Broomgate: A Curling Scandal Podcast Trailer Sees A Sport Torn Apart By… A Broom

Broomgate: A Curling Scandal is a new podcast that tells the story of an uproar in a niche sporting community, and Screen Rant has a first listen to the trailer. The show was created by comedian and semi-professional curler John Cullen (Blocked Party podcast), who participated competitively in the sport from 1999 to 2020. The show was produced by Kelly&Kelly and Ed Helms’ Pacific Electric for CBC and USG Audio, a division of Universal Studio Group.

Screen Rant is happy to present the trailer for this exciting new sports podcast, which tells the story of a 2015 scandal that created a huge division in the otherwise largely supportive curling community. It all comes down to a broom—a very specific broom—that was exceptionally good at helping the curling stone slide across the ice. For more, take a listen to the trailer below, and get ready to listen to the first two episodes of Broomgate: A Curling Scandal when they drop on May 6.

Listen to the trailer here

Why Broomgate: A Curling Scandal’s Drama Is Perfect For Bringing Attention To The Sport

The best sports podcasts share insights on what makes their respective subjects special, and Broomgate: A Curling Scandal is set to do that with the sport of curling. Although curling is often brushed off as an oddball, niche sport, the podcast offers audiences a tantalizing way to begin understanding the ins and outs of the activity. By exploring the story of a particularly turbulent moment in the sport, Broomgate: A Curling Scandal can explain to listeners not only why one specific broom can change everything, but also why members of the curling community are as passionate as they are.

The scandal at the heart of Broomate: A Curling Scandal also highlights just how rich the history of the sport is. While casual listeners may only know of the sport peripherally and through The Simpsons’ uncanny predictions, curling in its current form has existed largely unchanged for about 400 years. The scandalous broom was a game changer for players of the sport, and in learning why that is the case, listeners will get a better sense of the long legacy of the sport.

Audiences will be led through the story by comedian John Cullen, who is admittedly keen to ensure that the podcast feeds an interest in the sport as a whole. Speaking about it, Cullen stated, “Part of the reason behind this specific idea was to bring a curling story to a mainstream audience, and I think this is the perfect story to do that with.” While it is not officially a comedy podcast, Broomgate: A Curling Scandal’s central story is a quirky one, and with the funny and passionate Cullen at the helm, it’s likely to help deepen appreciation for the sport and its community.