Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Times Charles Was More Into Amy & Jake’s Relationship Than They Were

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Times Charles Was More Into Amy & Jake’s Relationship Than They Were

To fans of Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jake and Amy are the superior sitcom couple compared to Ross and Rachel and even Jim and Pam. But no one believes this more than Charles Boyle who has been obsessed with their relationship since season 1.

Even when everyone else on the squad felt like the two did not belong together with their constant bickering and silly bets, Charles knew they were meant to be. When they did finally become a couple, no one was more excited than Charles, not even Jake and Amy. Charles was there for every step of their relationship as he flat out refused to be anywhere else.

Knew Jake liked Amy before Jake did

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Times Charles Was More Into Amy & Jake’s Relationship Than They Were

Throughout season 1, fans watched as Amy and Jake competed in who could get the most arrest. Ultimately Jake won and forced Amy to go on the worst date ever with him so he could embarrass her to the fullest extent.

While Jake thought he was merely having fun tormenting Amy, Charles, in his drugged up state of mind, made Jake rethink why he was doing this to Amy. Charles pointed out to him that Jake was basically acting like a little boy on the playground trying to get the attention of the girl he likes by being mean.

High on Their Relationship

When Jake and Amy went public with their relationship, Charles couldn’t contain his excitement. In “The Mattress” Charles overhears Jake and Amy discussing their first case as a couple. He was quick to add in his opinion of their relationship in the most over-top Boyle way.

Charles tells the new couple, “Hey guys, I just discovered a new drug too. It’s called ‘your relationship’, and I’m high on it.” Charles instantly makes them uncomfortable and is asked to tone it down, which he is does only for a short while. Then he is back to overly expressing his enthusiasm over their relationship.

Told Them to Stay Together Forever

In “Johnny and Dora” Jake and Amy go undercover as a couple in order to catch an identity thief. The two are forced to kiss to protect their real identities.

When Charles finds out about the kiss he instantly wants to know everything. Even though Jake and Amy insist it didn’t mean anything since they were undercover, Charles still took it as sign that all they needed to do was follow their hearts and be together forever even though they weren’t actually together yet.

Wrote Best Man Speech before They were Engaged

Even though Charles has been married and divorced, he’s not bitter when it comes to weddings. Especially when it comes to Jake and Amy’s wedding since he knows he will be the best man. In fact, he’s so confident that they will be married and he’ll be the best man that he wrote his best man speech way before they were even engaged.

In “New Captain” Jake and Amy haven’t publicly announced their relationship yet so Charles relentlessly pressures them into being together. When Jake tells Charles to back off as the two will never be together, Charles boldly answers that he’s already written his best man speech for their wedding.

Passed out When He Found out About Their Engagement

Every Brooklyn Nine-Nine fan was filled with happiness as they watched Jake propose to Amy in “HalloVeen”. While thousands of fans were excited for the newly engaged couple, no one could beat Charles’ level of excitement. When Charles barged into the evidence locker, he quickly forgot about his anger when he saw the engagement ring.

Charles in fact was so overcome with bliss at Jake and Amy’s engagement that he passed out. Fans might have thought that Amy would have the best reaction to Jake’s proposal but Charles definitely had her beat with his fainting.

Obsessed with Them Having Kids After They Babysat

For most of Charles’ life he has dreamed of becoming a father, but Jake becoming a dad is just as important to him. In “Moo Moo” Jake and Amy babysit Terry’s twins, Cagney and Lacey. The couple see it as simply helping their friend out, but Charles takes it to another level.

Charles insists that this is the perfect opportunity for them to gain parenting experience. Jake and Amy begin to feel the pressure, especially when Charles not-so-subtly hints that they should start making their own babies.

Only Wanted the NutriBoom Money Back for Their Honeymoon

Charles is no amateur when it comes to giving up, in fact he prides himself on upholding the Boyle tradition of giving up. But in “NutriBoom” Charles takes a stand with Jake as the two attempt to get their money back from the pyramid scheme. What changed Charles’ mind from giving in to fighting back?

When Jake told Charles that his and Amy’s honeymoon fund was on the line, Charles quickly went into battle mode. Nothing was going to stop him from ensuring that Jake and Amy have the best honeymoon possible.

Threatened to Kill Himself for Ruining Their Wedding

Typically the bride and the groom are the giddiest and most anxious on their wedding day. But Charles was so ecstatic about their wedding that he felt the need to put the announcement in the newspaper which backfired on him.

When they discover that there is a bomb at the wedding venue, they believe their wedding is ruined. Charles is unable to cope with the fact that he is the reason their special day won’t be happening. He even goes as far as telling them that he will kill himself if they imply he’s the one who ruined the wedding.

Refused to let Them get Married at the Courthouse

Charles might have ruined Jake and Amy’s wedding, but he is also the one who saved it. When the couple realized their wedding wouldn’t be happening, they decided to get married at City Hall as what really matters is them being married.

But Charles will have none of that. He didn’t spend the last seven years watching their romance unfold only to see it mucked up with a City Hall wedding. Instead he gets to work by creating a beautiful wedding for them right at the nine-nine precinct, twinkle lights included.

Believed His Life Purpose is Making Sure Jake sees His Baby Being Born

Jake and Amy introducing their newborn to Charles

For 7 seasons fans have watched Jake and Amy go from bickering coworkers, to dating, to engaged, to happily married, and now expecting parents. Charles has also been watching intensely as their love affair evolved and he refuses to let anything ruin it.

Jake tries to accept he will miss the birth of his son, but Charles won’t. Even though Charles is a successful detective with his own family, he feels his life purpose to make sure Jake gets to see his baby being born. Charles is able to fulfill that life mission by calling in his nemesis, Peanut Butter.