Black Widow: The 10 Best Characters, Ranked

Black Widow: The 10 Best Characters, Ranked

After years of waiting, Natasha Romanoff has finally gotten her own solo movie, Black Widow. The film picks up after Captain America: Civil War and follows Natasha as she is forced to team up with people from her past in order to try to bring down the Red Room once and for all.

In addition to mentioning several Avengers who do not actually appear on screen, such as Hawkeye and Captain America, the movie sees the return of a couple of established MCU characters as well as the introduction of several memorable new characters from Natasha’s past. But which characters really worked, and who deserved to end up on the cutting room floor?

Thaddeus Ross

Black Widow: The 10 Best Characters, Ranked

In an attempt to enforce the Sokovia Accords, Secretary Thaddeus Ross tracks down all the dissenting Avengers and imprisons them in the Raft. Throughout Black Widow, Ross is trying to find and apprehend Natasha Romanoff.

Ross’ presence in the movie is an effective way to remind the audience of where the film falls on the timeline. He’s a nice connection to the MCU and he makes the most of the limited screen time that he gets, but he mostly functions more like a plot device than a full character.


Taskmaster mimics Black Panther's fighting style in Black Widow

Fans were excited when it was revealed that Taskmaster would be one of the villains in Black Widow. Comic book readers know that this Taskmaster deviates significantly from the original origin of the character, as it is revealed that Taskmaster is actually Antonia Dreykov with a microchip implanted in her brain.

Taskmaster has a cool design and gets some big action sequences. However, the character does not speak and ends up being a pretty generic assassin. While the tragic backstory adds a little bit of personality, the movie, unfortunately, turns a great character from the comics into a fairly forgettable secondary bad guy.

Other Widows

The Widows train in the Red Room in Black Widow

Black Widow is filled with other Widows, mind-controlled assassins who are forced to carry out Dreykov’s will. They are depicted as conscious of their actions but unable to control themselves, and they are shown training as well as performing their deadly missions.

While the audience does not get to spend more than a moment or two with any one Widow in particular, the movie does gives some detail about the women who go through the Red Room training. This information about their pasts and the conditions they were subjected to makes their liberation at the end all the more satisfying.


Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine talking to Yelena Belova in Black Widow

After her introduction in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and her established connection with John Walker, it is clear that Valentina Allegra de Fontaine is being set up for a bigger role in the MCU. Her appearance in the after-credits scene of Black Widow cements that as she reveals Hawkeye as Yelena’s next target.

Valentina is a snarky, fast-talking woman who has made a strong impression in just a short amount of time. Black Widow’s controversial character ending has been a subject of debate among fans, and having Valentina interrupt the mourning scene that fans had been clamoring for was a sure-fire way to ensure that audiences remember her appearance.


Black Widow Dreykov Melina

Dreykov is a powerful and well-connected Russian general. He is the commander of the Red Room, overseeing the abduction, training, and deployment of an army of Widows. He has taken his control to another level by using chemicals to mind-control the Widows.

Dreykov is an unfeeling, cold villain who shows no remorse about using people for his own gain. The movie does not really reveal his backstory or give him any deeper motivations than greed and lust for power. While he may not be the most well-rounded character, he is certainly dark and intimidating.


Black Widow Natasha Mason

Richard Mason is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who helps Natasha Romanoff hide out from Thaddeus Ross and later also helps supply her with the resources she needs to break Alexei out of prison. Whenever she needs something, whether it be a power generator or a jet, Mason is able to find it for her, making him one of Black Widow’s best allies.

Mason does not have a large role in the film, but he is a charming and good-natured supporting character. He is funny and kind, even potentially hints at romantic feelings for Natasha.


Melina at family dinner table in flashback Black Widow

Melina is the closest thing to a mom that Natasha has ever had, as they pretended to be a family for years during an undercover mission. She works for Dreykov as a scientist, helping him perfect the chemical mind-control process.

Melina is a brilliant mind, achieving great scientific success, but for an evil purpose. She is also revealed to have a sentimental side, as Natasha discovers that she kept their family photo album. Melina’s caring nature and maternal instincts eventually win out as she turns on Dreykov and helps Natasha take him down.

Natasha Romanoff

Natasha smirks and gestures at the end of Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff has always been a great character throughout her appearances in the MCU. While Black Widow does not add as many new layers to the character as it could have, she finally gets the opportunity to shine as the center of attention in her own film.

Natasha Romanoff is an incredibly skilled spy and physical combatant, easily eluding Thaddeus Ross and his men. But the movie really highlights her heart as the thing that makes her special. Despite all of the pain and hardship she has endured and been forced to dole out on others, she is able to retain her humanity and be a loving and kind person.

Alexei Shostakov

Black Widow Red Guardian suit

Alexei, the Red Guardian, is the Soviet Union’s first super-soldier. After taking the Super Soldier Serum, he worked as Dreykov’s right-hand man. Upon completing his undercover mission, Dreykov had Alexei thrown in prison.

Alexei views himself as the Soviet equivalent to Captain America, fabricating stories about their battles against one another. He has incredible physical strength and demonstrates genuine care for his fake family. He is loud and overconfident, frequently saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. He is arguably the funniest character in the movie, often ending up as the butt of the joke.


Yelena listens to her family fight during dinner in Black Widow

As the youngest member of the undercover family, Yelena views the others as her actual kin, telling them that it was all real for her. Despite feeling abandoned by Natasha, she still reaches out to her for help distributing the antidote to the Widows.

Yelena is the clear standout of Black Widow. She is funny, dishing out one-liners and going on rants about the pockets in her vest, accounting for most of the best quotes in Black Widow. She is also an excellent fighter who is able to fight Natasha to a draw. Yelena’s arc in the film is about breaking free from Dreykov’s control and becoming her own person. She is a tremendous new character and the after-credits scene sets her up to take Natasha’s place in the MCU moving forward.