Blade is Marvel’s Last Hero Standing in The Zombie Apocalypse

Blade is Marvel’s Last Hero Standing in The Zombie Apocalypse

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #2

Once again, the heroes of the Marvel Universe have been turned into Marvel Zombies in a new alternate world from writer Phillip K. Johnson. In previous versions of Marvel Zombies, Spider-Man was one of the first heroes to be turned into the undead, though this time in Marvel Zombies: Resurrection, Peter Parker gets to be one of the last remaining survivors in this grim new world. However, he was almost eaten at the end of the first issue. Thankfully, Peter was saved, getting some backup from none other than Blade, Marvel’s resident vampire hunter, who’s living his best life in the new world of the undead.

Together with the children of Reed and Sue Richards, a reprogrammed Sentinel, and Chewie the Flerken Cat, the former Spider-Man has been trying to do his best to keep himself and the kids safe from the undead. While the kids have hope and want to find the Galactus Hive to try and cure the zombies (including their parents), Peter has no such hope, and for good reason. While they were traveling with the X-Men Forge and Moonstone, Forge was eaten by the zombified Beast in the X-Mansion while Moonstone left the group and was quickly turned into a zombie herself, joining the hive mind. However, right as Moonstone was about to consume Peter, Blade arrived in the knick of time, slicing Moonstone into several pieces, asking Peter if he could join them to the Galactus Hive.

This brings things to Johnson’s Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #2 with art by Leonard Kirk. Tracing the cosmic radiation of Galactus, the unlikely group heads to the Hive, and Peter asks Blade why he’s so interested in finding the Hive. Blade’s response is simple, and true to his character: he wants to go to the Hive because killing the undead is all he cares to do. “That pretty much makes this world Disneyland to me.” He doesn’t think that there’s a chance that they’ll save the world, but he does think there’ll be plenty of opportunities for him to do what he does best.

Blade is Marvel’s Last Hero Standing in The Zombie Apocalypse

While this may seem like not the greatest motivation, killing the undead is basically what Blade would do anyway even if the world was normal. The only difference now is that the undead are everywhere. Seeing as how Peter has lost all hope as a hero at this point (having seen too much), this pretty much makes Blade one of the last true heroes on Earth, especially due to the fact that his purpose is still intact.

The fact that Blade couldn’t care less if the world is saved or not is classic. All Blade cares for is doing his job, which is to take out as many of the undead as he can. He’s good at it, so why end the fun when there’s a non-stop line of zombies that need to be decapitated? This issue perfectly shows that Blade might just be the only hero who could actually benefit from a zombie apocalypse. Regardless, fans should be pretty interested to see how Blade reacts as the Marvel Zombies: Resurrection continues, especially if the children of the Fantastic Four do indeed find a way to cure the undead hordes.