Better Call Saul Season 6: The Biggest Reveals From The First Episodes

Better Call Saul Season 6: The Biggest Reveals From The First Episodes

Fans waited two years for Better Call Saul to resume with its sixth and final season, and the wait is finally over. The trailer promised an explosive ending, with confirmation that both Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston will make appearances to reprise their characters of Jesse Pinkman and Walter White from Breaking Bad at some point.

But what fans really want to know is what happens to Jimmy McGill, AKA Saul Goodman, between the timeline of when he was last seen in season 5 and when he begins working for Walter White. What’s more, they need to know the future outcome for his new alias, Gene. And while the first two episodes didn’t reveal too much for his story, there was a lot packed into the 2.5 hours for plenty of others.

Jimmy And Kim Planted Drugs On Howard

Better Call Saul Season 6: The Biggest Reveals From The First Episodes

Jimmy and Kim announced their plans to team up and take down Howard Hamlin at the end of season 5, and right out of the gate, they began to put an elaborate plan into motion. It started by trying to frame him for drug use, first by planting a small bag of what looked to be drugs in his locker (it was actually baby powder) for his colleague to see, then reaching out to an old client in hopes of further fueling the rumor that he was secretly using drugs.

It’s clear their focus will be on continuing to plant these tiny seeds of doubt about Howard throughout the season. Chances are things won’t end well for any of them.

Gus Figured Out Lalo Is Still Alive

Gus from Better Call Saul looking frightened.

All it took was one look into Hector’s eyes and a grip of his hand and the incapacitated man didn’t have to say a word: Gus knew what he was trying to imply. Lalo was still alive and this threw a huge wrench into his plans.

For the first part of the episodes, Lalo was finding his way to revenge while no one but his closest allies knew that the plan to kill him was unsuccessful. With Gus now realizing that Lalo is still out there, it put fear in his eyes that hadn’t been seen before.

The Cousins Are Back

The Cousins from Better Call Saul walking through a car shop in suits.

Fans were excited to see the terrifying cousins from Breaking Bad return to Better Call Saul. Two menacing twins in suits who mirror one another in almost everything, from their pacing when they walk to how and when they cock their guns or adjust their collars, there’s something both calming and disturbing about them.

They visit the crime scene, see a body they believe to be Lalo’s, and come face-to-face with Nacho. Seemingly with no fear, they stand tall in front of a car barreling towards them without a care in the world that they might be hurt. These two men made anyone they came in contact with on Breaking Bad shake in their boots, and they have the same effect on this show, too.

Nacho Is On The Run

Nacho from Better Call Saul in the dark peeking out of the window.

Nacho did the unthinkable and went against his boss at the orders of Gus, all in an effort to get out of the business, get rid of threats, and save his father. Believing Lalo to be dead, he fled on foot, running through the desert for two hours to try and find safety.

Nacho spent the episode living in a seedy motel room in fear, glancing out the window for any sign that he was being followed or watched, and waiting for his allies to save him. It was a tense episode for the character who is one of the more likable on the show.

Kim Is All In With Saul

Kim and Saul from Better Call Saul standing together by a giant inflatable Statue of Liberty.

It seemed as though Kim did a complete 180 and rather than looking down on Jimmy for the things he was doing, she wanted to join him. She went all-in as though she wanted to become his protégé.

At times, even Jimmy seemed scared at who Kim was becoming, while also thrilled that he had a partner in literal crime. However, it also appears that the character of Kim will be someone completely different in this season than she was in previous ones. It’s precisely why Kim’s fate needs to be revealed before Better Call Saul ends.

The Kettlemans Are Back

Saul from Better Call Saul presenting a letter to the Kettlemans.

Jimmy showed just how clever a con man he is when he reunited with the Kettlemans, the married couple he got into trouble in the first season, causing them to lose everything. He tempted them with the potential of new information that he claimed could exonerate them and get them their lives back.

He completely set them up by making them sign a letter of engagement then revealing that Craig’s lawyer might have been under the influence, thus providing grounds to sue for ineffective assistance of counsel. They felt empowered and fired Saul on the spot, not realizing this is exactly what he wanted. He even reminded them that if they mentioned his name, he would get a cut of what they make, tricking them into avoiding ever speaking of him. It was a brilliant and beautifully played out plan.

Hector Is Already In A Wheelchair

Hector from Better Call Saul sitting in his wheelchair with oxygen in his nose looking ahead at someone.

Fans know that, following being drugged by Nacho, Hector ends up bound to a wheelchair, unable to move most of his body nor speak. It is revealed in the first episodes that Hector has now regressed to this state, living in a home with the infamous bell he uses to communicate his feelings.

Completely reduced from the man he once was, the face-to-face conversation between Hector and Gus when he reaches for Gus’ hand and gives him that look to say “Lalo is alive and coming for you” offers foreshadowing for Breaking Bad fans. The pair have a similar final meeting in that show that ends in both their deaths.

Gus Turned His Back On Nacho

Nacho sitting in the dark on a bed looking scared in a scene from Better Call Saul.

While Nacho – the best character from season 2 of Better Call Saul – was confident that Gus and his men would protect him, it seemed that once he got the job done, they did the exact opposite. Tyrus led Nacho to a safe hotel but Mike then planted evidence to lead others to the very same location.

It seemed they had no intention of picking Nacho up and taking him to safety. While fans know Tyrus survives since he appears in Breaking Bad as well, Nacho’s fate remains up in the air. He is eventually caught by the cousins but fans don’t yet know what happens to him.

Kim Is More Ruthless Than Jimmy

Better Call Saul Season 6 Star Says That Kim Has a God Complex

It was clear from the end of season 5 that Kim had become fundamentally changed. But one scene in the first episodes of Better Call Saul indicates just how far gone she is. After watching Saul try and work his magic on the Kettlemans unsuccessfully, she picks up the phone and calls a friend at the IRS to discuss reporting a small mom and pop shop that is stealing from their clients.

In one way, she was doing something good, as she wanted to help the poor unsuspecting residents who were being cheated out of money that was rightfully theirs. But she also gave Jimmy a look when he admitted he still gave the Kettlemans the money he was going to bribe them with. Kim had no sympathy for them at all whereas the “old Kim” might have approached the situation in a completely different way.

Lalo Killed Mateo And Sylvia

Lalo outside in the sun, talking on the phone in a scene from Better Call Saul.

Mateo and Sylvia are a sweet and innocent couple Lalo comes across, neighbors who help bring him back to health after his injuries. When Mateo arrives home, he urges the man to shave his long “ZZ Top” beard. As Sylvia prepares Lalo another cup of coffee, fans see him carefully separate the pair of scissors he was using for his wound dressing into two tiny knives.

He approaches Mateo in the bathroom with one, and the reason is clear when Mateo lifts his head from the sink: he bears an uncanny resemblance to Lalo himself, making him the perfect body double to help Lalo fake his own death. Even though the kill wasn’t shown, it was a chilling scene. And it was one that proved that Lalo is one of the most powerful characters on Better Call Saul, as well as one of the most sinister.