Blindspot: 10 Questions We Still Have After The Series Finale

Blindspot: 10 Questions We Still Have After The Series Finale

For five seasons, NBC told a story of a woman with no memory sent to the FBI to dismantle them. What transpired over the course of the show were intense action scenes, more deceit that we could imagine, and a storyline that blew the minds of millions. But here we are at the end of Blindspot and loyal fans are wondering what could have been and what should have been.

Nothing is ever perfect and with the final scene by the writers, fans were left wondering what was real and what was fiction? Did Jane Doe die? Is Tasha going to be a great mother and how did Rich and Boston work out their differences? Those are just a few of the questions lingering in the minds of fans.

Is Jane Dead

Blindspot: 10 Questions We Still Have After The Series Finale

The most asked question since the series finale. What really happened at the end of Blindspot? After the bomb in Times Square was defused, either Jane made it through the chaos or she passed out and died. In a time jump, we saw the team gathered around a table with other family and friends but then Jane had a flashback of her own.

What viewers then saw was her fall out. So, which was real? Did she survive or not? Many believed she ade it while there are those who believe she did die. where do you stand?

Where Was Janes’s Daughter The Last Season

One thing that has always stuck out in the Blindspot storyline like a sore thumb was the connection or lack thereof between Jane and her daughter Avery. The news was a huge bombshell but afterward, her character just faded away. Although she was seen in the final moments of the show, the question of where she’s been has still lingered.

It’s compelling for the simple fact that Jane and Kurt always talked about getting back to Bethany so they could be a family but Jane never mentioned getting back to Avery and being a mother to her.

 Why No Love Connection For Patterson

Patterson in Blindspot

It’s safe to say that Patterson has not had the best of luck when it comes to love. She began the show dating David who was just as nerdy as she was but David got himself caught up in the espionage life that Patterson was leading and found himself murdered.

After David, Patterson found solace in the arms of the FBI’s psychologist Borden. While hot and heavy, it would be revealed that Borden was actually the enemy the team has been chasing since Jane’s arrival. Patterson would be forced to kill Borden. Why not give her another shot since everyone around her was given one?

Was Killing Reade That Important

Edgar Reade was one of the original cast members. Although he always seemed to be a bit out of place with the others, he’s been there from the beginning. Killing his character off at the beginning of Season 5 was a huge blow but one that should have been expected. But was it that important?

Reade and Tasha finally found their way to one another and with a baby on the way, it would have been nice to see their family dynamic and watch their relationship blossom.

Who Would Have The Best Spinoff

There are rumors circulating that there could be a possible spinoff to Blindspot. But here’s the catch. Which one would be worth giving the green light to? Could the fans stomach a show surrounding Tasha, her newborn baby, and her new Private Investigation Firm? What about a show centered around the exploits of Patterson, Rich, and Boston?

If Jane is indeed dead, there could be no Jane and Kurt show but maybe a show based on Kurt and Allie? While each has its own intrigue, neither one of those choices may be strong enough to carry a full series.

Where Was Afreen

For all of Season 5, Afreen and Weitz were joined at the hip when it came to helping the team. When Weitz was about to go off the rails a few times, it was Afreen who was there to reel him back in. With Patterson out the office and on the run, it was Afreen who became the tech exert in solving puzzles.

So why was she not in the last episode? Where was her character during the show’s finale and most crucial moments? She’s been their lifeline in Season 5 but somehow, the writers, well, they wrote her out.

Can Rich And Boston Make It Work

Quite possibly the best relationship on the show even though, the majority of the time we had no idea if they were together or even liked one another. The Rich Dotcom and Boston Arliss Crab dynamic was as breathe of fresh air for a show based on deceit, crime, violence, and action.

As the pair was shown to be together thanks to one of Jane’s ending realities, the question remains can they make it? Constantly at each other throats during the show’s existence, it proved fans with a dry humor that was needed to balance the scales.

What Happened To The Real Showdown With Ivy

The lead up for Ivy in Season 5 was that she was in line to become the next Roman. While there were no emotional ties to Jane or any of the other members of the team, viewers were led to believe that there would be a big showdown between Jane and Ivy before the series ended.

There was a fight scene but that lasted all by two minutes. And just like that, Ivy was dead. She’s a skilled assassin and should have been able to give Jane a run for her money in the tactical department but a massive showdown never transpired. What were they building up the suspense for?

Was Madeline Their Best Enemy

Madeline in Blindspot

Throughout the seasons of Blindspot, many villains have come and gone. However, only a handful have managed to remain relevant. There was Sandstorm which was led by Shepherd. Then Roman became a true villain. There was also Hank Crawford and then Madeline.

What made Madeline so dangerous was that she was able to tear the team down from the inside. Ultimately, her moves killed Reade, Weitz, and possibly Jane. And to top that off, they were stripped of their FBI jobs. That’s something no other villain was able to do.

Could They Have Gone One More Season

With any show, the question of staying or going has to be the main topic of discussion for any studio. well, for Blindspot, it was can the writers come up with any more interesting storylines? Over five seasons, viewers were provided flashbacks, episodes where memories were restored, reunited families, and Jane seeing ghosts.

What was left to do? Blindspot had a great run and ending the show after five seasons felt like the right thing to do. It’s always smart to get away before you ruin what you have created. The same approach Game of Thrones had to take.