Big Brother: Joseph Abdin Admits He Cares About Taylor Hale

Big Brother: Joseph Abdin Admits He Cares About Taylor Hale

Joseph Abdin was the latest houseguest evicted from the Big Brother 24 house on Thursday, and he hinted at feelings towards fellow houseguest Taylor Hale during an exit interview. Joseph was the victim of a new Big Brother twist, where the final 10 houseguests were split into two groups and had to play out the week without interaction with those in the other group. Kyle Capener, an unemployed TikTok creator, outed The Leftovers alliance, which Kyle and Joseph created, to Terrance Higgins, who was the HOH for the week. Kyle, along with his showmance Alyssa Snider and ally Matthew “Turner” Turner, threw Joseph under the bus and sent him home unanimously during the live double eviction.

Joseph was a late addition to the Big Brother 24 cast, as he was an alternate and replaced Marvin Achi, who Big Brother removed before the premiere. Joseph stayed mainly under the radar the first few weeks before being a crucial part in forming The Leftovers, a dominant seven-person alliance that steamrolled the Big Brother game before the split house twist. After The Leftovers was created, Joseph formed a close bond with alliance member Taylor Hale, who had been the target of bullying from the other houseguests. The pair flirted back and forth while in the house, but Taylor never got to say goodbye to him as she was in a separate group from him during the twist.

In an interview with Us Weekly, Joseph hinted at his possible romantic feelings toward Taylor. “I definitely do care about Taylor,” he said. Joseph described Taylor as “so amazing.” He seems excited about the possibility of spending more time with Taylor after the show, saying everything happens “in due time.” After the Big Brother double eviction episode, where Jasmine Davis also got evicted, it was evident how upset Taylor was not seeing Joseph return with the other group after the final eight were reunited.

Big Brother: Joseph Abdin Admits He Cares About Taylor Hale

As for the gameplay, Joseph criticized Kyle for ratting out The Leftovers to Terrance, saying, “I don’t believe it was a long-term and feasible game move.” Joseph explained that he thought Kyle might be in trouble when the two groups reunited. Turner also betrayed Joseph by siding with Kyle in an intense argument with the whole group, but Joseph brushed off Turner’s betrayal as him wanting “to fly under the radar.” Joseph complimented Michael Bruner, saying he thinks he is playing the best Big Brother game.

It was hard to see Joseph exit the game, as he was one of the kindest and most genuine players on Big Brother 24. Joseph is correct that Kyle didn’t set himself up for long-term success, as his only interest was protecting his showmance, Alyssa. The Big Brother house won’t be the same without Joseph’s energy and spirit, and hopefully, Kyle will get evicted soon, so fans don’t have to deal with his toxicity. Despite Joseph going home, the Big Brother game heats up as the split house twist ends.

Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.