Blibdoolpoolp: D&D’s Weirdest Deity Is A Woman With A Lobster Head

Blibdoolpoolp: D&D’s Weirdest Deity Is A Woman With A Lobster Head

There are numerous gods in Dungeons & Dragons that players can use as their patrons. The strangest god to ever appear in the history of the game is Blibdoolpoolp, whose avatar resembles a naked humanoid woman with a lobster’s head and claws.

D&D world like the Forgotten Realms has different pantheons. There are gods that represent different facets of existence, like Mystra representing magic and Sune representing love. The demihuman races in Dungeons & Dragons also have their own patron gods, like Moradin for the dwarves and Garl Glittergold for the gnomes. There are some gods that are only worshiped in specific parts of the world, such as how the Mulhorand pantheon are the gods of ancient Egypt.

It’s not just the humans and demihumans who have patron gods in Dungeons & Dragons. The most famous of these are the dragon deities, as many mortals worship Bahamut, the platinum god of the good dragons. There are also evil cultists who worship Tiamat, the five-headed goddess of evil dragons. The prominent evil races have raised their own deities into the outer planes, and they tend to be as wicked as their worshipers. The goddess of the kuo-toa in D&D is as peculiar as she is foul, thanks to her alien appearance.

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Blibdoolpoolp: D&D’s Weirdest Deity Is A Woman With A Lobster Head

The kuo-toa are a race of evil fishermen who reside in the darkest corners of the Underdark. Players who go on underwater Dungeons & Dragons adventures are also likely to encounter kuo-toa. The minds of the kuo-toa are so deranged that they possess the ability to inflict their madness upon others, much like the Malkavians of Vampire: The Masquerade. The kuo-toa worship a goddess called Blibdoolpoolp, who appears when they perform a mass sacrifice of humanoids in their underground cities.

Blibdoolpoolp is infamous for her strange design. The older editions of D&D books had no problem including nudity, which is why many players were treated to the sight of a naked woman with a lobster’s head and claws in the first edition of Deities & Demigods. Blibdoolpoolp’s bizarre design reflects the fact that is one of the oldest and most alien gods in the in-game lore of D&D. She believes she knows arcane secrets from the founding of the universe, yet she is reluctant to use them against the gods that oppose her. Instead, D&D’s Blibdoolpoolp resides in the darkest corners of the Elemental Plane of Water, surrounded by ancient servants who remind her of the power she once had.

Blibdoolpoolp’s silly appearance doesn’t mean she should be taken lightly. A party of Dungeons & Dragons adventurers should run if they encounter her avatar, as she still has the power of a deity, and her mastery of the arcane arts isn’t exaggerated. There are lots of powerful monsters that a Dungeons & Dragons player doesn’t want to lose their character to, and a lobster creature from the darkest corners of DeviantArt is high on the list, so don’t try and take on Blibdoolpoolp’s avatar if she is summoned by her worshipers.