Baylan’s Lightsaber Form Makes Him The Most Dangerous Dark Jedi

Baylan’s Lightsaber Form Makes Him The Most Dangerous Dark Jedi

Ahsoka introduced Baylan Skoll, a lightsaber duelist so potent he is easily the most dangerous Dark Jedi imaginable. Played by the late Ray Stevenson, Baylan Skoll is the first canon Dark Jedi in Star Wars – a Jedi who has not become a Sith, but who is nevertheless willing to tap into the dark side of the Force. Dark Jedi were first introduced in Star Wars Legends, but Baylan is more dangerous than any previously seen.

Baylan’s skill is shown in the fact even Ahsoka Tano could not defeat him. Ahsoka is no lightweight; she was trained by Anakin Skywalker himself, and she even defeated Darth Maul in the Siege of Mandalore. She was almost killed by Baylan when they first crossed paths in Ahsoka episode 4, and she was forced to abandon their rematch when they met once again in episode 7. Baylan’s lightsaber form perfectly explains why he is so dangerous, because there’s never been a Jedi – or indeed a Dark Jedi – like him.

Baylan’s Lightsaber Is Unique – & His Form Has Adapted To Benefit From It

Baylan’s Lightsaber Form Makes Him The Most Dangerous Dark Jedi

Baylan’s lightsaber is very unusual. It has a distinctive orange blade, a color rarely seen in Star Wars lore that may hint it is powered not by the traditional kyber crystal – but rather by something far more exotic. This would explain why Baylan’s lightsaber blade appears to have attributes unlike any other Jedi or Sith blade; it has a strange weight to it, meaning Baylan wields it like a broadsword. This weight explains the long hilt design, which is fashioned for a double-handed grip.

Baylan’s lightsaber form is similar to Anakin Skywalker’s; he uses Form V, Shien, an aggressive form that many Jedi felt veered too close to the dark side. But Baylan’s style is subtly different to Anakin’s, simply because he’s had to adjust it to compensate for his lightsaber’s weight. It means he swings the lightsaber in sweeping arcs, slamming it down with incredible force. Routine handling of this weight has helped developed Baylan’s muscles, explaining why he’s able to push Ahsoka back whenever their blades lock. He’s cultivated a form that has made him a physical powerhouse.

How Jedi Learn To Defeat Different Lightsaber Forms

Ahsoka and Sabine Block Lightsaber Bolts

It’s important to understand how lightsaber forms work. A Jedi learns specific sequences that fit with their personal preference, and they switch between these sequences at speed. The more skilled a Jedi becomes, the more effortless and thoughtless their moves become, allowing them to focus on the Force itself. The most impressive lightsaber duels are between opponents who move from one sequence to another at staggering speed, probing for weaknesses in their adversaries and blocking enemy attacks. These duels are only won when a Jedi makes a mistake, either failing to anticipate a move or struggling to switch between specific sequences.

Ahsoka was probably one of the best duelists in the Jedi Order. This is because her master, Anakin Skywalker, insisted Ahsoka learn a lightsaber form called Djem So, essentially a sub-variant of Form V that’s tremendously effective in duels. As shown in Ahsoka, Anakin chose this form for his Padawan because he knew she could well go up against the likes of General Grievous, Asajj Ventress, and perhaps even Count Dooku. Djem So practitioners learn to recognize and counter the forms used by their enemies.

Baylan’s Lightsaber Form Makes Him Incredibly Difficult To Defat

Baylan Skoll leaps at Ahsoka Tano in Ahsoka episode 4

But this leads to one major problem for Ahsoka; she’s never faced an opponent like Baylan before. He has adapted Form V to suit his own unique lightsaber blade, meaning Ahsoka can’t fall back on her instinctive counters and focus on the Force. This perhaps explains why she never uses telekinesis to move the starmap in Ahsoka episode 5, instead resorting to a desperate grab at it that goes badly wrong. Baylan’s lightsaber form means she can’t truly relax and allow the Force to flow through her.

Star Wars has had many different Dark Jedi over the years (mostly in Legends). Baylan is the first one to use a lightsaber with different attributes to the ones viewers are familiar to, making him a true force to be reckoned with. Ahsoka showed just how dangerous he is, because he was able to take on the Padawan of Anakin Skywalker – and triumph. He is truly the most dangerous Dark Jedi in the franchise’s history.