Boy Meets World: 5 Ways Cory Was The Better Brother (& 5 Ways Eric Was)

Boy Meets World: 5 Ways Cory Was The Better Brother (& 5 Ways Eric Was)

The television show Boy Meets World follows Cory Matthews through his adolescence and his entry into adulthood. Much of the show’s popularity is due to the relationships Cory has with those around him. One fan-favorite relationship is the relationship between Cory and his older brother Eric.

These two are as different as two brothers can be, but they still manage to find a way to connect and care for one another. Each brother has their own merits and brings something positive to the relationship. Here are 5 ways Cory was the better brother and 5 ways Eric was the better brother.

Cory: Looked Up To Eric

Boy Meets World: 5 Ways Cory Was The Better Brother (& 5 Ways Eric Was)

Cory looked up to Eric and it showed. He regularly complimented him and respected his brother’s thoughts and advice. His outward and obvious demonstration of love and respect for Eric had a positive impact on their relationship. Eric is not very affectionate with his brother, but he never doubted Cory’s commitment to their relationship.

Eric: Answers Cory’s Life Questions

As Cory looked up to Eric, he regularly went to him for advice. Granted, Eric didn’t always give the best advice but he was happy to share his thoughts and experiences with Cory. This resulted in many hilarious moments – such as when Eric gets busted for telling Cory that he doesn’t need to like a girl to express interest. It also resulted in some truly heartfelt moments between the pair.

Cory: Covered For Eric

Boy Meets World Cory and Amy

Eric is known for coming up with grand schemes. Many times, these schemes aren’t the best ideas, and Cory and Eric’s parents are quick to catch on that something isn’t right. Cory does his best to cover for Eric, helping him to keep his secrets.

While it’s true that Cory does sometimes ask for something in return in helping to cover for Eric – like when he catches Eric making out with someone in their parents’ bed, it’s also true that he genuinely cares for Eric and doesn’t want him to suffer. Though these two always end up getting caught, it’s still nice that Cory is willing to risk getting in trouble to protect his big brother.

Eric: Warns Cory

Boy Meets World Eric

As Eric is older, he has a few years of experience than Cory. He uses his experiences to warn Cory so that he doesn’t make the same mistakes that he made. Whether this is warning Cory about the bullies in high school or warning him about making poor choices, Eric is always there to share his wisdom with his younger brother.

Cory: Cares For Morgan

cory and morgan on boy meets world

Though Cory and Eric’s relationship is more often depicted on the screen, it’s important to remember that the two have a younger sister as well. Though both boys care for Morgan, Cory is more frequently shown engaging with her.

He does his best to include his little sister and frequently reads to her or joins her for a tea party. With his compassion for Morgan, it is clear that she would declare Cory the better brother without hesitation.

Eric: Stands Up For Cory

Eric really values his reputation. He tries to create a persona that is easy going and carefree. Though he initially wants to separate himself from Cory to protect his reputation, Eric steps in to stand up for his brother when it really matters.

One example of this is when Eric steps in to protect Cory from some bullies at school. It is clear that when it is important, Eric puts his brother’s feelings and safety above his own personal desires.

Cory: Encourages Eric To Reflect

Eric Matthews looking confused on Boy Meets World

Eric often acts on impulse. He doesn’t often take the time to reflect on how his actions impact others. When something doesn’t go his way, he is quick to give up and move on without looking back.

Cory is able to get through to Eric in a way that others can’t. With Cory’s help, Eric reflects on his experiences and is able to move forward with a new perspective. One example of this is in the pilot when Eric doesn’t enjoy his date and is ready to just give up and move onto the next girl. With some assistance and prompting from Cory, Eric changes his mind and calls to arrange a second date.

Eric: Lets Cory Borrow His Things

Eric and Cory may share a room, but it is clear that they both have their own space and their own objects. While Eric sometimes tells Cory to stay out of his space, he also welcomes Cory on many occasions. Though he is more protective of certain items, Eric has also shared several of his materials with Cory in different episodes – usually to help Cory become more “cool.”

Cory: Quick To Forgive

Eric and Cory smiling in Boy Meets World

Living with Eric can be very frustrating. Though he ultimately makes the right decision, Eric’s first instinct is to think of himself only. He makes decisions that harm those he cares about the most.

Cory is regularly dragged into Eric’s antics, getting into trouble for following his older brother’s lead. Other times Eric says hurtful things to Cory, such as telling him not to tell anyone they are brothers. Even with everything Eric puts him through, Cory is quick to forgive his brother and move past their differences.

Eric: Calms Cory

Cory is highly emotional and can have extreme reactions to situations. Eric possesses the unique ability to help calm him down. He often helps him put things into perspective. Somehow, Eric telling Cory that certain things aren’t a big deal and aren’t worth stressing about seems to work. Eric’s ability to help Cory remain calm and logically form a plan is of huge value and makes him a great brother!