Big Brother: Why Derrick Levasseur Wants To See Change In Veto Comp

Derrick Levasseur changed both his life and the lives of his family when he took home the $500,000 grand prize during season 16 of Big Brother. Derrick was not only one of the best competitors to play the game, but he was also in one of the most well-known and successful two-person alliances, “The Hitmen.” While the Big Brother game is always changing, Derrick feels a major change needs to be made surrounding how the houseguests play the weekly Veto Competition.

During his time inside the Big Brother house, Derrick played a unique game. Although he was typically not a strong player in competitions, unlike his best ally Cody Calafiore, Derrick used his career as a police officer to play a very strong mental game. He took a different approach to the competition than most players typically do, which is ultimately why he was so successful. Now that both he and Cody have Big Brother wins under their belt, they have started their own podcast discussing the current season of the show.

Although many aspects of the Big Brother game have changed over the years, one thing that has remained the same for quite some time is how the players are chosen for the Veto Competition each week. However, Derrick believes it is time for a change. Currently, there are six houseguests who participate in the competition. The Head of Household and the two nominees always play in the Veto. Then, the remaining three players are chosen by a random draw. Chips are put into a bag with each remaining houseguest’s name on them. The HOH and the two nominees each draw a name. Occasionally a “houseguest’s choice” chip will be drawn, allowing that player to choose who they want to compete.

Derrick feels this method of choosing players is actually not fair. In fact, he recently shared a tweet explaining that he believes all of the remaining houseguests should be allowed to compete in the weekly competition. Derrick explained, “Too many good players have worked too hard in that house to have their game ended simply because a plastic chip with their name on it wasn’t pulled.” For example, if a player knows there is a chance the HOH is going to backdoor them and their name is not drawn to play in the Veto competition, they have no ability to try and save themselves. As a result, they could be sent packing without truly having a fighting chance to remain in the game.

Unfortunately, this happens more often than not. However, it is part of the game. Big Brother is about more than just how good a player is in competitions or how strong their social game is. There is a large luck aspect to it as well. If houseguests are lucky, their name will be chosen to play in the Veto, especially when they may not feel the safest. On the other hand, Derrick does make a valid argument. Perhaps production will take his recommendation into consideration for future seasons.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 PM ET on CBS.