Benjamin Sisko’s New Name Redefines His Place in the Star Trek Universe

Benjamin Sisko’s New Name Redefines His Place in the Star Trek Universe

Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek #18!

Benjamin Sisko’s “new name” redefines his place in the Star Trek universe. Since his return nearly two years ago in the first issue of IDW’s Star Trek, Sisko has been through the ringer, having defused situations on the homeworlds of the Klingons, the Cardassians and now the Tzenkethi. Now, in issue 18, Sisko “takes” a new name, and it shows the growth he has undergone throughout the book.

Star Trek #18 is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and drawn by Marcus To. Sisko is pleading with the Tzenkethi Autarch, trying to convince them the Federation means no harm. He appeals to the Tzenkethi and their sense of naming. Every Tzenkethi has four names, and Sisko relates his, before finally arriving at his “service name.”

Benjamin Sisko’s New Name Redefines His Place in the Star Trek Universe

This means the ones a person serves in their heart, and Sisko concludes his service name is “Theseus,” as it is his crew that inspires him to be the best he can be.

Captain Sisko is a Star Trek Icon–And He Is Just Getting Started

He Is One of Starfleet’s Best Captains

Avery Brooks as Benny Russell and Benjamin Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Ben Sisko is one of the most decorated officers in Starfleet history, and a hero of the Dominion War. At the conclusion of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Sisko was taken to the Celestial Temple, or the Bajoran Wormhole, where he would study with the Bajoran Prophets. Three years later, these Prophets sent him back to our reality, and charged him with stopping Kahless and his god-killer array, or else the universe would be plunged into total chaos. Kahless’ efforts culminated with an uprising on the Klingon homeworld, which Sisko was able to help quell.

To help Sisko in his mission, Starfleet gave him a new ship: the USS Theseus, as well as a crew of characters from across multiple incarnations of the Star Trek franchise. Over the past two years, Sisko has gotten to know the crew extremely well, having not only dealt Kahless and the Red Path a serious blow, but also dealt with tense situations involving the Cardassians and the Tzenkethi. These types of situations create tight bonds, and Sisko has come to feel the same way about the Theseus’ crew as he did those he served with on Deep Space Nine.

Q and Sisko


Star Trek: Q Explains Why Benjamin Sisko Is Humanity’s Ideal Messiah

Q explains how Star Trek’s Captain Sisko is very different from other Starfleet captains and why that also makes him a different sort of messiah.

Captain Sisko Has Just Redefined His Place in the Galaxy

He Is the Master of His Own Destiny, Free From the Prophets

Image of Captain Sisko

By choosing “Theseus” as his service name, Captain Sisko has redefined his place in the Star Trek franchise. Sisko is best known as the commander of Deep Space Nine, having guided the station through the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole and the Dominion War. These two factors alone would lead one to think Sisko would’ve chosen Deep Space Nine as his service name, or maybe even “the Sisko,” as the Prophets call him. However, he rebukes these names, and chooses the most unexpected. Sisko is once again in charge of his destiny, and this new name proves it.

Star Trek #18 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!

Star Trek #18 (2024)

Star Trek 18 Cover

  • Writer: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly
  • Artist: Marcus To
  • Colorist: Lee Loughridge
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Marcus To