BoJack Horseman: The 5 Best Romances (& 5 Worst)

BoJack Horseman: The 5 Best Romances (& 5 Worst)

The BoJack Horseman universe might be filled with countless dysfunctional, depressed, and traumatized individuals, but that doesn’t mean they are not interested in love and romance. Quite on the contrary: they are more than happy to commit, but they do so for the wrong reasons. Some just seek validation, others don’t know how to be alone and others compulsively take care of others rather than of themselves. Some look for love in all the wrong places, ignoring all the red flags until it all blows up in their faces. Others know how to pick them, but struggle to maintain a happy relationship since they haven’t resolved their own issues yet.

Since most characters are rich and famous and live in the superficial world of Hollywoo, genuine connection is even harder to come by. After all, the city is teeming with opportunists and workaholics.

Best: BoJack And Wanda

BoJack Horseman: The 5 Best Romances (& 5 Worst)

BoJack’s relationship with Wanda in season 2 was far from perfect, but it was one of the healthiest or at least the least harmful for both parties involved. With Wanda, BoJack got a fresh start since she was in a coma for so long she didn’t know he was really famous. BoJack genuinely liked her: “I want to do things with you. Fully clothed, sober, in daylight hours.”

It didn’t take long until Wanda decided that she can’t take BoJack’s negativity anymore and decided to leave him. If only she dated someone more positive, for example Mr. Peanutbutter: that would be a romantic relationship fans could all get behind.

Worst: Mr. Peanutbutter And Pickles

mr peanutbutter and pickles on a date

At first glance, Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles make for a great couple since they are both cheerful dogs. However, Mr. Peanutbutter is repeating his dysfunctional relationship cycle yet again. He met Diane under similar circumstances: they were both young waitresses and he was accompanied by a nagging wife. He always tries to be nice to everyone, which always leads to a conflict down the road. He always dates younger women who eventually outgrow him and become resentful towards him. So tragic, considering he is one of the most likable characters.

Even though it was hard to see Mr. Peanutbutter struggle after Pickles left him, at least he now has a chance to finally grow up and work on his codependency issues.

Best: Princess Carolyn And Ralph Stilton

Ralph Stilton and Princess Carolyn

Even though cats and mice don’t typically get along, PC and Ralph hit it off instantly. Things were going great between them until PC realized she can’t have children. She was so heartbroken that she pushed Ralph away and many fans still don’t understand exactly why she had done so.

Princess Carolyn is not just an independent powerhouse. She also has several negative traits, one of the most heartbreaking being that she is prone to self-destructive behavior. After breaking up with Ralph, she also fired Judah. Why would anyone in their right mind do that to themselves?

Worst: Ana Spanakopita And BoJack

Angela Bassett as the Hollywood publicist Ana Spanakopita in BoJack Horseman

Fans can barely call this a romance since Ana just used BoJack to reap the rewards as his publicist. He never really liked her either; he just liked the validation she gave him and she promised him she will get him an Academy Award. She also sexually assaulted him, but it was never addressed later on when they started a consensual relationship.

Later on in the series, Ana showed Diane a recording of BoJack’s confession about what happened in New Mexico with Penny. It’s not that BoJack didn’t have it coming, but it is ironic that it’s the woman who has abused him that throws him under the bus.

Best: Mr. Peanutbutter And Diane

BoJack Horseman characters Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter.

Despite their differences, Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane were one of the best long-standing couples on the show. Even though it was obvious from the start that Diane is not too enthusiastic about being Mr. PB’s wife. She essentially ran away to Cordovia, but Mr. Peanubutter loved her unconditionally nonetheless. When they were good, they were really good. It’s just that those times typically didn’t last long.

Diane grew up in a loveless home, so she didn’t know how to be emotionally more available in her marriage. Diane came a long way throughout the series, though. On the other hand, fans have Mr. PB who failed to decipher other people’s needs. He just did for her what he would love someone else to do for him and it’s hard to get by with someone who projects things as much as he did.

Worst: Princess Carolyn And Vincent Adultman

A confused 'Adultman with PC

Princess Carolyn dating three boys stacked on top of one another was probably one of the biggest and funniest face-palms of the series. He was kept around for way too long since the joke got old really fast. The message was clear, though: Princess Carolyn is literally compelled to date projects and manchildren.

Vincent Adultman is a supporting character that gave us some of the first insights into how damaged the main characters were. PC overlooked all the glaring red flags and BoJack actually went along with Vincent pretty well, signalling he is mentally stuck in his youth.

Best: Todd And Maude

todd and maude on bojack

The king of odd jobs, Todd finally found his perfect match in Maude, a bunny that shares his sense of humor and outlook on life. They met thanks to BoJack: he told Maude to download Todd’s app for aces and the rest is history.

It’s a bit unrealistic and unusual for a character on BoJack Horseman to get such a rushed happy ending. But if there is anyone who deserves it, it’s our beloved Todd.

Worst: Beatrice And Butterscotch Horseman

bojack horseman's parents on bojack horseman

Once fans learn just how hateful BoJack’s parents were towards each other, it makes complete sense that he is struggling with issues like narcissism and substance abuse. Butterscotch was a bitter racist who cheated on his wife and offered his underage son alcohol. Both BoJack’s parents let him know on almost a daily basis that he was a nuisance who deserves to be neglected, or in Butterscotch’s words “noise and snot factory”.

“All three of us were drowning, and we didn’t know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together”, BoJack recalled what it was like growing up for him.

Best: Princess Carolyn And Judah

Judah Princess Carolyn BoJack Horseman

Princess Carolyn worked tirelessly to get ahead in life, always putting other people’s needs first and focusing primarily on her career. After all the sacrificing she has done in her life, it was so delightful to see her end up with a man like Judah. In him, she found the perfect romantic and business partner. He is responsible, effective, and has internalized capitalism just as much as PC has.

Together, these two will make for a formidable power couple and amazing parents.

Worst: BoJack And Gina

BoJack Horseman Gina

A truly tragic relationship was BoJack and Gina’s. He was a full blown addict at a time and she was so focused on making it in Hollywoo that she sacrificed her well-being. It all culminated in a severe physical assault, but Gina refused to be seen as a victim rather than a rising star and thus covered the truth about BoJack.

The assault was so traumatic for Gina that she couldn’t work with her male coworker in the future without having flashbacks.