Black Suit Spider-Man Cosplay Shows What Peter’s Darkest Design Could Look Like in the MCU

Black Suit Spider-Man Cosplay Shows What Peter’s Darkest Design Could Look Like in the MCU

Marvel’s Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has a long and storied history as one of the most iconic superheroes to have ever done it in a sprawling comic book universe chock-full of them, with Spidey’s choice in spandex often leaning towards his original blue and red look. But in a cosplay image depicting Spider-Man quite literally at his lowest, his black symbiote suit returns, showcasing what Tom Holland’s MCU take on the same design could and should look like.

Recently shared on Instagram by @wens.1998, this cosplay account specializes in creating and wearing the professional-looking costumes they post on their page but also photographing and editing these digital images.

Consistently uploading reenactments of iconic Spider-Man comic book stories, memorable moments in his history, and, of course, new and exciting original cosplays depicting Peter Parker’s adventures as a hero, @wens.1998’s dedication in bringing all things Spider-Man to their tens of thousands of followers is commendable, especially when recreating a live-action look of a dark period in Spidey’s life featuring one of his most formidable villains, Kraven the Hunter.

Black Suit Spider-Man Cosplay Shows What Peter’s Darkest Design Could Look Like in the MCU


Spider-Man Cosplay Is Peter Parker If He’d Mastered the Venom Symbiote

Spider-Man and his clone get a makeover in black as a new cosplay imagines what they’d look like if they found a way to work with the Venom symbiote.

Spider-Man’s Black Suit Returns In Stunning Marvel Cosplay

Spider-Man crawling out of his grave in the symbiote suit.

A new suit introduced to Spider-Man lore in the seminal 1984 comic book event, Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, this series shook the Marvel Universe to its core and resulted in more than a few status quo-changing shifts, including Peter Parker getting his soon-to-be-iconic black symbiote look. Slowly corrupting him the more he wore it, Spidey’s dark streak came to a head during the 1987 Kraven-centric storyline titled Kraven’s Last Hunt, where Peter was shot and buried alive, resulting in one of the most iconic images in Marvel Comics of a black-suited Spider-Man clawing his way out of a grave in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Taking on the challenge of adapting the exact moment Spider-Man bursts out of the ground, @wens.1998’s “remake poster” of an older design not only looks highly comic-accurate based on the original comic panel alone but comes across as being realistic enough that it’s hard not to imagine seeing this up on the big screen. Photoshopped with details that sell the dark and unsettling feel of this scene, @wens.1998’s added rain, mud, and lightning effects, as well as their roughed-up symbiote suit, shows how to properly bring Spider-Man’s black suit into the live-action space, to say nothing about how flawlessly it adapts one of the most harrowing events in Peter’s comic book career.

Black Suit Spider-Man Cosplay Shows The MCU What It’s Missing

Spider-Man in his black costume from the cover of Web of Spider-Man #1.

So while it’s only been more recently hinted at that the MCU’s Spider-Man will one day have to contend with his own version of the Venom symbiote that will, in turn, curse him with one of his darkest designs, @wens.1998 makes it clear that this transition from comic to movie screen is not only achievable but looks fantastic when designed and presented with care. Seeing the MCU version of Spider-Man‘s black suit is still a ways off, but at least Marvel needs to look no further for some live-action inspiration that’s already nailed Peter’s symbiote design perfectly.