Birds of Prey’s Huntress Just Got a Mad Max Redesign That’s a Gift to Cosplayers

Birds of Prey’s Huntress Just Got a Mad Max Redesign That’s a Gift to Cosplayers

Warning! Contains spoilers for Harley Quinn #36!

DC has given Huntress a brand-new barbarian-inspired outfit that would be an absolute gift to adventurous cosplayers — especially fans of the hit movie Mad Max. Huntress is one of the more brutal vigilantes in DC Comics, really not having much issue with using lethal force. She also has an iconic purple costume that is instantly recognizable when cosplayed, even when it’s fantastically reimagined.

Huntress’ new killer (and Mad Max-like) outfit is shown in a rather bizarre in-continuity back-up story by Alexis Quasarano and Steve Beach from Harley Quinn #36. In a strange Conan the Barbarian-like dream, Harley imagines herself in a fantasy-like scenario. This story sees her tasked by an evil emperor to retrieve his runaway goddess, and Harley encounters brutal versions of both Huntress and John Constantine.

Birds of Prey’s Huntress Just Got a Mad Max Redesign That’s a Gift to Cosplayers

Eventually, Harley decides to side with the goddess, who is a dream version of Poison Ivy. Harley, Huntress, and Constantine team up to take down the evil emperor, and just before Harley gets her kiss as a reward, she instantly wakes up. While this is the end of Harley’s Barbarian dream, it doesn’t need to be the end of Huntress’ Barbarian look.

Detective Comics 1050 Preview cover, featuring the Huntress


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Huntress Reveals Her Amazing New Barbarian Outfit

Comic book panels: Huntress, Harley Quinn, and John Constantine in barbarian outfits

Helena Bertinelli’s family was once an extremely well-connected part of the mob — but one day, the mob turned on them. Helena’s family was massacred, and she was one of the few survivors. After that, she vowed to take revenge on crime, the mob specifically, and would often use lethal force to achieve it if necessary. This has made Huntress one of the deadliest members of the Bat-Family and also very popular among certain fans, including cosplayers. This new costume design will certainly be a boon to them.

Helena’s new Barbarian outfit is a look that Huntress has never really gotten to show off before. While Multiverse stories are all the rage, Huntress is almost never featured in any of them. This means she rarely gets to have fun and outside-the-box costumes outside of her usual one. This fantasy redesign gives is a chance for cosplayers to show off their chops — and a chance to show off just how fierce Helena is while still incorporating her iconic purple in a brand-new way. Helena was the first black sheep of the Bat-Family, and she really deserves more unique outfits.

Each Harley Quinn Barbarian Design Is a Breath of Fresh Air

Comic book panels: Harley Quinn The Barbarian Is Revealed

Batman has gotten countless redesigned costumes over the years, and Nightwing has also gone through many phases with his outfits. Huntress, on the other hand, is someone who only really gets to stick with her one outfit, even when it receives minor updates over the years. As iconic as that outfit is, there’s only so much personal flare cosplayers can put on her while still staying true to Helena. This new Barbarian outfit is a much-needed new addition to Huntress’ wardrobe, and it’s an absolutely amazing look that will certainly be popular for any fan who dares to try recreating it.

Harley Quinn #36 is available now from DC Comics!

HARLEY QUINN #36 (2021)

Harley Quinn 36 Main Cover: Harley Quinn with one eye stands in front of a robot.

  • Writer: Tini Howard, Alexis Quasarano
  • Artist: Sweeney Boo, Steve Beach
  • Letterer: Steve Wands, Hassan Otsmane-Elhao
  • Cover Artist: Sweeny Boo