Big Brother: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Level Six

Big Brother: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Level Six

Since its creation in the late 1990s, the Dutch reality TV show has turned into a multi-media franchise, including a Canadian, American, and even a celebrity version. Even non-reality TV aficionados have heard of Big Brother. Beginning with the simple premise of evicting housemates, the show has since evolved to involve the elements of strategy, house politics, and challenges.

During the American version’s 20th season, a widespread alliance formed between contestants, Angela Rummans, Brett Robbinson, Kaycee Clark, Rachel Swindler, Tyler Crispen, and Winston Hines. Their famous alliance became known as “Level Six”. They managed to dominate the competition throughout most of the season’s run.

Angela Rummans Dealings With FBI

Big Brother: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Level Six

When it comes to reality TV, drama usually doesn’t get left behind once the show wraps up. In fact, in the wake of Big Brother All-Stars, Angela Rummans has even had contact with the FBI about it.

About the situation, Rummans stated that she’s “spoken to a lot of different people of authority and [she’s] really gotten down to what needs to happen in order to get rid of some of this hate.” Unfortunately, if the memes are any indication, her threats fell on deaf ears.

Brett Robinson Involved In Beef

Brett Robinson big brother

When previous contestants return to a high stakes reality TV shows, such as Big Brother, previous conflicts can easily come to light. This was the case with Brett Robinson and Angie “Rockstar” Landry. When they competed together in 2018, their conflict began because of lies that Robinson told about Landry.

Since then, the conflict seemingly became water under the bridge. However, recently, their beef reignited through a series of Tik Toks made against each other, as well as inflammatory Tweets.

Kaycee Clark And Relationship Drama

Kaycee Clark And Relationship Drama

While participating in the reality show The Challenge, Kaycee Clark landed herself in some hot water when she flirted with fellow contestant, Nancy Gonzalez. Clark had her girlfriend, Taylor Jimenez, waiting for her at home.

Clark revealed that Jimenez did not react well to the footage, stating that “if I were in Tayler’s shoes, and I’d seen what I’ve seen on tonight’s show, I would feel some type of way too.” Despite the drama, the pair are apparently still together and working on their relationship.

Rachel Swindler Had A Game Plan

Rachel Swindler Had A Game Plan

When it comes to entering the Big Brother house, having a strategy is always helpful. And Rachel Swindler was well ahead of the game before she entered the house. She stated that her strategy is “to have a balance. A balance between my social and physical game.”

She also added that she hoped to lay low and not make her presence known right away. Like her Big Brother idol, Britney Haynes, Swindler would rather focus on building her alliances in the background before striking.

Tyler Crispen’s Struggle On All-Stars

Tyler Crispen Struggled During All-Stars

When Tyler Crispen returned to Big Brother two years after being a part of “Level Six”, he had a completely different experience. When asked about his time on Big Brother All-Stars he said that it “was a hundred times harder for [him], just in every aspect.”

His other struggle was the separation from his girlfriend, Angela Rummans, whom he met in the Big Brother house. He explained that “being away from her for the first time […] and being in that house where we met and just feeling guilty” presented a significant challenge.

Winston Hines Tried His Luck On Love Island

Winston Hines Tried His Luck On Love Island

After his short-lived time on Big Brother, Winston Hines jumped back into reality TV after joining the cast of Love Island last year. After sending the word out on Twitter for his fans to convince the show to let him join, he entered the villa the week of July 18th, 2019.

Unfortunately for Hines, he left the villa almost as soon as he’d arrived. However, he took the experience rather well. He posted a hilarious photo of his next to a statue and graciously thanked his fans and loved ones for supporting him.

Angela And Tyler’s Romance Bliss

Angela And Tyler's Romance Bliss

Angela Rumman and Tyler Crispen met on the 20th season of Big Brother and, by the end of their season, they had struck up a romance. And not only has their romance held steady, but it has also flourished. The main progression is that they have bought a house together.

After calling Los Angeles home for a while, the couple found a house in Hilton Head South Carolina. They’ve also attended many events together, including participating in the “International Bowler’s Association’s Celebrity Invitational” in 2019.

Kaycee Clark Is A Professional Football Player

When she’s not making history being the first out lesbian to win Big Brother, Kaycee Clark is a professional football player. The San Diego native has been a frequent player on the San Diego Surge team since its creation in 2011.

She is a wide receiver and has lead the team in many successful games during the 2017 season. Her athletic ability helped her greatly during her season of The Challenge, resulting in her being a runner-up.

Kaycee Clark’s Insane Generosity

Kaycee winning Big Brother

According to Instagram, it is very clear how close Kaycee Clark is to her family. And after winning Big Brother, she got the chance to show her love for them even more. With half a million dollars in prize money, Clark stated that she would share the money with her family.

She added that she wanted to do “Whatever I can do to help out my family, and invest in our future. I’m definitely going to be smart with it.”

Rachel Swindler’s Beef With Angela

Despite being part of a much spoken of alliance on the show, in the end, it did not save her. In fact, after her eviction, she walked out in complete shock. That did not stop her from having some choice words for the castmate who betrayed her.

On a call to EW Radio, she revealed that “I don’t really have [many] nice things to say about Angela. […] I guess she’s just a nasty person inside, and I didn’t expect that from her.” She added that she was looking forward to finale night where she could finally speak her mind.