Breaking Bad: Everything Walt Jr. Ate For Breakfast

Breaking Bad: Everything Walt Jr. Ate For Breakfast

Throughout Breaking Bad‘s run, Walt Jr. was shown eating breakfast several times – seemingly more than any other character – and here’s everything he ate. The character, played by RJ Mitte, served as the teenage son of Walter and Skyler White (Bryan Cranston and Anna Gunn). Walt Jr. was featured for the duration of the series, appearing in 53 of the show’s 62 total episodes.

Walt Jr., who went by Flynn from time to time, spent most of his life as an only child in the White household. Over the course of the series, he was often kept in the dark about his father’s dangerous drug dealings. The lies and tension between his parents brought out his rebellious stage. After learning about Walt’s involvement in the death of his uncle, Hank Schrader (Dean Norris), the teenager took Skyler’s side and vowed to protect the family from his father. It’s unclear what happened to the character after the events of the series but Walt made sure his family had money coming their way prior to his death.

From the Breaking Bad pilot episode, it was established that Walt Jr. enjoyed eating breakfast, and his affection for it became a long-running joke. More and more scenes were written that featured the White family interacting over the morning meal. Since Breaking Bad came to an end, breakfast foods grew into Walt Jr.’s legacy thanks in part to memes and spoofs of the series. Here’s everything he ate for breakfast throughout Breaking Bad:

  • Season 1, Episode 1 -“Pilot” – Scrambled eggs, veggie bacon, and tomato juice.
  • Season 1, Episode 2 – “Cat’s in the Bag…” – Pancakes, eggs, and bacon.
  • Season 1, Episode 5 – “Gray Matter” – Toast, eggs, and orange juice.
  • Season 1, Episode 6 – “Crazy Handful of Nothin” – Toast and fruit salad.
  • Season 2, Episode 4 – “Down” – Pancakes, croissants, fruit salad, and a choice of orange or grapefruit juice.
  • Season 2, Episode 7 – “Negro y Azul” – A bowl of Raisin Bran cereal and orange juice.
  • Season 2, Episode 10 – “Over” – Bacon, eggs, toast in the first breakfast scene, and later, the family ate omelets, toast, and fruit salad.
  • Season 2, Episode 13 – “ABQ” – A bowl of Cheerios cereal.
  • Season 3, Episode 1 – “No Más” – A waffle and orange juice.
  • Season 3, Episode 4 – “Green Light” – Eggs and fruit salad.
  • Season 3, Episode 8 – “I See You” – A plate of pancakes from the hospital.
  • Season 4, Episode 2 – “Thirty-Eight Snub” – A bowl of cereal.
  • Season 4, Episode 5 – “Shotgun” – A cup of black coffee.
  • Season 4, Episode 6 – “Cornered” – A bowl of Raisin Bran cereal and orange juice.
  • Season 5, Episode 2 – “Madrigal” – A bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch cereal.
  • Season 5, Episode 4 – “Fifty-One” – Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee.
Breaking Bad: Everything Walt Jr. Ate For Breakfast

While Walt Jr. had an affinity for breakfast staples, he enjoyed mixing up his choices every once and a while. His parents were well aware of his love of the meal and they would even try to win him over with morning feasts. Unfortunately for Walt Jr., Skyler didn’t always buy the correct cereal requested by her son, but she eventually learned. Amusingly enough, Walt Jr.’s food preferences would tend to change with his mood as seen by the end of the list when the family dynamic started to crumble.

Over the years, Breaking Bad’s many long-running jokes, gags, and general recurrences took hold with the fandom, including Walter White throwing pizza on his roof. But seeing Walt Jr. eat breakfast wasn’t particularly interesting in and of itself; it was that many scenes he was in had him eating breakfast. Funnily enough, his first and last meal on the show were the most similar to each other when looking at the entire list.