Big Brother 22: Tyler Crispen Teases All-Stars Finale Date

Big Brother 22: Tyler Crispen Teases All-Stars Finale Date

Big Brother 22: All-Stars may have just started, but Tyler Crispen is already sharing what he has heard from CBS with the other houseguests, including information about the length of the season and the finale date. Tyler first competed on Big Brother 20, where he won three Head of Household competitions and three Power of Veto competitions. With such an impressive track record, it comes as no surprise that he made it onto the Final 2. However, Tyler ultimately lost the $500,000 grand prize to Kaycee Clark in a 5-4 vote from the jury members.

Last night, it became official that Tyler is among the 16 players who have been cast on the second-ever Big Brother: All-Stars. Tyler and his fellow houseguests moved into the BB house and had to compete for HOH immediately. During the first round of the competition, Tyler’s group consisted of Ian Terry (BB14), Kevin Campbell (BB11), and Enzo Palumbo (BB12). Ian and Kevin advanced to the final round, consequently eliminating Tyler and Enzo from the Head of Household competition. In the end, Cody Calafiore (BB16) won the season’s first HOH. After the premiere episode aired on both coasts, the Big Brother live feeds were made available on CBS All Access. Over the course of the night, Tyler shared what he knows about the BB22 finale.

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Per @BigBrotherNet, around 3:30 am, Enzo Palumbo brought up that he was hoping to be out of the Big Brother 22 house in time for Halloween. Given that he’s a father now, Enzo mentioned wanting to spend that holiday with his children. In response, Tyler heavily implied that production told him about the finale date landing on October 21. This information does match up with some of the pre-season rumors, which pointed toward a possible finale on October 21 or October 28. If the finale takes place on October 21, it means that BB22 will last 76 days. If the finale lands on October 28, the season will be 83 days long.

Big Brother 22: Tyler Crispen Teases All-Stars Finale Date

In comparison to the most recent years, 76 (or 83) days is a pretty short run for a modern-day Big Brother season. Each season since BB15 has gone on for 90 days or longer. On BB20 and BB21, the houseguests were competing for a total of 99 days. Of course, this All-Stars season already started very late due to concerns surrounding COVID-19. Still, it will certainly be a change of pace for hardcore fans of the show. After all, the last season to run for 75 days was BB14, which aired all the way back in 2012.

When it comes to Big Brother, fans are always told to “expect the unexpected.” Ultimately, this means that production may play around with the season finale date and schedule it for earlier or later if they wish to do so. With that said, it is also possible that CBS doesn’t want BB22 to run until November, given that this has historically been a summertime series.

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Big Brother 22: All-Stars airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays at 8 pm on CBS.