Buffy: How Old Angel Is At The Beginning, End & When He Was Sired

Buffy: How Old Angel Is At The Beginning, End & When He Was Sired

Angel is one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s oldest and most prolific vampires as a direct descendent of the Master — so how old is he when he’s sired, and at the show’s beginning and end? In the hierarchy of the Order of Aurelius, Angel is the second oldest, having been sired by Darla and then himself sired Drusilla and Spike. Much of Angel’s life happens before the start of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and is revealed through flashbacks. Angel’s timeline is also complicated by the fact that he’s spent time in alternate dimensions, where time can run more quickly than on Earth. Between the resurrections and the immortality, Angel has racked up a lot of years.

Angel, whose given name is Liam, was born in Galway, Ireland, in 1727. As a human, Angel was an unrepentant womanizer and layabout, infamous for drinking, fighting and having dalliances with prostitutes. Buffy the Vampire Slayer spinoff Angel shows Liam living with an abusive father in Ireland and spending his spare time seducing the servants. Darla, who was a prostitute herself in human life, took notice of Liam in 1753. Liam was 26-years-old when Darla sired him. Following his death, Liam killed his entire family and ran off with Darla to learn about the love of the kill.

Liam, now Angelus, spent the next 145 years committing acts of horrific violence, including killing the family of vampire hunter Daniel Holtz and siring Drusilla around 1860. In 1898, Angelus’ reign of terror led him to murder a gypsy, a member of the Clan Kalderash. The clan took their revenge by cursing Angelus with a soul, turning him into Angel. Wracked by guilt for his crimes, Angel found himself unable or unwilling to feed on humans. Angelus was 171-years-old when he transformed into Angel.

Buffy: How Old Angel Is At The Beginning, End & When He Was Sired

Despite his newfound remorse, Angel tried to return to his old life with Darla until 1900, when he reached a tipping point. Unable to kill innocents, Angel abandoned the Whirlwind and arrived in New York City in 1902. There, he lived in isolation. Angel began traveling again about a decade later, spending time in Chicago, Mexico, Las Vegas and Los Angeles before returning to New York, where he entered a life of exile, feeding on rats. In 1996, Angel was recruited by Whistler to help Buffy, then a newly-activated Slayer. At age 269, Angel laid eyes on Buffy for the first time in Los Angeles. The next year, at age 270, he met Buffy in Sunnydale and begins helping her in the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

Angel helped Buffy for more than a year before his curse kicked in and he lost his soul in 1998, reverting to Angelus at age 271. Later that year, in the show’s season 2 finale, Buffy stabbed Angel, sending him to Hell. A few months later, at the start of Buffy season 3, Angel unexpectedly returned from the Hell dimension, showing up in Sunnydale in a feral state. It’s revealed he spent about 100 years in Hell while only a couple of months passed in the real world, putting Angel at age 371 when he recovered and began helping Buffy again.

Angel left Buffy at the end of season 3 in 1999, relocating to Los Angeles and marking the start of Buffy the Vampire Slayer spinoff, Angel. In Los Angeles, Angel formed a private detective agency to “help the helpless,” fighting against Big Bad Wolfram & Hart. Time flowed mostly normally throughout the five seasons of Angel, despite some visits by characters to alternate dimensions. In the two Angel visits — Pylea and Jasmine’s home dimension — time appears to flow at the same rate as on Earth. Time speeds up in Quor’toth, but this is one dimension Angel didn’t visit. Angel’s final appearance in Buffy the Vampire Slayer was in 2003, when he delivered the amulet to Buffy at age 376. The events of Angel ended in 2004, putting Angel at age 377 when he and his team take on the Senior Partners’ army.