Breath of the Wild Player Pulls Off Satisfying Stone Talus Comeback Kill

One The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild player has managed to pull off an incredibly satisfying comeback while battling a Stone Talus. Despite not being one of the most intimidating Breath of the Wild enemies, the Hylian overworld Talus bosses can certainly pack a punch when they are confronted by Link.

2021 marks the 35th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda series. While it has not been celebrated to the same degree as Nintendo’s Super Mario franchise, there have still been some fun announcements to commemorate everybody’s favorite Hylian hero. And yet, even though Nintendo re-released Skyward Sword as part of these anniversary celebrations, as well as more recently revealing that N64 games Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask will be made available with Nintendo Switch Online, it is Breath of the Wild that still seems to be the popular choice with players.

One such Breath of the Wild player recently shared their impressive comeback while fighting a Stone Talus in the game. krooz64 uploaded a video of themselves taking on this rocky overworld boss to Reddit. After firing several shock arrows at the Talus’ weak spot, it appeared that krooz64 would soon make short work of the enemy. However, a well-timed blow by the Talus sent krooz64’s Link flying off the edge of the cliff that the duo was battling on. While it is never clear what an overworld enemy in Breath of the Wild is thinking, it is likely that the Talus would have assumed that this would be the last it saw of Link. However, krooz64 managed to pull off a nifty use of the bomb rune to send themselves flying skywards, and back into the battle arena. From here, they then launched their final deadly assault on the unsuspecting Stone Talus.

You thought I was dead? I only come back stronger! from Breath_of_the_Wild

Clips such as this are a real testament to how beloved Breath of the Wild still is, even four years after it was first released for the Wii U and Switch. After all this time, there are still so many ways to approach the game and defeat Ganon’s hoards. Some of these, such as krooz64’s, use an ingenious manipulation of the in-game physics, while others are just plain amusing. There really is no right or wrong way to play.

Legend of Zelda fans are now awaiting more news on the sequel to Breath of the Wild. Nintendo has so far remained incredibly silent on what this game will involve, going so far as to not even give away its official title. The trailers that have already been revealed tease both worlds above and beneath the Kingdom of Hyrule, as well as incorporating several Breath of the Wild landmarks. Along with these locales, fans have also been treated to the sequel’s variation on the Stone Talus. In the fan dubbed Breath of the Wild 2, the Talus’ will also be a base for Bokoblin camps, creating an even more formidable foe for Link to overcome on the sequel’s release in 2022.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available now for the Nintendo Switch.