Big Brother 24: Week 6 Head Of Household Results (Spoilers)

Big Brother 24: Week 6 Head Of Household Results (Spoilers)

Another Big Brother season 24 live eviction episode ended without the results of the Head of Household (HOH) competition, but the live feeds revealed that the week 6 winner is Taylor Hale. Taylor completely turned her game around after being nominated for eviction for the first two weeks of the game and being bullied and the victim of microaggressions from some of the houseguests. By joining the Big Brother Leftovers alliance, Taylor has found a safe place in the house among her fellow group members Joseph Abdin, Michael Bruner, Kyle Capener, Brittany Hoopes, Monte Taylor and Matt “Turner” Turner. Within the alliance, she has a Final 3 deal with Michael and Brittany.

At the end of Thursday’s live episode, the HOH competition began. It was the iconic Big Brother endurance Wall Competition. The theme of the competition was Conspiracy Fest, and the houseguests wore tin foil hats. Outgoing HOH Michael was ineligible to play, but the remaining houseguests took their places on the wall, attempting to hold on for as long as they could. Right before the episode ended, Jasmine Davis fell from the wall.

The remainder of the competition played out on the Big Brother live feeds, with Taylor earning the win. The rest of the houseguests fell from the wall in the following order: Jasmine, Brittany, Terrance Higgins, Monte, Alyssa Snider, Indy Santos, Turner, Joseph and Kyle. Kyle and Taylor ended up lasting for over 45 minutes on the wall until he dropped. Throughout the competition, the houseguests were splattered with bright-colored paint and goo. Now that the Festie Besties twist has come to an end on Big Brother, Taylor will have more options for nominations.

Big Brother 24: Week 6 Head Of Household Results (Spoilers)

Taylor’s win is the icing on the cake of her night in which her enemy in the Big Brother house, Daniel Durston, was evicted by a vote of 8-1. Daniel had verbally attacked Taylor earlier in the game after a misunderstanding between her and her Festie Bestie Nicole Layog. Nicole thought that Taylor was passive aggressively telling her to quit the game when all Taylor was actually doing was telling Nicole not to push herself in the game for her sake. Daniel exploded with anger when Nicole told him what Taylor said, incorrectly blaming Taylor for Paloma Aguilar’s self-eviction. Taylor was not only happy to see Daniel leave the house, but now she is safe for the week and has the power to control who follows him out the door.

Viewers have been waiting for Taylor’s Big Brother HOH win. She went from being the biggest target of the house to having the most power this week. Taylor will most likely remain loyal to her Leftovers alliance. It will be interesting to see whom she decides to nominate for eviction. America has been rooting for Taylor since the beginning of the game, so this should be another exciting week to watch in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EDT and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.