Big Brother 22 Live Feeds: Nicole Anthony Reacts To Watching Janelle & Kaysar

Following her Big Brother 22: All-Stars eviction, Nicole Anthony is now watching Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha on the live feeds and making amends for mistrusting them. Nicole first competed on Big Brother 21. In a season filled with controversial actions and problematic statements, she provided the audience with a breath of fresh air and fought her way to the Final 3. At that point, Jackson chose to proceed to the Final 2 with Holly. Nonetheless, Nicole was still chosen as America’s Favorite Houseguest at the end of the season through a public vote from the fans.

Nicole Anthony was brought back to compete on Big Brother: All-Stars a year later. She was one of two BB21 players on the season, which also included David Alexander. Unfortunately, Head of Household Memphis Garrett put up both Nicole and David together on the nomination block. That week, Janelle and Kaysar heavily campaigned to keep Nicole Anthony… but she had a hard time believing their intentions. In the end, Nicole unknowingly sabotaged her own safety in the game. Now, Nicole is trying to make amends for her wrong read of the game.

On Sunday, August 23, Nicole Anthony shared a tweet that included a video of Janelle and Kaysar saying very sweet things about her on the Big Brother: All-Stars live feeds. In the tweet, Nicole claimed to love Janelle and Kaysar and added that she “didn’t deserve them.” She then apologized for not being able to see what was going on while she was still in the game. On the other hand, Nicole recalled a lengthy conversation that she had Janelle during her final night on the show. During that interaction, Nicole apologized for mistrusting them and admitted to her own mistakes.

It was tough for the Big Brother fans to watch the person that they elected America’s Favorite Houseguest the year before suddenly turning on the current fan-favorite contestants of the season. With that said, the BB players do not have access to any information except for what they hear from their peers inside the house. Ultimately, Nicole Anthony was trying her best to play the game in a fair and smart way… but she was gaslit to believe that her biggest allies in the season had actually caused her nomination and subsequent eviction.

Now that she’s outside of the All-Stars house, Nicole is slowly realizing that she read the game all wrong when it comes to her true allies. Unfortunately, it is too late for Nicole to save herself from eviction and perhaps even help Janelle and Kaysar in creating an opposing alliance to go against the dominant group that is currently calling the shots in the season.

Big Brother 22: All-Stars airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays at 8pm EST on CBS.

Sources: Nicole Anthony’s Twitter