Bridesmaids: 10 Best Megan Quotes

Bridesmaids: 10 Best Megan Quotes

2011’s Bridesmaids was a hugely successful comedy movie nominated for best original screenplay and is still recognized as one of the most loved rom-coms over 10 years after its initial release.Whilst Kristen Wiig starred as the main character, she had a great cast around her that all complemented the plot.

The character who felt like they stole the show more than anyone else was Megan. The role even earned Melissa McCarthy an Oscar nomination. Her presence in the film is a hilarious contrast to the rest of the characters and she always had a great quote to deliver.

Strange Small Talk

“I Met A Dolphin Down There And I Swear To God, That Dolphin Looked Not At Me, But Into My Soul.”

Bridesmaids: 10 Best Megan Quotes

Going to a big engagement party by yourself and not really knowing many people can be a slightly daunting task. Most would run through great conversation starters in their heads, so as not to be stuck in an awkward encounter.

However, no one could prepare an answer for Megan’s anecdote about falling off a cruise ship and meeting a dolphin. Not only is it the first time Annie meets Megan, but it’s also the first scene in which the audience is introduced to her, and what a great introduction it is. The quote perfectly sums up Megan’s odd ways, letting viewers know exactly what kind of hilarious character they’re going to be watching.

Too Many Pets

“I took 9. I Did Slightly Overcommit To The Whole Dog Thing. Turns Out I’m Probably More Comfortable With 6.”

Megan drives off with too many puppies in Bridesmaids

Lillian’s bridal shower became pretty extravagant as Helen took on the role of organizing the event. Things took a sour turn as Annie and Lillian fell out but you can count on Megan to give audiences a good laugh amongst a more serious situation.

Puppies are given out as a party favor and after the party, Megan is seen driving along with a van full. As it transpired, she took nine. Aside from the taking of dogs that weren’t supposed to be hers, what makes this quote so great is the fact that she thinks six would make things a lot easier. For most people, one or two would be a comfortable number. But not Megan, six is the amount for her.

Flight Security

“Awesome, I’ll Take The First Watch.”

Megan on a flight in Bridesmaids

The flight to Vegas for Lillian’s bachelorette party should have been the calmest part of the trip. However, Annie caused havoc on the plane. Meanwhile, Megan was seated next to a stranger, who she believes to be an Air Marshal, although he denied it.

Megan wasn’t fooled by his denial and decided to take the first watch whilst he naps. This quote is hilarious because not only is she completely convinced he’s an Air Marshal, but she has the confidence to take it upon herself to team up with him and do his job. Whilst one of the funniest scenes in Bridesmaids, her enthusiasm is admirable.

Bridal Shower Ideas

“Female Fight Club. We Grease Up, We Pull In. Lillian Doesn’t Know So It’s ‘Surprise, We’re Going To Fight!’ We Beat The Sh*t Out Of Her.”

Megan dancing in Bridesmaids

When bridesmaids need to come up with various themes and ideas for the events that come with a new engagement, it can be difficult to make sure it’s exactly what the bride would want. Somehow, Megan must’ve missed that memo.

When brainstorming bridal shower plans, Megan comes out with the most bizarre suggestion. A female fight club that results in Lillian getting beaten up. Ordinarily, the reaction would be of pure shock and disgust. Although the other bridesmaids are sightly taken aback, somehow because it’s Megan, it’s not really a big deal. The delivery from Melissa Mccarthy is perfect, because she says it almost nonchalantly as if it’s a totally reasonable option for the shower.

Accidental Interruption

“I Want To Apologize. I’m Not Even Confident Which End That Came Out Of. Whitney, Back To You. I’m Sorry.”

Melissa McCarthy with food poisoning in Bridesmaids

Lillian and her bridesmaids take a trip to a classy bridal shop, in the hope of finding their attire for her big day. Common courtesy would suggest that you’re on your best behavior in any public space, let alone a well-to-do wedding shop.

However, Megan doesn’t quite get that idea. She lets out a belch and then admits to not knowing where it came from. In her defense, she does apologize but most people wouldn’t do such a thing in front of strangers, let alone confess to it. A gross moment with the best reaction from Megan, resulting in one of the funniest quotes from Bridesmaids.

Dress Shopping

“That Dress Is So Pretty It Makes My Stomach Hurt.”

Melissa McCarthy, Ellie Kemper, and Wendi McLendon-Covey trying on dresses in Bridesmaids

Unfortunately for Annie, her arrangement of taking the bridal party to a certain restaurant resulted in them all getting violent food poisoning. Even worse, it kicked in at  wedding dress shop. Whilst she has a dress on, Megan’s stomach began to ache, which she passed off as the result of Lillian’s wedding dress looking great.

Either she’s just completely unaware of what’s going on or she’s trying to convince herself that she’s not ill, all whilst attempting to compliment Lillian as best she can. The beauty of the quote is that she’s trying to be nice to cover up the pain she’s in. Although not the greatest day, thankfully, Lillian’s eventual outfit was one of the best movie wedding dresses.

Potential Honeymoon Disaster

“I Put A Loaded Gun In Dougie’s Carry-on. The TSA Is Gonna Rip His A*s Apart.”

Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy, and Ellie Kemper in Bridesmaids

After the wedding went smoothly and everyone seemed to be pretty happy with the day, Annie and Megan are left standing outside as Lillian and her new husband drive off. Megan’s sudden fit of giggles turns out to be because she’s potentially going to get her brother in a lot of trouble.

Although it was set to be a dreadful happening for Dougie, it was brilliant for viewers because Megan once again took things way too far. Of course, siblings may pull light pranks on each other, but Megan took her sisterly banter to another level, without any sign of remorse. Yet again, because it’s Megan, it’s not actually that surprising making it one of her best quotes.

Sisterly Love

“Anyone Who Wants To Marry My Brother Is A Profound Idiot.”

Lillian and her bridesmaids visit a dress store in Bridesmaids

Sometimes siblings can be too honest about each other and not have the most positive things to say. But Megan likes to take it one step further and (probably unintentionally) insult her sister-in-law as well.

She does admit to loving her brother and she’s clearly in support of Lillian marrying him, but it’s her honesty that makes this one of her best quotes. Her point would’ve been made pretty clear just by saying no one should marry her Dougie, instead of hilariously and unsubtly bringing Lillian into it as well.

Friendly Support

“Here’s A Friend Standing Directly In Front Of You, Trying To Talk To You. And You Choose To Talk about The Fact You Don’t Have Any Friends.”

Lillian and her bridesmaids ready to go to a restaurant in Bridesmaids

Megan isn’t someone who needs people to feel sorry for her. She gets on with her life and comes across as being fairly independent.

She certainly has her absurd moments, but as is evident from this quote, she is a reliable friend and wants to be there for those who need her. It stands as one of her best lines because it shows another side to her, going out of her way for someone she doesn’t know that well and makes her an even more loveable character in the film.

Profound Advice

“I Don’t Associate With People Who Blame The World For Their Problems. You Are Your Problem. You’re Also Your Solution.”

Megan Smiling in Bridesmaids

Throughout the film, Megan is funny, unpredictable and a character viewers just can’t get enough of. But on one occasion, she became quite profound. After she visits Annie who’s feeling sorry for herself, Megan tries to help her snap out of it with some wise words.

Audiences wouldn’t have predicted that Megan could muster some sound advice because of her usual wild moments. But that’s exactly what makes this quote one of her best. She proved there’s more to her than her bizarre antics.