, it’s being teased that something went horribly wrong for Captain America and his allies. Case in point, the final panel shows New York seemingly taken over by AIM completely.

While future issues will no doubt reveal what happened to Steve Rogers and his new team, the odds are solid that they’ll continue to work together against the Outer Circle after they deal with AIM (whose likely following the Circle’s orders). While Captain America typically works in the light as a symbol of freedom and a Sentinel of Liberty, here’s hoping his allies can help him operate in the shadows in order to end the Circle and save Bucky in the process. Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty is on sale from Marvel Comics.