Bryan Singer Isn’t Not Involved With Superman Reboot

Now that Bryan Singer is (finally) finished with his WWII thriller Valkyrie and off promoting said film, the question of his involvement on Superman: The Man of Steel was bound to be asked.

Speaking to UGO Movie Blog, Singer was rather cryptic towards the prospects of his participation.

That is to say although he is not “officially involved in the talks,” Singer is “not divorced” from it either – aka Bryan won’t be directly involved but will be paid regardless thanks to the expensive “Pay or Play” deal he inked with the studio back in October ’06.

So, don’t be surprised if Bryan is given a “Producer” title despite his non-involvement (i.e. like Jon Peters was on Superman Returns!)

By all accounts, the next Superman film is definitely moving forward – what with the news of Brandon Routh possibly returning in the red-and-blue suit even though it’s said be a “re-introduction” film (according to Warner Brothers #2 big-cheese Jeff Robinov) as well as him cameoing in Green Lantern as Clark Kent.

Something tells me we’ll be hearing more news in the coming month(s)…