“Before Me Is a Dear Friend”: Spock Confirms That Captain Pike Is Still Alive Post-DS9

“Before Me Is a Dear Friend”: Spock Confirms That Captain Pike Is Still Alive Post-DS9

Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek: Defiant #10!

Spock has confirmed that Captain Pike is still alive, sort of, post Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Before he served under Captain Kirk on the Enterprise’s historic five-year mission, Spock’s commanding officer was Captain Pike. In the end, Spock helps Pike live a good life and, in Star Trek: Defiant #10, he learns that the Talosians have preserved his friend’s consciousness deep into the 24th century.

Star Trek: Defiant #10 is written by Christopher Cantwell and drawn by Mike Feehan. On the planet Talos IV, Spock meets Captain Pike, restored to youth and vitality. Spock acknowledges that to call this Pike an illusion created by the Talosians is a “deflection.” While Spock knows that the real Pike died many years ago, the Talosians have nevertheless used their fantastic mental powers to preserve his personality and memories.

“Before Me Is a Dear Friend”: Spock Confirms That Captain Pike Is Still Alive Post-DS9

Pike assures Spock that he “lived long and prospered.”

Captain Pike Is A True Starfleet Legend

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Captain Christopher Pike, Anson Mount.

The various ships named Enterprise had the privilege of having some of the best captains in Starfleet, be it Jonathan Archer, Robert April, James T. Kirk or Christopher Pike. Captain Pike commanded the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 for two five-year missions, serving with Mister Spock for a good portion of them. Pike’s adventures on the Enterprise have formed the basis for not only a comic called The Early Voyages, but for the canonical television show Strange New Worlds. Pike would be succeeded by Captain Kirk, and the rest is history.

Star Trek: Defiant #10 acknowledges Pike’s brutal accident that left him largely in a vegetative state, communicating only through a special device. In the Original Series first season two-parter “The Menagerie,” Spock kidnapped Pike and took him back to Talos IV, where the inhabitants used their mental powers to give him a comfortable life. As seen in this issue, in doing so, the Talosians learned all there was to know about Captain Pike, and used it to create the illusion that Spock encounters. Having known Pike for many years, Spock vouches for the illusion as representative of his friend.

Leonard Nimoy's Spock from both Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek (2009).


Star Trek: Spock’s Life After the Enterprise Is Surprisingly Tragic

Mister Spock is one of Star Trek’s most iconic characters, but his life after the Enterprise was marked by disapproval and unfulfilled dreams.

Captain Pike Resisted His Star Trek Destiny

A running plot line through Strange New Worlds’ has been that Pike is aware of his fate. He knows that he will be seriously injured in a few years, which has given him no small degree of anxiety. If Pike had been able to look ahead, and see how the Talosians were going to treat him, by giving him a home and a comfortable life, he might not have resisted the pull of destiny like he did. Captain Pike is still alive, post Deep Space Nine, and had he known this, he may not have resisted like he did.

Star Trek: Defiant #10 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!

Star Trek: Defiant #10 (2024)

Image of an older Spock watching his younger self on a screen.
  • Writer: Christopher Cantwell
  • Artist: Mike Feehan & Pow Rodrix
  • Inker: Maria Keane & Pow Rodrix
  • Colorist: Marissa Louise
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Mike Feehan