Best Documentaries On Disney+

Best Documentaries On Disney+

As with its competing streaming services, Disney+ is filled to the brim with documentaries on nature, the environment, history, and of course, Disney’s own properties like Marvel and Star Wars. Watching them all would take time, but there are some that are better than others that are worth watching first.

A huge part of Disney’s content plans for Disney+ included documentaries. While original shows such as The Mandalorian and Falcon and the Winter Soldier are what draw in new subscribers, not to mention the massive back catalog of Disney and Fox movies on the platform, documentaries are still a cornerstone of all that.

That corner includes not only National Geographic’s projects but also new documentaries on various topics, such as everyday life in the Disney machine, how Pixar was created, and more. Here are the best documentaries on Disney+ that are currently available to stream.

Disney+ Documentaries For Animal Lovers

Best Documentaries On Disney+

Disney Nature Monkey Kingdom: Disney Nature offers insightful documentaries that are perfect for animal lovers and suitable for the whole family. While the story of macaque Maya and her baby Kip might be somewhat enhanced for a Disney viewing audience, the footage of macaque’s living among ancient ruins in Sri Lanka is fascinating, as is the unique insight into the hierarchy of primates.

Disney Nature Wings Of Life: A perfect and timely reminder of the beauty of the world, Wings Of Life focuses on the relationship between flowers and winged creatures, including bees, butterflies, and birds. The cinematography is stunning, and the dazzling visuals are enough to stimulate even the smallest of viewers.

Kingdom Of The Blue Whale: Blue Whales may be the biggest mammals on earth, but they’re still something of an enigma. The documentary Kingdom of the Blue Whale takes an in-depth look at the creatures, as a team of top marine scientists follow a herd of whales to discover their unknown breeding ground.

Disney+ Documentaries For Disney Fans

Poster for The Imagineering Story featuring a cloud in the shape of Mickey

Waking Sleeping Beauty: Fans of Disney animation, and in particular the renaissance era, will love the documentary Waking Sleeping Beauty, which explores the history of the House of Mouse. Although it’s primarily archive footage and press interviews, this is still fascinating viewing and an in-depth look at how some of Disney’s best-loved movies came to be.

The Imagineering Story: Disney theme parks remain the most magical place on earth, and The Imagineering Story takes viewers behind the scenes, looking at the history and creation of the Disney parks. Spread over six episodes, each one is awe-inspiring and magical, and might leave you wanting a career change.

The Pixar Story: The other arm of Disney animation is Pixar, and this 2007 movie documents the studio’s humble beginnings right up to its present day status as an animation power house. Interviews with Brad Bird, Tom Hanks, Bob Iger, and Steve Jobs, among others, ensure that this is one you’ll quickly become engrossed in.

Disney+ Documentaries For Families

Marvel's Hero Project

Marvel’s Hero Project: The Marvel’s Hero Project documentary follows young kids making a real difference in their communities. It’s perfect for the whole family, and inspirational for younger viewers, too. The best part is that every kid featured, from one who makes gift bags for the homeless to one who raises awareness of child abuse, is immortalized in a Marvel comic.

One Day At Disney Shorts: This series is perfect for kids, as each episode is only a few minutes long, meaning they learn stuff without becoming bored. One Day At Disney Shorts takes a look at the day to day workings across the whole Disney corporation from a different perspective each time; there’s an actress, an illustrator, a seamstress, a zookeeper, and so much more.

Disney Nature Growing Up Wild: If you’re homeschooling right now, this documentary ticks all the science boxes. It follows five baby animals, including a chimp, bear, and lion, as they face the challenges of growing up in the wild. The cute factor is off the charts, and the excellent footage of these babies in the wild will keep kids of all ages entertained.

Disney+ Documentaries For Science Fans

Mission To The Sun: Following NASA’s mission to the sun in 2018, this documentary from National Geographic explores the science behind the sun, and how NASA’s team of experts coordinated their mission. It’s the closest any man-made spacecraft has gotten to the sun, and its final flyby in 2025 will bring the craft within 3.8 million miles of the star. It makes for fascinating, compelling viewing.

Mars: Inside SpaceX: Many people are likely familiar with Elon Musk and his mission to get humans to Mars. Mars: Inside SpaceX follows the gradual progress of his mission, including the setbacks (of which there are many) and the triumphs he experiences. While it might still be some way off, SpaceX’s mission is also making huge advancements in the science of space travel.

Before The Flood: Leonardo DiCaprio presents this documentary on climate change and its devastating impact across the globe. It does a stellar job of hammering home just how desperate and urgent the situation is, and why we need to enact real change to help halt its progress. DiCaprio also explores climate change denial among politicians of the US.

Disney+ Documentaries For History Lovers

Secrets Of Christ’s Tomb: Whatever your religious standpoint, Secrets of Christ’s Tomb is great viewing as a team of archaeologists try to uncover more information about the supposed burial site of Christ, under the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The Edicule, the small house that sits over the tomb, is on the verge of collapsing, and the three religious groups that control the church – the Greek Orthodox Christians, the Roman Catholics, and the Armenian Apostolic Christians – must all agree on the best route forward.

Origins: The Journey Of Humankind: This 8-part series tracks man’s most pivotal inventions throughout the course of history. The wealth of ideas and themes explored here, including medicine, money, war, and building, really highlight the huge amount of progress civilization has made.

Stonehenge Decoded: Secrets Revealed: Most people will know of Stonehenge, the prehistoric site in England. This documentary tracks the discovery of a new site in Ireland, which sheds much more light on Stonehenge and its origins, as well as how it was used. The team reveal that Stonehenge may not have stood in isolation as we thought, but instead may have been part of one of the biggest religious complexes in the world. From there. the revelations become ever more gripping.

The Best Of Other Disney+ Documentaries

Disney’s Fairytale Wedding: Ever wanted to hold your wedding in Disneyland? This documentary takes a look at the secrets behind Disney Destination weddings, and it’s about as brilliant as you’d expect. There’s also a holiday themed episode as well. You’re welcome.

The World According To Jeff Goldblum: There’s nothing not to like about Jeff Goldblum, and kids will love this series as he explores the most random things, such as denim, ice-cream, and sneakers.

Assembling A Universe: Although it’s a few years old now, this documentary exploring the creation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe still makes for fascinating viewing.

Empire of Dreams: The Story Of The Star Wars Trilogy: Again, several years old, this is still a must for Star Wars fans, as it tracks the inception and creation of the original Star Wars trilogy. It features interviews with George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill, among others.