Big Brother: 10 Best Villains, According To Reddit

Big Brother: 10 Best Villains, According To Reddit

In the parlance of CBS’ hit reality show Big Brother, “villains” refer to antagonistic houseguests who go out of their way to break alliances and cause as much mayhem in the household as possible. Often reveling in their bad behavior, the best villains know how to create dramatic rows that shift the power dynamic inside the house and lead to the most desirable outcomes for themselves.

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Some villains are so vile they deserve to be impugned for their behavior on the show, while others are celebrated by being invited back for subsequent seasons. With plenty of candidates across the spectrum, the Reddit community has no shortage of opinions.

Dr. Will Kirby – Big Brother 2

Big Brother: 10 Best Villains, According To Reddit

Now celebrated as one of the most masterful players in BB history, Dr. Will Kirby became the popular reality TV show’s first bona fide villain during his mendacious run to the winner’s circle in Big Brother 2. As such, no single name is listed more often in Reddit threads regarding the most entertaining villains.

Named a best Big Brother villain by Charlie_M_3, joben_86, Rajus444, libra0923, and countless others on one thread, corroborated by several others on a different thread, the overwhelming sentiment is echoed by Grungemaster, who says, “Remember, in 2001, most of America thought Will was a villain to a tee.” The immediate response below supports the sentiment, claiming “he was a villain. A smart and calculated one. You win by being manipulative.”

Danielle Reyes – Big Brother 3

Danielle washes dishes on Big Brother

Back in the Big Brother 3 days, villains were far more enjoyable to watch than some of the newfangled meanies. A case in point is Danielle Reyes, a mega-popular cast member edited as a villain and asked to lean into the role again during BB 7 All-Stars.

According to Redditor notnotbuddy, “Even though most die-hard fans appreciate and admire Danielle’s gameplay, there are those who felt her diary room sessions were arrogant and downright rude.” Several other Redditors on a separate thread support the sentiment, including Joben_86, who says, “Danielle is a great villain!”

Alison Irwin & Jun Song – Big Brother 4

Big Brother stars Jun and Alison pose together

Inseparable BB 4 roommates, Alison Irwin and Jun Song, are named time and again on Reddit threads as the most lovable and hatable villainesses. Many call Alison the lovable one and Jun the loathsome one, together forming one formidable force that fans can’t forget.

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Additionally, notnotbuddy says, “Alison’s spiteful behavior toward Robert Roman wasn’t entirely erased from people’s memories,” and Jun’s “distasteful comments and conduct in the house” led to her becoming one of the show’s most iconic villains.

Mike “Boogie” Malin – Big Brother 7

Mike poses with Janelle and Erika on Big Brother

As part of Big Brother‘s notorious Chilltown Alliance with the like-minded villain Will Kirby, Mike “Boogie” Malin has been recast multiple times on the long-running reality show for his antagonistic gameplay. As the chief villains of All-Stars season 7, Mike’s vile treatment of Erika made fans both love and hate his time on the show. As mentioned by notnotbuddy, “Mike’s self-assured attitude and treatment of Erika made many into haters.”

Multiple supporters name Boogie as an-all time memorable villain on another Reddit thread, with yet another entirely devoted to Boogie’s recent stalking charge against Will Kirby as further proof of his all-time villainy.

Evel Dick Donato – Big Brother 8

Dick sits in the Big Brother audience

One of the most common names that recur on Reddit threads as one of the most detestable Big Brother villains is Evel Dick Donato, winner of season 8. Dick’s bad-boy behavior as a rebellious rocker was so much fun in season 8 that he was asked to return for season 13.

Again, Redditor notnotbuddy articulates it well, saying “Who can ever forget Dick pouring ice tea over Jen’s head? Like him or hate him, he was entertainment gold for Big Brother.” The view is shared multiple times on Reddit, including by chancenotrapper00, who lists Dick as number one, and pntjr, who calls Dick the best villain of season 8.

Dan Gheesling – Big Brother 10 & 14

Dan smiles before a blue wall on Big Brother

To a person, every BB completist will name master manipulator Dan Gheesling as one of the best and most skilled villains in the show’s history. Winner of BB 10, Dan returned to coach in BB 14, where she demonstrated his calculating antagonism time and again. As such, Dan is listed six times as a great villain in one Reddit thread alone.

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In yet another Reddit thread entertaining the possibility of an entire Heroes Vs Villains season, a la Survivor, Dan is also mentioned more often than most male villains in show history. Cementing the sentiment is MattTheSmithers, who earned 88 upvotes for suggesting in the thread that Dan Gheesling is the model villain all Big Brother contestants should follow.

Rachel Reilly – Big Brother 12

Rachel smiles before a blue wall on Big Brother

Another repeatedly named standout villain on BB includes Rachel Reilly, who is mentioned six times in one Reddit thread alone. After treating her housemates with cruelty on BB 12, thankfully, her Big Brother character overcame her bad reputation, found redemption, and become more likable over time.

Also listed among the top BB villains half a dozen more times in another thread, one Redditor says it best by adding, “Imagine the s**t Rachel would say if she got in a fight with Paulie or Christie?” A war of words indeed.

Aaryn Gries – Big Brother 15

Aaryn packs her bags on Big Brother

While the term “best” is subjective when describing Big Brother villains, few found little redemption in arguably the nastiest antagonist, Aaryn Gries. Rightly impugned for her deeply offensive remarks, fans of the show have rarely rooted against a villain as profusely as they did Aaryn.

Aaryn is listed as the #2 villain all time by notnotbuddy for her hurtful actions, comments, and consequences on the show, with the sentiment being supported countless times on numerous additional threads that prove how infamous her role was on the show.

Amanda Zuckerman – Big Brother 15

Big Brother star Amanda Zuckerman poses outdoors

Big Brother 15 also introduced the world to Amanda Zuckerman, another consistently named standout villain on Reddit. Plustom starts their missive with “Amanda Zuckerman would be perfect” as the star of a BB Villains season. With a slew of upvotes and supportive responses, the consensus is that Amanda played the game like no other.

Supported as a top-tier villain several times on three additional Reddit threads, a common refrain is that Amanda was malicious and, at times, her own worst enemy.

Vanessa Rousso – Big Brother 17

Vanessa sits on her bed on Big Brother

With more support on two different threads, Redditor bananyo says it best, calling Vanessa a “very interesting player. Master manipulator, maneuvered socially but was so emotional. She was a lot of fun to watch on the feeds.”

Along with her twin brother, Austin, Vanessa Rousso stood out as the main villain on Big Brother 17. Whether it was fabricated through editing or a genuine part of her personality, Vanessa is named time and again on Reddit as a memorable antagonist.

NEXT: Big Brother – 10 Cringiest Players Of All Time