BOTW’s Four Champions, Ranked Worst To Best

BOTW’s Four Champions, Ranked Worst To Best

The four Champions – Revali, Urbosa, Daruk and Mipha – are some of the most memorable characters in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Each Champion improves the game’s story in different ways; though, overall, some of them rank higher than others in terms of having more unique personalities or traits. Ultimately, the impact each Champion had on BOTW‘s story and characters can help rank how well the four were implemented, from worst to best.

The ultimate role of the Champions in BOTW is to aid Link in the fight against Calamity Ganon. As with many of the game’s story elements, the Champions and their backgrounds can be skipped entirely should Link ignore Breath of the Wild‘s Divine Beasts. However, doing so means missing out on the unique abilities each Champion bestows upon Link, as well as forgoing the aid they provide in the game’s final battle. Moreover, the Champions are interesting characters that share personal connections with Link and Zelda, so players will likely want to seek out more information about them.

While BOTW‘s Champions are all likable characters, not all of them rank equally in originality and depth of character. Some of the Champions fit into established Zelda character archetypes, rarely acting in an unexpected or nuanced way. On the other hand, some Champions break the mold of Zelda NPCs, resulting in new dynamics between characters. Those things considered, here are the best and worst aspects of BOTW‘s Champions, ranked.

BOTW Worst Champion: Daruk Lacks Personality

BOTW’s Four Champions, Ranked Worst To Best

Compared to the other Champions in BOTW, Daruk comes off as a rather underdeveloped character. Like the Gorons of every Legend of Zelda game, Daruk is strong, brave, and jovial. He is shown to be very personable and friendly, and Link’s memories show that he took a liking to Link right away. However, Daruk shows very little originality in his brief appearances during BOTW. His personality differs little from other Gorons that have appeared throughout the series, so he feels more like a traditional Goron NPC than a major character. Similarly, he rarely has dialog that does not pertain to being strong, eating rocks, or defeating Ganon, which makes him predictable.

Daruk could have been more interesting as a Champion if he had more variance to his personality. Where other Champions struggle with self-doubt and hidden feelings, Daruk’s outward behavior is largely the extent of his character. Even Daruk’s “weakness” shown in BOTW‘s The Champion’s Ballad DLC, his fear of dogs, is little more than comic relief. Perhaps giving him a more personal reason for wanting to become a Champion or personality traits beyond standard Goron behavior could have raised his overall rank among the four Champions.

Breath Of The Wild Champions Ranked: Mipha Needs More Screentime

All Of BOTW's Four Champions, Ranked Worst To Best

Mipha has a compelling story and a strong connection to Link, but not enough of it is shown on-screen during the events of BOTW. While reserved and demure, Mipha is proficient at piloting the Divine Beast Vah Ruta and utilizing her special healing ability. Having known Link for many years, Mipha has fallen in love with the hero, but she died before getting the chance to tell him. Mipha’s feelings for Link end up helping him succeed, as Breath of the Wild‘s Zora Armor helps Link swim to and access Vah Ruta. Still, much of their relationship is simply talked about, not shown. Even when Mipha has the chance to speak with Link again, her focus is only on defeating Ganon, never directly addressing her feelings.

With a bit more transparency, Mipha’s character in BOTW could rank even higher on the list of Champions. Her death already feels the most tragic of the four, as her father and brother are still alive to mourn her 100 years later. While Mipha’s desire to marry Link mirrors Princess Ruto’s from Ocarina of Time, it feels more genuine; Mipha’s diary confirms that she agreed to pilot Vah Ruta to ease Link’s unspoken burdens, even outlining her painstaking creation of Link’s Zora Armor and her plans to propose to him. If any of Mipha and Link’s interactions addressed this directly, it could have enhanced her role in BOTW.

BOTW Champions Ranked: Urbosa Provides Insights Into Zelda’s Past

All Of BOTW's Four Champions, Ranked Worst To Best

BOTW‘s Gerudo Chieftain, Urbosa, is one of the game’s more multifaceted Champions, earning her a high rank among them. Urbosa is strong-willed and mature, possessing both a capability for piloting a Divine Beast and the power to summon lightning. She was a good friend of Zelda’s mother as well as a close confidant of Zelda herself. Despite radiating confidence, Urbosa’s diary is filled with her pain: She worries for Zelda like a daughter, listening to Zelda’s struggles; she mourns the death of her friend, the queen of Hyrule; she fears for the safety of the younger Champions, determined to make sure they live. This information makes Urbosa’s determination to defeat Ganon feel even more powerful.

Moreover, while many of the Zelda races in BOTW follow their established archetypes, Urbosa is a unique take on a Gerudo. In previous Zelda games, Gerudo can be seen in antagonistic or criminal positions, like the thieves from Ocarina of Time and the pirates from Majora’s Mask. Urbosa, on the other hand, is a proud warrior, distancing her image from previous Gerudo incarnations. She even mentions in her diary that defeating Ganon is personal for her because of his association with the Gerudo, something she resents. This subversion of the archetype works well in making Urbosa likeable and unique.

BOTW Best Champion: Revali Has A Lot Of Depth As A Zelda Character

All Of BOTW's Four Champions, Ranked Worst To Best

What makes Revali the highest-ranked Champion on the list is his subtle depth as a character, as well as how he relates to Link. BOTW adds to The Legend of Zelda‘s Rito lore as it is only the second game in the franchise to feature them. Revali is much different from the Rito of Wind Waker, already defying preexisting expectations for his race. He also has a much different personality than the other Champions, brazenly and arrogantly flaunting his abilities. Revali comes into conflict with Link in particular; Link’s memories show that Revali taunted the hero, declaring himself superior and questioning how Link planned to defeat Ganon with his limited ability. This open hostility gives Revali a more stand-out personality than the other good-natured Champions.

Revali’s pride in BOTW is informed by both determination and insecurity. Revali’s boasts about his abilities are not baseless; his diary reveals that he tirelessly dedicated his life to training his archery and developing the Revali’s Gale technique. When offered a reward for his prowess, Revali requested only the Flight Range (a location in BOTW where Link can undertake archery challenges) so that he can continue improving. A special memory from The Champion’s Ballad shows Revali alone at the Flight Range, trying in desperation to perfect Revali’s Gale with none of his usual pride.

Revali’s diary entries eventually reveal the truth: He is desperate for approval. In one diary entry, Revali explains that he showed Link his newly-created Revali’s Gale knowing that he might fail the technique, showing that he was willing to risk his pride for the Hylian’s admiration. However, neither this display nor any attempts at conversation prompt any reaction from Link. The fact that Link never talks to him in BOTW feeds Revali’s insecurity, leading to the hostility seen in-game.

The depth of his character earns Revali the top rank amongst the four Champions in BOTW. Still, what makes the Champions such great characters is that they are all likable, regardless of how they compare to one another. While the Champions meet their end in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the series will hopefully find a way to implement the Champions into future installments of the franchise.