Bruce Lee vs. Jackie Chan: Who Would’ve Won In A Fight

Bruce Lee vs. Jackie Chan: Who Would’ve Won In A Fight

Who would win between Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan is a debate that’s been raging for decades. Of all the martial arts stars who have taken to the big screen over the years, none are bigger than Lee and Chan. Their reputation as the two greatest stars in the history of the genre is undisputed.

Lee’s importance to cinema is defined by how he catapulted martial arts films to new levels of popularity in the early 1970s. He isn’t responsible for starting the martial arts movie genre, but he did have a lot to do with making the kung fu craze as big as it was. What Lee brought to the table as an actor and as a martial artist made him an instant icon in Hong Kong. Released posthumously in 1973, Enter the Dragon transformed Bruce Lee into an even bigger sensation. He revolutionized the direction of the genre to such an impressive degree that it kicked off an era known as Bruceploitation, which was a period where Hong Kong studios relied dozens of Bruce Lee copycats.

Among the many actors studios picked to be the next Bruce Lee was Jackie Chan. In the 1970s, Chan starred in a number of kung fu movies where the action was modeled after Lee’s films. But in time, it was discovered that Chan was at his best when he was allowed stand apart from Lee. Once he got the chance to distance himself from the Bruce Lee style and forged his own onscreen image, Chan made a massive mark on the industry and remained the leading kung fu star for decades. As a result of the actors’ respective reputations, many have pondered the question of which martial artist was the superior fighter. Here’s what’s known about Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan’s fighting styles, and who would most likely win if the two had come to blows.

What Happened When Bruce Lee Fought Jackie Chan In A Movie

Bruce Lee vs. Jackie Chan: Who Would’ve Won In A Fight

Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan never fought in real life, but they did know each and even worked together when both were employed at the Golden Harvest studio. Chan was a stuntmen for both Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon. He also played nameless minions in both films. In Enter the Dragon, he had a brief clash with Lee himself. During a scene where Lee had to take on multiple enemies at once, one of the thugs – played by Chan – jumped at him and grabbed him from behind. With ease, Lee escaped from the hold, trapped his opponent’s arm behind his back, and held him by the hair while kicking one of the villain’s lackeys. While the camera focused on Bruce Lee’s grim expression, the hero seemingly snapped the neck of Chan’s character offscreen.

Later on in the same Enter the Dragon scene, Lee got his hands on a staff and used it to beat anyone who came close. Chan, presumably playing a different character, was among the group of men who rushed Lee. This time, he went down even faster than before. One smack from Lee’s stick took Chan out of commission. Years later, Chan shared a behind-the-scenes story on his Enter the Dragon experience and explained that he was genuinely hurt by the blow. Afterward, Lee continued the scene but apologized to Chan when it was over.

How Jackie Chan’s Martial Arts Style Compares To Bruce Lee’s

Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan are both experts at kung fu, but not in all of the same styles, as there are hundreds of different forms of kung fu in existence. Lee’s foundation was built on Wing Chun, which is a “soft” style that puts heavy emphasis on reflexes, timing, and redirecting an opponent’s attacks. Lee learned Wing Chun in his youth, but eventually created his own style – Jeet Kune Do – which combines multiple fighting styles outside of just kung fu. Rather than relying on traditional stances and moves, Bruce Lee worked elements of Western boxing, taekwondo, karate, and more into the principles of Jeet Kune Do.

Jackie Chan has a similar level of versatility in terms of his martial arts prowess. Like Lee, he’s never been nailed down to one specific fighting style. Primarily, Chan practices hapkido (a Korean form of martial arts), Southern Shaolin kung fu, Northern Shaolin kung fu, and Wing Chun, though that’s not the limit of his expertise. In Chan’s own words, his “style is chop suey: everything” [via Quora].

Lee and Chan had experience in some of the same fighting styles (Wing Chun), but how they fight onscreen differs greatly. Lee has a propensity for brutality and speed, whereas Jackie Chan is known for his acrobatics and improvisation. Chan is known for turning anything around him into a weapon, as well as his extraordinary athletic ability, which served him well with jumping and dodging. These aspects of his fighting style complimented the comedic tone of his films. Lee, on the other hand, focused more on close combat and practical techniques.

Why Bruce Lee Would Beat Jackie Chan In A Fight

Bruce Lee in Game of Death

One of the most common arguments related to the Bruce Lee vs Jackie Chan is that Lee would win because Chan’s talents lie mostly in his comedic acting style and athletics, rather than pure martial arts skill. However, this unfair claim discounts some of Chan’s most impressive martial arts performances in his long career as an actor. The final fights that he had with Benny “The Jet” Urquidez in Dragons Forever and Wheels on Meals, for instance, perfectly showcase just how good Chan really was at kung fu. In other words, Chan should be taken seriously as a real martial artist in the same vein as Lee. As someone who is so much more than just an acrobatic actor, Chan would surely have provided a tough challenge for Lee if they had fought in real life.

For all of Jackie Chan’s skills, it’s likely that Bruce Lee would still prevail in a one-on-one fight. After all, Lee has the advantage in real-life fighting experience. It’s no secret that Lee was engaged in gang violence during his teenage years in Hong Kong and was regularly involved in brutal, rooftop matches with other kung fu students. He had his fair share of fights as an adult as well, with the most famous example being his fight with Wong Jack Man. Plus, Lee was renowned for his speed. Those who have trained with him, such as Chuck Norris and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, have had nothing but glowing praise for the quickness in which Lee could execute an attack. In fact, multiple stories emphasize the remarkable speed that Lee possessed as a fighter. Chan was fast in his own right, but no evidence suggests that he could match Lee’s speed. So while Jackie Chan certainly would have what it takes to deliver a thrilling showdown, the odds would still be in Bruce Lee’s favor.