Book Of Boba Fett Should Lead To Star Wars 1313 Revival

Book Of Boba Fett Should Lead To Star Wars 1313 Revival

The Book of Boba Fett finally brought the legendary bounty hunter back into the spotlight, and it should pave the way for Star Wars 1313 – a game that would’ve told Boba’s origin story – to be revived. After Disney purchased Lucasfilm many projects received sudden cancellations and the IP underwent a massive overhaul with canonical content. One of these canceled games was Star Wars 1313, which focused on Boba Fett’s early adulthood in the underground levels of Coruscant. The project was pretty far along and LucasArts had even shared a well-received gameplay demo with the public a year prior, but with Boba now back in the center of the galaxy far, far away, it makes sense for a new 1313 game to be made.

Star Wars 1313 took place on Coruscant during Boba Fett’s early adulthood in the depths of the Empire’s capital planet. The game would’ve featured an M rating and utilized unique one-on-one combat sequences, playable cinematics, full-body performance capture, and more. Available trailers showed the game’s opening sequences, which depicted a pair of bounty hunters being killed by Boba as they descended to level 1313. The game reportedly explored Boba Fett’s bounty hunting days in Coruscant’s depths without the Galactic Republic’s Jedi to interfere with business.

Despite only being featured in the original Star Wars movies for a few minutes, Boba Fett became an instant sensation among fans. The Star Wars bounty hunter worked for the Empire and the Hutts, hunting Han Solo across the galaxy before eventually capturing him near the end of The Empire Strikes Back. Unfortunately, the character’s story fell short when he ‘died’ by falling into the Sarlacc Pit in Return of the Jedi. Thankfully, Lucasfilm later revived the character in The Mandalorian and expanded on his adventures in various comic series. Star Wars 1313 would be the next logical step in developing Boba Fett’s story if Disney continues this trend, as it depicts a period of his life fans are yet to see in the new canon.

Star Wars 1313 Capitalized On Jango & Boba’s Popularity

Book Of Boba Fett Should Lead To Star Wars 1313 Revival

Boba Fett has long been a cult-favorite character in the Star Wars mythos, and long before The Book of Boba Fett was greenlit and the bounty hunter returned in The Mandalorian, Star Wars 1313 planned to expand on his legacy. Star Wars fans shared deep disappointment at Boba Fett’s wasted potential for many years. Though the prequel films further developed his legacy, Boba remained vastly underutilized and appeared only briefly. Thankfully, the Star Wars: Bounty Hunter video game that explored Jango Fett’s legacy became a success and paved the way for Star Wars 1313‘s development. While Jedi Force abilities and fighting for the Republic or Rebellion provided players with a straightforward goal, Bounty Hunter created an alternate narrative to experience the galaxy far, far away.

Boba and Jango Fett asserted themselves as vital additions to the Star Wars franchise following the latter’s introduction in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. Jango Fett’s genetic material provided the basis for the Galactic Republic’s Clone Army, and Boba Fett hunted many high-profile Rebel leaders down in the comics. Each created a lasting legacy in their respective eras. As a result, few main canon characters in the Star Wars canon haven’t heard the name Fett in some capacity. The Book of Boba Fett ensures that this is true in the real world as well, meaning Star Wars 1313 stands to make significant profits from the bounty hunter’s name and influence, should it or a game of its ilk be greenllit.

Star Wars 1313 Explored Boba’s Bounty Hunting Days

Shot of Boba Fett from the cancelled game Star Wars 1313

Boba Fett is considered one of Star Wars’ best bounty hunters, but so far Disney has only revealed his humble beginnings in The Clone Wars and snippets of his career in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, with comics filling in the blanks along the way. The Book of Boba Fett‘s available episodes have only explored his time after falling into the Sarlacc Pit, leaving decades of the bounty hunter’s life unrevealed. Star Wars 1313 could expand on Boba Fett’s golden age and his abilities as a feared, respected bounty hunter, long before he encountered Darth Vader or the other characters of the Skywalker Saga.

EA recently announced three new Star Wars games from Respawn Entertainment, but it’s unclear if any of them will spotlight a bounty hunter. If Star Wars 1313 received a revival, its advertised mechanics and systems could present a unique, single-player, story-driven experience where players hunt down their targets in gritty, urban settings. Boba Fett’s impressive arsenal could provide players with various solutions to a single hunt, encouraging creative problem-solving in tense situations. Additionally, if Star Wars 1313 explores the dawn of the Empire, players could hunt down escaped Jedi fleeing to Coruscant’s lower levels. The inclusion of popular characters from series like The Clone Wars could also attract player attention while expanding Disney’s canon.

Star Wars 1313 Delved Into A Hidden Era On Coruscant

Star Wars 1313 concept art

Many Star Wars games explore the Skywalker Saga’s planets in great detail, but Coruscant is a highly underutilized world. In the prequels and the original trilogy, Coruscant acted as the capital of the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire. Unfortunately, most coverage of the planet limited itself to the upper levels. Coruscant is arranged in many layers, with the wealthier citizens living closer to the surface. The Senate Building and Jedi Temple are also on the planet’s surface as a testament to the disconnect between the Republic (and later Empire) and its less fortunate citizens. As a result, criminal activity runs rampant on lower levels, like level 1313. This results in bounty hunters like Boba Fett lurking for dangerous (and profitable) missions in Coruscant’s depths.

Star Wars 1313 – similar to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order‘s timeline setting – likely took place during the Empire’s earliest years, a time when Boba Fett’s whereabouts remain largely unaccounted for. The Clone Wars covers most of Boba’s childhood, and The Book of Boba Fett accounts for his years after the original trilogy, but the dawning years of the Galactic Empire remain largely unexplored. Boba Fett’s allegiance to the Empire is also fluid, seeing as the Galactic Republic killed his father and imprisoned him for years. If Star Wars 1313 is revived, there are significant world-building opportunities and the chance to further develop Boba Fett’s identity independently from fellow clones.

The Book of Boba Fett‘s release and the character’s overall development provides a perfect chance for Star Wars 1313 to experience a revival. 1313 is maybe Star Wars‘ most lamented cancellation, and though it’s doubtful the game could be revived at this stage, it illustrates how there’s clear potential for a Boba Fett origin game to work. Given the project’s significant age, changes would be needed for the original 1313 to be modernized, as well as for it to abide by the new Star Wars canon. For now, fans searching for Boba Fett content can watch The Book of Boba Fett on Disney+ every Wednesday, and hold out hope that Star Wars 1313 may one day be revived.