Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Best Spike Quotes, According To Reddit

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Best Spike Quotes, According To Reddit

Twenty-five years after Buffy the Vampire Slayer first hit the small screen, the series created such beloved characters that fans keep coming back. Among the fan favorites was Spike, the brutal vampire turned heroic martyr.

Spike won over hearts not just with his transcendent character arc, but his memorable, often hilarious dialogue. These quotes represent Redditors’ takes on Spike’s best, from sarcastic remarks to earnest, loving speeches.

“And You’re What? Shocked And Disappointed? I’m Evil.”

Season 4, Episode 12: “A New Man”

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Best Spike Quotes, According To Reddit

Spike’s arc takes him through many permutations, serving as an antagonist, a prisoner, and an unlikely ally of the Scoobies. When the Initiative installs a chip in his head to stop him from harming humans, it’s easy for the gang to forget that he’s still an undead villain, leading to this quote that Redditor lottieflimflam enjoys.

Still, despite his assertions that he’s evil and impure, Spike offers plenty of help to Buffy and her friends. Here, he helps Giles when he’s been transformed into a demon and assists Buffy in defeating Angel in season 2. This tendency betrays his ultimate longing to be loved and lays the groundwork for his journey to restore his soul.

“Cup Of Tea, Cup Of Tea, Almost Got Shagged, Cup Of Tea.”

Season 6, Episode 1: “Bargaining, Pt. 1”

Spike in Restfield cemetery on Buffy the Vampire slayer

In the aftermath of Buffy’s death, Spike joins the effort to patrol alongside the Scoobies in her absence. Though his intentions are mostly good, he still can’t help but mercilessly mock them, as in this snide remark toward Giles, suggested by Redditor JustThinkAboutThings.

While Spike has bones to pick with all the main characters, his rivalry with Giles is one of the most apparent. As the two resident British characters on the show, Spike has great fun teasing his “stuffier” counterpart by describing what Giles must see when his life flashes before his eyes. Spike is known having some of the funniest quotes in Buffy, and this one always gets a laugh.

“If Every Vampire Who Said He Was At The Crucifixion Was Actually There…”

Season 2, Episode 3: “School Hard”

Spike and Drusilla in Eyeballs to Entrails

Redditor misspixal4688 loves Spike’s grand entrance to the series with this clever dig at grandiose vampires. “…it would have been like Woodstock,” he continues – then remarks that he was actually at Woodstock. In one of the best episodes to introduce new viewers to Buffy, Spike leaves an indelible impression.

As a relatively “young” vampire (less than 200 years old), Spike’s modern attire and cavalier attitude set him apart from his older, more traditional fellows. From his very first moments onscreen, audiences can sense that Spike will be the kind of villain they love to hate (and hate to love).

“First I’ll Kill Her, Then I’ll Save Her.”

Season 6, Episode 7: “Once More, With Feeling”

Spike and Buffy looking at each other in the musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Spike’s romantic feelings for Buffy are complicated, to say the least. In the musical episode “Once More, With Feeling,” Spike wrestles with the complexity of his emotions, unsure of whether he wants to help Buffy or condemn her.

Spike sings this lyric, put forward by Reddit user godhateswolverine, and its inverse as he tries to land on a solution to his predicament. Ultimately, he can’t resist diving in to help Buffy, even if she doesn’t love him back.

“I Came. I Conquered. I Felt Really Bad About It.”

Season Four, Episode Four: “Pangs”

Spike tied up in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Redditor Few_Artist8482 references Spike’s reality check to the Scooby Gang during a Thanksgiving dinner gone horribly wrong. Comparing American theft of Indigenous land to Caesar’s conquests, he tries to put an end to the hand-wringing, saying “The history of the world is not people making friends. You had better weapons, and you massacred them. End of story.”

It may not be the most tactful approach, but somehow it’s more satisfying than the white guilt on display by the Scoobies. This kind of harsh candor is characteristic of Spike, who functioned in some ways as a replacement for Cordelia, who always spoke her mind to Buffy and co.

“It’s A Big Rock. I Can’t Wait To Tell My Friends.”

Season 2, Episode 21: “Becoming, Pt. 1”

Angel with an arm around Spike's shoulder

The rivalry between Spike and Angelus for Drusilla’s affections is a source of much drama, character growth, and comedy. Redditor PyrrhuraMolinae praises this petty response to Angel bringing home the tomb of Acathla: “They don’t have a rock this big.”

Spike shows off his trademark sarcasm but also hints at his less-apocalyptic inclinations. While vampires like Angelus may salivate over world-ending schemes, Spike enjoys living in the world. He’d much rather make low-level chaos and spend time with Drusilla than awaken a demon to swallow the earth.

“I May Be Love’s B*tch, But At Least I’m Man Enough To Admit It.”

Season 3, Episode 8: “Lovers Walk”

Spike hugging Drusilla on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

As pointed out by Redditor Soft_Grape1928 with this quote, Spike is a serial monogamist. The great love of his vampire life, Drusilla, meanwhile, is fickle; she has left him again, this time for a chaos demon. Jilted and embarrassed, Spike is prepared to grovel and sacrifice his dignity for true love.

Spike’s relationship with Drusilla may not be healthy, but no one can argue that he’s not devoted to her. He loves her “eyeballs to entrails,” and will go to great lengths to win back her affection. Later in the series, he displays the same pursuit and attachment to Buffy.

“Every Night I Save You.”

Season 6, Episode 3: “Afterlife”

Buffy’s death in season 5 rocks the characters to their core, and her resurrection is just as earth-shaking. Spike, in particular, has grown to love Buffy, and feels guilty for failing to save her on the night of her death. Redditor spookycat5267 loves Spike’s speech, in which he enumerates the ways he’s imagined approaching that night differently.

It’s an unprecedented display of vulnerability for Spike, who typically deals in sarcasm and vitriol. Here, he demonstrates sincere affection and gives fans an argument that he’s the best ship for Buffy.

“You’re A Hell Of A Woman.”

Season 7, Episode 20: “Touched”

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Spike Together In Bed

Beyond all the crassness and sarcasm, Spike can deliver a truly moving speech when he wants to. When Buffy is at a low point in season 7, alienated from her friends and unsure if she has what it takes, Spike offers a virtuosic monologue, suggected by Reddit user guessillbethatguy.

“I love what you are,” he continues, and ends with the tearjerking, “You’re the one, Buffy.” It’s the most selfless declaration of love in the series, and it reflects Spike’s journey from petty villain to self-sacrificing lover. At the same time, it’s exactly the pep talk Buffy needs to believe in herself again.

“Out. For. A. Walk. B*tch.”

Season 5, Episode 5: “No Place Like Home”

Spike looking at Buffy, holding up three fingers

When Buffy asks Spike to explain why he’s lurking in her yard in five words or less, he retorts with this legendary line, put forward by Redditor potterhead123456. The final word, added to hit the exact maximum, is classic Spike: vulgar, confrontational, and hilarious.

Of course, at this point in the series, Spike is nursing a dangerous crush on Buffy, so some of his hostility is an overcompensation. He hasn’t yet figured out how to approach Buffy with anything but bitter antagonism. Moments like this, carried by James Marsters’ charismatic performance, prove Spike deserved a Buffy spin-off.