Best Note-Taking Apps In 2020 For Apple Pencil & iPad

Best Note-Taking Apps In 2020 For Apple Pencil & iPad

Since the newest iPad models are all compatible with an Apple Pencil, the combination just cries out to be used for taking notes. There are plenty to choose from in the App Store, but picking the right one can be a challenge. Here are a few of the top choices that are worth checking out and a brief explanation on how they differ.

When the Apple Pencil was first announced, it was exclusively for the iPad Pro line. This didn’t change until 2018, when the second-generation Apple Pencil was released. From that point on, every iPad Pro worked with the new Pencil and every other new iPad was compatible with the original Apple Pencil. Given the company’s ‘it just works’ motto, it’s no surprise that Apple’s built-in Notes app is designed to accept drawings made with the Pencil. Notes also accepted keyboard input, images and links to be added. These can be stored on the iPad itself or in iCloud. It’s a fairly complete and powerful solution. The recent addition of Scribble allows more refined drawings with shape recognition smoothing out circles and squaring rectangles. Scribble can also recognize handwritten notes as valid text, if desired.

In order to compete with the default Notes app that comes pre-installed, something special has to be offered. Subscription software is on the rise, but reviews made it clear that the pricing strategy is not appreciated by most. None of the apps mentioned below require subscriptions. The number one note-taking app on the App Store is Notability and it surpasses Apple’s Notes in several respects. One of the nicest things about Notability is that drawings are recorded in vector format. This means the user can zoom in and add fine detail with no loss of resolution. Apple Notes doesn’t allow zooming. Notability also offers better image handling, with full control of sizing and even allows cropping imported images. Notability syncs to iCloud, of course, but can also sync to Dropbox, Google Drive, and other online storage providers. In almost every way, it exceeds the features of Apple Notes. Notability offers extra options as in-app purchases, but most of the power is included with the initial purchase, currently $9.99, with no subscription needed for ongoing use. If taking notes while listening to someone speaking, Notability can record the audio and sync the notes to the audio. This means selecting a portion of a note will play the associated audio. A great way to review notes afterward.

Alternate Note-Taking iPad Apps

Best Note-Taking Apps In 2020 For Apple Pencil & iPad

For those that often need to search through written notes, GoodNotes features one of the best search interfaces, not only showing matching results, but categorizing them by document type and date. GoodNotes also has a more thorough PDF export option, even allowing editable annotations. Drawing tools are more advanced in GoodNotes allowing selection, rotation and sizing. All of this costs just $7.99. When it comes to drawing features GoodNotes ranks well, but most tasks can be completed faster and easier with Notability. That makes sense considering Notability has been around longer with more time to refine its workflow.

A third option is Noteshelf. Currently priced at $9.99, it offers the most paper templates of any of the note-taking apps highlighted here and all included in the initial price. This app supports over 60 languages, giving it a huge advantage for those that wish to make notes in a language other than English or the commonly supported European languages. The app also boasts an exclusive ‘Fluid writing’ feature that smooths text without overly distorting the natural look. Another bonus is the large clip art library included in the price. Given the free background paper templates and clip art, Noteshelf has added value in terms of presets, making it a good choice for those that want drawings, but don’t want to draw everything on an iPad themselves.