BOTW 2’s Master Sword Hints At The Worst Zelda Character Returning

BOTW 2’s Master Sword Hints At The Worst Zelda Character Returning

The Master Sword shown in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2‘s second trailer shares a striking resemblance to the weapon in Skyward Sword, hinting at the return of the series’ worst character. The footage revealed also draws comparisons between the two games, with Link falling through a floating island-filled sky. Skyward Sword is well known to take place in the land of Skyloft, home of Goddess Sword. If the weapon in the trailer is the same, then fans can expect to see Fi returning in Breath of the Wild 2.

Fi is a humanoid spirit that resides inside the Goddess Sword, later becoming the Master Sword. Fi was created by the Goddess Hylia and tasked with assisting the chosen hero in his duty to defeat Demise. As the main antagonist in Skyward Sword, and some fans believe Demise will be BOTW 2’s final bossFi tells Link of his destiny and starts his journey to rescue Zelda, putting an end to this powerful foe in the process. At the end of Skyward Sword, the Master Sword is relinquished and Fi falls into an eternal slumber, as her mission is completed. Unfortunately, bad game design ruined what could have been an amazing character.

Fi is one of the most hated characters in the Legend of Zelda series. Throughout Skyward Sword, she constantly tells players way too much information. Instead of learning through experience, Fi says exactly how a boss can be defeated and how they attack. The companion’s repeated interruptions break up the flow of combat and adventure. She also insists on telling players whenever their health or batteries are low. Luckily, Skyward Sword HD makes Fi less annoying by letting fans choose when to interact with her, by pressing down on the D-pad. Besides the Master Sword shown in the trailer, the spirit of the Goddess Sword also has appearances in the original Breath of the Wild.

References To Fi In Breath Of The Wild

BOTW 2’s Master Sword Hints At The Worst Zelda Character Returning

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the first game in the timeline, yet Fi has never once appeared in any other title – that is, until the most recent entry into the mainline series. In Breath of the Wild, players can discover special cutscenes that are memories before the Great Calamity. One memory shows Link on the brink of death after he was attacked by Guardians. At this moment, the Master Sword lights up and plays the same chime that can be heard in Skyward Sword whenever Fi speaks. Zelda is told to bring Link to the Shrine of Resurrection to save him. Skyward Sword and BOTW were connected in this cutscene, but Fi can also be seen briefly talking to Link after completing the Master Trials DLC. Nintendo has been hinting at this character’s return all along.

Breath of the Wild was, and still, is massively popular among fans. The title’s influence can be seen in almost any open-world game that has been released since. The sequel is highly anticipated and will surely sell as many, if not more, copies than its predecessor. Fi was improved in the Skyward Sword HD, but the original game soured the character for many fans. Nintendo has plenty of time to update the spirit of the Master Sword when Breath of the Wild 2 releases in 2023.