Bleach: 10 Manga Loose Ends To Address In The Final Anime Arc

Bleach: 10 Manga Loose Ends To Address In The Final Anime Arc

When it was announced that Bleach would get its final arc, The Thousand-Year Blood War Arc, animated by October of 2022, fans were ecstatic. But all hope seemed lost as time went on and interest fell during the final years of the manga’s run, leading to a rushed ending and several loose ends. With the history of series like Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood or HunterxHunter, getting their chance at a retelling, it was something fans of the classic 2000s series hoped for.

And now, that wish is close to being fulfilled. The Thousand-Year Blood War Arc answers many of the questions that have been part of the story since the beginning, and watching those scenes animated is sure to be a treat. But, due to how rushed the ending was, a lot of questions also went answered. This frustrated a lot of fans, but in the anime, these questions and loose ends can finally be resolved.


Bleach: 10 Manga Loose Ends To Address In The Final Anime Arc

What exactly happened between Soken and the Wandenreich that led to the Ishida’s not being connected with them remains unknown, as does whatever the Quincy Fifth Field is. Given this entire arc is about the Quincy Clan, spending more time with Uryuu and his family, the only Quincy’s that have been a part of the story until this point, would be a good idea.

Bleach does flashbacks very well, and Uryuu and Ryuuken having flashbacks to Soken would be a great way to generate doubt about Uryuu’s decision-making in the story. While the manga does a good job of it, this would be a great addition to the anime.

What Happened 1,000 Years Ago

A character with a sword in Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War

The arc is titled The Thousand-Year Blood War, and while a lot is said about the war, it is never shown. As mentioned, Bleach has proven it can do flashbacks very well. Spending some time showing the war to the audience would be beneficial to truly understand how strong the Quincy’s anger is, and how much Soul Society has changed.

The anime could also spend some time building up the rivalry between the Captain-Commander – the strongest Shinigami in Soul Society – and Yhwach. This would allow audiences to fully understand the ramifications of Captain-Commander’s fate and his Bankai. A sympathetic villain with a reason, who is shown to the audience, would make for great storytelling.


Blended image of Aizen in the Bleach manga and anime,

Aizen was Bleach’s main villain for the majority of its run, and the last image of him in the manga is confined to a chair. More time spent with Aizen in this final arc would be great to give him the appropriate send-off such a villain deserves.

His conversation with Yhwach related to the Soul King and Soul Society, in general, would be a great segway into learning more about Aizen. Why was he as strong as he was? Was the Soul King aware of him? Why does he live but Yhwach die upon defeat? There is so much room to expand on with Aizen, and the anime could do it very well.

Quincy & Yhwach’s History

Ywhach sketch art as The Almighty for Bleach

The Quincy showing up as a surprise is a perfect story element, but spending some time with them would be good. A lot of time was spent with the Espada in Hueco Mundo, building them up as characters, even if they weren’t as important to the overall story.

In contrast, the Sternritter, though just as intelligent and fearsome, did not have as much time dedicated to them. Partly as a result of time constraints and decisions to move the story along, this is something the anime could definitely fix. With more time spent on the Quincy and Yhwach’s role in their history, and how they’ve lived since their war with the Shinigami, audiences would be sure to respond to them much as they did to the Espada.

Ryuuken & Isshin

Blended image of Ryuken and Isshi in Bleach.

Before the last time fans see them, it is very obvious that Ryuuken and Isshin are about to do something in the war. The result is never seen, but given the fact that they both have quite the bone to pick with Yhwach given what happened to their respective wives, it can be assumed that whatever plan they had was thought-out and prepared.

Seeing two characters that have often been depicted at odds with each other work together is one of the best parts of watching anime, and Ryuuken has only been shown using some of his powers. Isshin is in a similar boat. Seeing them both actually let loose and get justified revenge would be a great end to their arcs.

Fan-Favorite Character Fates

Urahara putting on a hat in Bleach.

Ryuuken and Isshin are not the only characters with unknown fates. Fan-favorite characters like Urahara, Grimmjow, Yoruichi, and Neliel were also only last seen in the middle of battle. These are all characters that have been shown to be quite strong and in the case of Urahara and Yoruichi, able to defeat Ichigo.

Not only is it unknown what happens to them by the end of the manga and its epilogue, but their story is quite literally left unfinished. For instance, one of the last things shown is Yuushirou trying to get the Holy Armor to his sister Yoruichi. What the armor is supposed to do remains unknown to this day, and the anime could show it.

Real Change In Soul Society

Wide shot of Soul Society in Bleach.

Throughout the series, viewers have learned about the inequalities that exist in Soul Society. Ichigo’s existence and actions in the story initially challenge a lot of the status quo, but it’s never demonstrated to have quite as big an impact as it can. By the end of the manga, it was unclear what life was like outside of the Thirteen Squads.

Tied to this is the fact that though Five Great Noble Houses were mentioned, only three were ever actually introduced in the series. Additional world-building of Soul Society, and the effects Ichigo and the war itself have on its inhabitants, would be great to see with some extra episodes.

Unseen Bankai

Toshiro frowning in Bleach

The most common wish from fans is to finally see all the Bankai of all the captain-level characters. Hisagi in particular teased that he would unleash his before the manga had to cut things short. Bankai are a particularity of the series and a great way for characters to get some screen time.

Since they are based on the person’s soul, they provide insight into the character beyond what has been shown previously. Characters like Shinji, Hisagi, or Isshin, who have had their turn as part of Ichigo’s main story but not much room beyond, would benefit from being given some additional time via the reveal of their Bankai.

Ichigo’s Powers

Ichigo wields a sword in Bleach

More time exploring and explaining Ichigo’s new powers would help viewers understand the final battle. Until today, the final attack against Yhwach is not fully understood by readers, but the anime could fix this problem. Ichigo has come close to death several times, but the fight against Yhwach is the culmination of all these times from the very first time.

It’s a full-circle moment for Ichigo, as the death of his mother was due to Yhwach. And his new powers are related to his mother and Yhwach, which is the reason he is the best suited to defeat him. If anyone deserves more time to explain what he is capable of in this series, it is Ichigo.

Soul King

Soul King's left hand in Bleach.

Anything and everything related to the Soul King could be explored further. The explanations given in the manga are good starting points, but there’s a lot of room to expand. Further background about the current Soul King and the connection to Yhwach would be one thing to help tie the story together.

In the same vein, the Royal Guard could use some more time in the sun. They are introduced and phased through very quickly in the manga. While their main narrative purpose is to be part of a training arc, more time spent with them could only be beneficial to understanding Ichigo’s powers and how Soul Society actually works.