Billions: Wendy Rhoades’ 10 Best Quotes

Billions: Wendy Rhoades’ 10 Best Quotes

Wendy Rhoades from the Showtime series Billions is like the Yoda of Axe Capital. She listens intently, providing sage advice and little nuggets of wisdom that give the members of the team hope, confidence, and makes them think.

While Wendy isn’t all good, often using her therapeutic superpowers to benefit her own personal goals, like when she seduced Mafee, or ruthlessly hurt others, like Taylor, there’s no denying that she always knows exactly what to say. The team would fall apart without her, and even outside of the show, Wendy’s pearls of wisdom are food for thought.

A Normal Person

“A normal person wouldn’t engage in the behavior. A sociopath wouldn’t give a s***. You’re somewhere in between.”

Billions: Wendy Rhoades’ 10 Best Quotes

Wendy is the person who knows Axe the best, even better than he knows himself. She perfectly pegged him with this line, recognizing that he often acts in a narcissistic, self-involved, selfish manner without any regard for the consequences of his actions. However, on the flip side, it’s obvious that situations and people can hurt him.

Axe is the type of person who engages in ridiculous behavior just to prove a point or “win,” which suggests that he cares too much. This is in direct contrast to almost everything else about his personality, which makes it seem like he cares about no one and nothing but himself. Wendy perfectly encapsulates that with this statement.


“Only a fool doesn’t look at the downside. But only a coward allows it to dissuade him from that which he knows he must do.”

Axe boasts about Chuck failing to arrest him in Billions

As the series progressed, Wendy went through a lot of personal growth herself, but also became hardened by many of the things that happened to her. She began to act in an unfeeling manner. She would sometimes say things that put her on the same footing with Axe and Wags, much to fans’ surprise who believed she was a better person than them.

With this line, Wendy motivates by saying that even though a rough road might be ahead, it’s still important to forge ahead with a plan.

Birds Fly South

“Rich guys head to the city when their marriages fall apart for the same reason birds fly south instead of freezing their a***s off.”

Axe sits on his sofa in Billions

It’s the type of analogy that makes so much sense but isn’t heard often and is fitting of Wendy’s style. She is also the only person who would be able to say something like this to Axe without suffering repercussions. And as one of the wealthiest characters on Billions, she knows a thing or two about what it’s like to be rich.

The quote is indicative of Wendy’s wit, forward nature, and ability to perfectly paint a picture that helps someone struggling with a feeling or decision understand what is really going on. A line like this makes her patients realize that she truly understands them, as well.

Magical Thinking

“It’s hard not to engage in a little magical thinking when everyone else is looking at you like you’re some combination of Warren Buffet and God above.”

Axe looking ahead with Wendy looking at him, arms folded, on Billions.

Again, speaking to Axe, Wendy finds just the right words to justify the fact that he acts as though he is untouchable and can do no wrong. Not only that, but she helps him realize that it isn’t entirely unfounded overconfidence or even narcissism, but rather it’s understandable that he would feel this way given that so many people put him on a pedestal.

Axe’s personal wealth could certainly rival Buffet’s, and his God complex is also fueled by the way people treat him. The way Wendy appeals to both Axe’s fears and his ego at the same time is precisely what makes her one of the smartest characters on Billions.

Fool Or Strong?

“Foolishness is right next door to strength.”

Wendy and Chuck from Billions look at one another from across the table at home.

It’s only seven words but there’s so much power behind this statement by Wendy. In order to prove strength, it’s important to be strong. But going one step too far can lead to foolish behavior and decisions. And, as Wendy notes, it’s only a stone’s throw away to quickly go from one to another.

Wendy only needs a few words to open a patient’s eyes and make them realize the error of their ways. While sometimes they don’t listen, it’s likely that wise words like this would stick with them.

Listen To The Right Voice

“You’re just listening to the wrong voice.”

Wendy Rhoades sitting in her office with a client on Billions.

It’s common to hear someone say they “hear that voice in their head” telling them they can’t do something, or they aren’t good at something, or no one respects them. This quote, spoken to an Axe Capital employee during a session in the first episode, perfectly sets fans up to understand who Wendy is.

While trying to help him gain back confidence to perform well at his job, she continued: “You’re tuned into the [voice] yelling at you over the loudspeaker that you’re f***ing stupid, and you’re ignoring the quiet one inside, telling you where the alpha is. Now, that’s the voice that got you here.”

Always A Person

“There’s no amount of money that frees you from being a person.”

Damian Lewis in Billions Season 3

Sometimes, it’s easy for the types of patients Wendy deals with to believe that they are invincible, above the law, and unaffected by immoral decisions. But, as Wendy knows all too well, given that she is one of the most powerful characters on Billions, the guilt can sit with a person and manifest itself in many different ways, even if they don’t realize it.

With this statement, she’s making it clear that money, even in the billions, doesn’t negate someone from behaving like a real person. It’s still important to abide by the same principles, understand that the same rules apply, and that feelings are part of the process.

I Don’t Need Help

“The thought that someone might know you need help is worse than not getting the help you need.”

Wendy Rhoades from Billions sitting in Axe Capital, smiling.

Wendy recognizes the bravado with many of her patients who would be ever unwilling to admit that they need help. Indeed, most of them only ever speak to her because they are mandated to do so at work and their job performance relies on.

Even with Axe, he admits he needs Wendy. She is the only person he ever admits he needs help from. When it comes to asking for help from others? Axe is too proud to ever let that happen, and Wendy wants him to see it.

Your Son

“Your son is the man you made him. Whatever greatness and whatever darkness is in him came from you.”

Charles Rhoades Sr tells Chuck to not go easy on Connerty in Billions

Wendy really knows how to get under someone’s skin while also making them feel guilty for it, and, deep down, realizing she is right. She never says an untruth, but sometimes, she shocks people into recognizing something they tried to ignore. After being annoyed by Charles Rhoades Sr. constantly putting down or criticizing his son, Wendy reminds him that everything Charles dislikes or disagrees with about Chuck is a direct reflection of him and his parenting style.

It’s both a statement of fact as well as a rude awakening that everything Charles chooses to criticize can be traced right back to him. It’s advice like this that makes Wendy one of the best characters on Billions.

Inner Self

“In each of us, there is another self we do not know.”

Wendy Rhoades from Billions with bangs and a black top.

Arguably one of Wendy’s most philosophical quotes, here she talks about the inner self and the fact that who we are inside might not always be who we project ourselves to be on the outside. Everyone, of course, has insecurities, some of which they are aware of and some not.

With this quote, she references the fact that everyone has the potential to be or do something they might not expect. There’s another self we repress and fail to allow to simmer to the top.