Breath Of The Wild’s Weather System Shown Off In Time Lapse Video

An impressive time-lapse video shows the full range of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild‘s dynamic weather system. Breath of the Wild launched four years ago and the game is still home to a large fanbase with unflinching loyalty. The Legend of Zelda is easily one of Nintendo’s most popular and successful franchises. This means that plenty of players continue to find secrets scattered throughout the kingdom of Hyrule. Years after its initial release, one player just discovered a little-known secret available on top of Link’s house.

A major feature of Breath of the Wild is exploration. Players are not bombarded with instructions on where to go or what to do next. All of that is completely up to them. The game consists of a large open world teeming with opportunities, a setting on such a grand scale that development took Nintendo five years to accomplish. The ambition from the beginning was to reinvent the Legend of Zelda series. This involved creating a much more detailed game complete with a realistic physics engine and high-definition visuals. The work behind the scenes paid off, as this time-lapse video illustrates.

Breath of the Wild player Fair_Industry7328 posted a time-lapse video on Reddit. The video highlights the impressive range of weather patterns the game boasts. It begins with visuals of dusk and takes the viewer on a spellbinding journey through the skies over the magical world of Hyrule. The length is short but conveys the magnitude of the game’s built-in environment.

[BotW] The weather systems in this game are amazing. from zelda

While Breath of the Wild blew fans away with its emphasis on experimentation, diving never made it to the final version of the game. This is something of a surprise considering how fluid Link’s mechanics are when it comes to climbing, riding animals, and even gliding. The only part of the environment that Link cannot interact with is the world under the water. There are hints that underwater exploration was originally planned to be included in the final cut but never made it. This was a bummer to many players, who wanted to explore the colorful coral reefs underwater. The hope is swimming will feature in Breath of the Wild 2.

Nintendo has confirmed that a sequel is underway. As the anticipation for the next installment increases, fans will be hoping that the upcoming title can continue building from the solid foundations Nintendo established with Breath of the Wild.  It was a complete game changer and expectations will be all the higher for the sequel because of it.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available now for the Nintendo Switch.